Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities
Family name First name Patronymic |
Рosition | Аcademic Status | Academic Degree | Google Scholar | Scopus Author ID | Web of Science Researcher ID | ResearchGate ID | ORCID ID |
Hurko Olena Vasylivna | Head of the Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
Professor | Doctor of Philological Sciences | Olena Hurko | Olena Hurko | Olena Hurko | Olena Hurko | 0000-0002-2839-2400 |
Aliseienko Olha Mykolaivna | Associate Professor Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
Associate Professor | Candidate of Philological Sciences | Olha Aliseienko | Olha Aliseienko | Olga Aliseienko | 0000-0003-3840-7714 | |
Besarab Olena Mykolaivna | Associate Professor Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
Associate Professor | Candidate of Philological Sciences | Olena Besarab | Olena Besarab | Olena Besarab | Olena Besarab | 0000-0002-0793-2850 |
Vorova Tetiana Petrivna | Associate Professor Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
Associate Professor | Candidate of Philological Sciences | Tetyana Vorova | Tetyana Vorova | Tetyana Vorova | 0000-0002-7165-5907 | |
Honcharova Yuliia Stanislavivna | Associate Professor Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
Associate Professor | Candidate of Philological Sciences | Yuliia Honcharova | Yuliia Honcharova | Yuliia Honcharova | Yuliia Honcharova | 0000-0003-3302-1468 |
Novikova Olha Viktorivna | Associate Professor Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
Associate Professor | Candidate of Philological Sciences | Olha Novikova | Olha Novikova | Olha Novikova | Olha Novikova | 0000-0001-9119-5154 |
Posudievska Olha Rostyslavivina | Associate Professor Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
Associate Professor | Candidate of Philological Sciences | Olga Posudiyevska | Olga Posudiyevska | Olga Posudiyevska | Olga Posudiyevska | 0000-0002-5049-2192 |
Pryshchepa Tetiana Valeriivna | Associate Professor Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
Associate Professor | Candidate of Philological Sciences | Tetiana Pryshchepa | Tetiana Pryshchepa | Tetiana Pryshchepa | 0000-0002-0665-0907 | |
Styrnik Nataliia Serhiivna | Associate Professor Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
Associate Professor | Candidate of Philological Sciences | Nataliia Styrnik | Nataliia Styrnik | Nataliia Styrnik | Nataliia Styrnik | 0000-0002-5044-3120 |
Suima Iryna Pavlivna | Associate Professor Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
Associate Professor | Candidate of Philological Sciences | Suima Irina | Suima Irina | Suima Irina | Suima Irina | 0000-0002-2209-8614 |
Osadcha Olena Volodymyrivna | Senior lecturer Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
- | - | Olena Osadcha | Olena Osadcha | Olena Osadcha | Olena Osadcha | 0000-0003-1414-6345 |
Bovkunova Oksana Volodymyrivna | Lecturer Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
- | - | Oksana Bovkunova | Oksana Bovkunova | Oksana Bovkunova | 0000-0003-1946-4748 | |
Kaliberda Nataliya Volodymyrivna | Lecturer Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
- | - | Nataliia Kaliberda | Nataliia Kaliberda | Nataliia Kaliberda | Nataliia Kaliberda | 0000-0002-9503-8006 |
Mudrenko Hanna Anatoliivna | Lecturer Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
- | - | Hanna Mudrenko | Hanna Mudrenko | Hanna Mudrenko | 0000-0001-7476-4714 | |
Riabovol Svitlana Leonidivna | Lecturer Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
- | - | Svitlana Riabovol | Svitlana Riabovol | Svitlana Riabovol | Svitlana Riabovol | 0000-0001-7403-0382 |
Kutovyi Anton Borysovych | Assistant Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities |
- | - | Anton Kutovyi | Anton Kutovyi | Anton Kutovyi | 0009-0001-1557-7000 |
72 Nauky Avenue, Building 1, Room 1218
Phone: +38 (056) 374-98-82
E-mail: kafedra_UAN@i.ua
The Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities was created on the 18th of September 2020 from three previous departments which taught foreign languages for Humanitarian Specialities, Social and Economic Specialities, and Engineering, Technical and Natural Sciences.
