
Chair of Administrative and Criminal Law
Address:49050, Dnipro, 13 Nauchnaya Str., build. 9, room 315Phone: +38 (056) 373–12–19
E-mail: 123criminal@ukr.net
The Head of Department is Korniakova Tatiana Vsevolodovna, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Grand PhD in Juridical Sciences, Professor.
Teaching staff of the Department:
Grand PhD in Juridical Sciences, Professor Korniakova Tatiana;
Grand PhD in Juridical Sciences, Full Professor Sokolenko Olga;
Grand PhD in Juridical Sciences, Professor Goshovskіy Volodymyr;
GrandPhD in Juridical Sciences, Professor Shuba Boris;
Grand PhD in Juridical Sciences, Professor Uvarov Volodymyr;
PhD in Juridical Sciences, Docent Yuzikova Nataliya;
PhD in Juridical Sciences, Docent Galaburda Nadejda;
PhD in Juridical Sciences, Docent Lytvyn Elena;
PhD in Public Administration Sciences, Docent Mizina Iryna;
PhD in Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor Sachko Alexander;
PhD in Juridical Sciences, Docent Shkola Sergey;
PhD in Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor Kobruseva Yevgeniya;
PhD in Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor Yakovenko Eugene;
senior lecturer Kheylyk Volodymyr;
senior lecturer Lakhova Elena;
senior lecturer Zhivova Julia;
lecturer Davydova Natalia;
lecturer Kuzmina Tamara.

- Organization of the judicial and law enforcement bodies of Ukraine;
- Fundamentals of legal and clinical practice;
- Legal deontology;
- Administrative law;
- Criminal law;
- The Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine;
- Criminal process;
- Forensics;
- Financial right;
- Criminology;
- Legal statistics;
- Penal law;
- Medical law,
- Tax law,
- Banking law;
- Administrative Justice (special course);
- Trial Advocacy (special course);
- Forensics (special course);
- Customs law;
- The administrative responsibility for violation of customs rules;
- Legal regulation of financial control;
- Legal problems of the fight against organized crime, corruption and its prevention measures;
- Lawyer in criminal and administrative proceedings;
- Actual problems of the criminal proceedings;
- Forensic science in jurisprudence and legislation of medical/clinical parasitology and tropical medicine;
- Juvenile justice;
- Administrative responsibility.
Chair from 2015 prepares postgraduate students on specialties 12.00.07 "Administrative Law and Process; Financial Right; Information Law" and 12.00.08 "Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminally-executive Law".
To ensure the educational process at the department works, created in 1998, teaching forensic science laboratory. The laboratory has: a computer lab, forensic testing ground ("pharmacy" and "living room"), which held workshops on technique, tactics and techniques of investigative actions, forensic created museum.
Registered Laboratory is financially-maintenance software to improve the educational process, namely the investigators bags, cameras, slide projectors, scientific videotapes, slides, forensic literature and manuals, all of this are used in the educational process of our students and the preparation of highly qualified specialists.
In the educational-methodical laboratory are: file criminal cases and magazines: "Law of Ukraine", "Bulletin of the Prosecutor's Office" and other literature, which was donated by educational-methodical laboratory of criminology to ensure the educational process of law students. Laboratory training ground, where the pharmacy layout investigator room, the layout of the living room, which simulated robbery carried out, thanks to this, students have the opportunity to acquire practical skills: to remove fingerprints, to describe the scene, draw up a report.

The Department with the help of electronic educational resources in all disciplines is carried out various kinds of training. This resource provides guidance, electronic lecture notes, "presentation" lectures, seminars plans, policy issues of current and final control, the issues of independent work of students, lists of recommended books, Internet - resources and disciplines presentation. All teachers of the department are adopting IT technologies in the educational process.
In recent years, the department was protected:
- PhD in Juridical Sciences (Kobruseva Y.A., Yakovenko E.A.);
- Grand PhD in Juridical Sciences (Shuba B.V., Sokolenko O.L., Uvarov V.G.).
Worthy contribution was made by teachers of the department in the treasury of scientific achievements: constantly issued by different scientific fields monographs, textbooks , promote the harmonious assimilation of relevant disciplines , both in Ukraine and abroad illuminate the various issues of law enforcement and law-making . All teachers, scientists, lawyers of the Department of Administrative and Criminal Law entered and will fit into the annals of the department and the faculty many bright pages.
