Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance
Address: Dnipro, 35, D. Yavornytskiy avenue, DNU building 5, room 73, 74Phone: +38 (056) 766-49-39, +38 (056) 372-58-77
E-mail: ei@ef.dnulive.dp.ua, ecb75@ukr.net
The Department is headed by the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Oksana Levkovich.
The Department has 5 teachers, including 2 doctors of economic sciences and professors, 2 PhD.

Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance provides training by specialty 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market of the Bachelor educational level degree (4 years) and Master educational level degree (1.5 years).
The main areas of research: financial regulation mechanism of the real economy of Ukraine; theoretical and methodological foundations of innovation aimed on improving the financial infrastructure of Ukraine; financial mechanism for the implementation of the financial policy of Ukraine; anti crisis management of the financial infrastructure stabilizing in the national economy; the strategic components of financial stability and security of the banking system and financial markets in Ukraine; the financial and credit mechanisms of convergent model of regional development in the transformation of the economic banking and non-banking sectors.
Practical preparation is an integral part of the educational process students. Beginning in the third year, all students pass industrial, undergraduate and management practice in institutions, banks, organizations, public authorities and enterprises of various forms property and management. Teachers of the department always help students in choosing a practice location.
[Production Practice Specialty 072 «Finance, Banking and Insurance»]
Undergraduate and postgraduate students have the opportunity to be enrolled for different educational programs at universities in Europe (Belgium, Bulgaria, the Great Britain, Greece, Germany, Poland, France), the USA and Canada. Together with doctoral students and teachers they participate in the scientific exchange programs of Fulbright Fund (the USA), the program of academic exchange with Germany “DAAD”, in international academic exchange programs “ERASMUS+” which is funded by the EU countries.