Head of Department:
Professor Olena Vasylivna Hurko, Doctor of Philological Sciences.
Subjects: Academic Writing & English Language Communication; Theory & Practice of Translation; Conceptual Foundations of Modern Linguistics.
The Department teaching staff includes 1 Doctor of Philological Sciences, 9 PhDs, 1 senior lecturer, 5 lecturers and 1 assistant.
Dr Olha Mykolaivna Aliseienko, PhD, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes.
Dr Olena Mykolaivna Besarab, PhD, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
Subjects: Academic Writing & English Language Communication; Foreign Language – English; Theory & Practice of Translation, English for Specific Purposes.
Dr Tetiana Petrivna Vorova, PhD, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes.
Dr Yuliia Stanislavivna Honcharova, PhD, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
Subjects: Academic Writing & English Language Communication, Business English, Foreign Language – English, English for Specific Purposes.
Dr Olha Viktorivna Novikova, PhD, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes; English Speaking Skills: Strategies and Techniques, English Grammar and Vocabulary Practice for Master’s Degree Admissions.
Dr Olha Rostyslavivna Posudiievska, PhD, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes, English Speaking Skills: Strategies and Techniques, English Grammar and Vocabulary Practice for Master’s Degree Admissions; Professional Scientific and Technical Terminology in the Chemical Industry.
Dr Tetiana Valeriivna Pryshchepa, PhD, Candidate of Philological Sciences
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes.
Dr Nataliia Serhiivna Styrnik, PhD, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes.
Dr Iryna Pavlivna Suima, PhD, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes, English Grammar and Vocabulary Practice for Master’s Degree Admissions.
Senior Lecturer:
Olena Volodymyrivna Osadcha, Senior Lecturer.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes.
Oksana Volodymyrivna Bovkunova, Lecturer.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes.
Nataliya Volodymyrivna Kaliberda, Lecturer.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes.
Asia Albertivna Liuta, MA in English Language and Literature.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes.
Hanna Anatoliivna Mudrenko, Lecturer.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes.
Svitlana Leonidivna Riabovol, MA in English Language and Literature.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes; English Speaking Skills: Strategies and Techniques.
Anton Borysovych Kutovyi, Assistant.
Subjects: Foreign Language – English; English for Specific Purposes.
The Department provides English language teaching at 14 faculties for full- and part-time students on undergraduate (Bachelor) and post-graduate degree courses (Masters & PhD).
The lecturers actively interact with students at different stages of learning and use the Microsoft Office 365 distance-learning system.
Teaching at the Department uses modern methods and is based on the principles of student-centred learning, as well as on an individualised and personalised approach. The teachers conduct training sessions and master classes; they use the latest teaching methods.
(English Class, September 2021)
The Department conducts research into lexicology, linguistic stylistics, intercultural communication, cognitive linguistics, literary studies, and methods of teaching foreign languages. Research is published in the materials collection of the I All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference entitled Trends and Prospects for the Development of Foreign Language Teaching in an Innovative Society.
Academic and pedagogical staff of the department carry out research within the scope of the scientific topic Linguistic and Extralinguistic Aspects of Language Learning (state registration number №0122U001284, academic supervisor – Prof. Olena Hurko).
The lecturers of the department are members of specialised academic councils with the right to accept for consideration and conduct a one-time defence of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge 03 Humanities, 035 – Philology, as well as authoritative peer-reviewed journals of Ukraine Epistemological Studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences (Dnipro), Academic and Educational Review (Kyiv), Academic Works of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Kyiv), Ukrainian Sense (Dnipro).
(Defending the doctoral thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation
Speciality 035 – Philology, June 2024)
The priority for the Department’s research is the improvement of foreign language professional communication competence of students through the use of interactive teaching methods, as well as the introduction of academic writing in English.
The Department has initiated an annual English language competition at regional and university levels for students of humanities, economics, engineering and natural sciences.