Scientists have links with leading educational and scientific institutions of Ukraine regularly participate in scientific and practical conferences, are active law educational activities. Chair long time cooperates with Koretsky Institute of state and law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the State Penitentiary Service, main Administration of National Police in region, Main Territorial Department of Justice in the Dnipropetrovsk region, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Educational and Research Institute of National Aviation University, Faculty of Law of the National Mining University, V.V. Stashis Institute of Law of Classic Private University; Law Faculty of Zaporizhzhya National University. Now the department trains specialists in the field of administrative law and procedure, criminal law and procedure, taxation, customs law, administrative justice and criminology.
The scientific work of the teachers of the department published abroad: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Moldova, Slovenia, Germany.
There internships, exchange of experience and research organizations abroad.
Teaching staff of the Department prepared and published more than 200 scientific papers, monographs, textbooks, articles, among which:
- Кримінальне право (Загальна частина) [Текст]: практикум / Н.С. Юзікова. –Д.: РВВ ДНУ, 2013;
- Українське кримінальне право. Загальна частина: підручник/ В.О. Навроцький, П.С. Берзін, В.С.Ковальський, Т.А. Денісова, Н.С. Юзікова – К.: Юрінком Інтер, 2013;
- Кримінологія: курс лекцій / Корнякова, Т.В., Юзікова, Н.С. 2014;
- Кримінологія: навчальний посібник для підготовки до екзамену / Корнякова, Т.В., Юзікова, Н.С. 2015;
- Кримінологічна характеристика злочинності в історії людства: монографія/ Корнякова Т.В. Б.В. Шуба, О.Л.Соколенко, В.В.Фінчук, К.А. Марков, І.Є.Словська Д.: ЛІРА, 2015;
- Суспільство і злочиність неповнолітніх у розрізі епох (від Давнини і Середньовіччя до ХХІ століття): монографія Юзікова, Н.С. 2015;
- Теорія доказів: підручник для слухачів магістратури юридичних вузів / Антонов К. В., Сачко О. В., Тертишник В. М., Уваров В. Г./ За заг. ред. д.ю.н, професора В. М. Тертишника. – К.: Алерта, 2015;
- Податкове право: навчальний посібник /Мізіна, І.В. - Д.: ЛІРА, 2015;
- Фінансове право: навчальний посібник /Мізіна, І.В. - Д.: ЛІРА, 2015;
- Objectofadministrativeandlegalprotectionasabasicelementoftheirlegalstatussecuredbyappropriateguaranteesfromthegovernment /Соколенко, О.Л. (відп. ред) та ін. – Д.: Вид-во ЛІРА, 2015;
- Framework of media impact on a safe socialization of the child: a comparative analysis. Yuzikova, N.S. European Journal of Law and Politial Sciences. Vienna, Austria. - 3 2015 S. 76 – 79;
- Юзікова, Н.С. Практикум: Контрольно-модульний зошит дисципліни Кримінальне право України. Загальна частина для денної та заочної форм навчання, 2013.- 92с.;
- Кобрусєва Є. А. Способи протидії порушенню встановленого порядку організації або проведення мирних зібрань громадянами України / Є. А. Кобрусєва // LegalSiViata. – 2015. – № 3/3. – C. 37–41.
The student of UP-13-2 Danyliak Anzhela an internship program for Euroschool "Lithuania: History of a Successful Choice" (Vilnius, Lithuania).
Indoors teaching methods Laboratory of Criminology Faculty of Law held open days for students, where applicants and parents can listen to a lecture on the work of the laboratory, outstanding forensic exhibits and educational laboratory of great interest to visitors. The training-methodical laboratory of criminology conducted tours for students, students, and high school students. Repeatedly visited the forensics lab rectors of higher educational institutions , associate professor, doctor of law, candidates, foreign workers, photographers, editors, and even the second President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, all gave positive feedback and wished further prosperity and development.
Also round tables, conferences are also held in the premises of the laboratory, simulating court sessions, where students of different universities have the opportunity to show their skills, not only theoretical but also practical.