(III Regional Student Olympiad in English, April 2024)
The Department also holds the All-Ukrainian Student Science Conference. This brings together young researchers and students of our region to exchange ideas and experience and to present the results of their own theoretical and practical research. This is presented in a journal Modern Scientific and Technical Research in the Language Space Context (https://confcontact.com/node/779).
(III All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical
Conference of Young Scholars, May 2024)
The most important recent research results have been published in the following monographs and textbooks:
- The Category of Assertion and its Expression in the Ukrainian Literary Language by Hurko O.V., 2017.
- The Language of Economic Space by Honcharova Y.S. & Kolomoichenko O.Y., 2021.
- Linguistic Interpretation of Graphic Design Nomens: History and the Present by Hurko O.V. & Popova I.S. 2023.
- Foreign Language Communication: Innovative and Traditional Approaches by Aliseienko O.M., Besarab O.M., Bovkunova O.V., Vorova T.P., Honcharova Yu. S., Hurko O.V., Kaliberda N.V., Mudrenko H. A., Novikova O. V., Osadcha O.V., Posudievska O.R., Pryshchepa T.V., Riabovol S.L., Styrnik N.S., Suima I. P. Issue 1, 2021, Issue 2, 2022, Issue 3, 2024.
- Developing Cross-Cultural Competence by Styrnik N., Shcholokova H., Robinson A., 2022.
- An English Grammar Handbook for Ukrainians by Styrnik N., Robinson A.,
The Department’s teaching staff constantly improve their skills, undertake international internships and are active participants in various courses, training sessions and webinars. They publish articles in academic journals included in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, and also participate in international projects. In particular, the department lecturers, Prof. Olena Hurko, Assoc. Prof. Nataliia Styrnik, Assoc. Prof. Yuliia Honcharova, Assoc. Prof. Olena Besarab, Lecturer Svitlana Riabovol, participate in the Erasmus+ project Modernization of University Education Programmes in Foreign Languages Integrating Information Technologies No. 101128713 (January 2024 – December 2026).
(Study Visit to Tampere University, Finland, January 2024)
(Study Visit to Maynooth University, Ireland, May 2024)
(Study Visit to the University of Western Macedonia, Kastoria, Greece, June 2024)
(Study Visit to Tampere University, Finland, August 2024)
The Department staff work with undergraduates and postgraduates from all faculties of the University.
(Postgraduate Students Writing an Exam in the DNU Library, September 2024)
The Department runs several student research study groups:
Language Educator (Linguoznavets).
Supervisor: Professor O.V. Hurko.
The Language of Economics (based on videomaterials).
Supervisor: Associate Professor O. M. Aliseienko.
English for Masters – Academic Writing.
Supervisor: Associate Professor Yu. S. Honcharova.
Instant English
Supervisor: Associate Professor O. V. Novikova.
Scientific and Technical Translation (Chemistry students).
Supervisor: Associate Professor O. R. Posudievska.
English for Specific Purposes.
Supervisor: Associate Professor T. V. Pryshchepa.
English Speaking Club.
Supervisor: Associate Professor N. S. Styrnik.
English for Professional Communication (Natural Science and Medical students).
Supervisor: Lecturer O. V. Osadcha.
English Language Club for Information Technology Students.
Supervisor: Lecturer N. V. Kaliberda.
English Language Club for Students of Economic Specialties (based on authentic materials).
Supervisor: Lecturer H. A. Mudrenko.
The World of Translation.
Supervisor: Lecturer S. L. Riabovol.
Problem Group Development of Translational Thought in Ukraine.
Supervisor: Lecturer O. V. Bovkunova.
University Club for Creative Youth ‘Parostky’ (‘Sprouts’)
Supervisor: Associate Professor O. M. Besarab.
(Students in the English Speaking Club)
Undergraduates and postgraduates are active in organising various events, including: International Translation Day, World Science Day, International Students’ Day, World Poetry Day, English Language Day, and Europe Day in Ukraine.
(Defenders Day in Ukraine)
The educational philosophy of our team: to guide not prohibit; to cooperate not manage; to convince not force; to organise not command!