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Chair of Mathematical Analysis and Theory of functions

Head of the chair - Parfinovych Natalia Victorivna, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.
Tel: 776-82-41
The courses at the at the chair are provided by 22 Teachers: Professors, Doctors of Science - 4; lecturers, PhD - 16; teachers (assistants) - 2.

The chair of Mathematical Analysis started functioning in Dnepropetrovsk University in 1919. From the earliest days of the chair work, there were several scientists actively participating in its work: Professors Sharbe S.F., Hrdyna J.I., and especially Professor Hruzyntsev G.O. In 1923 Professor I.E. Ohiyevetskyy was elected as the head of the chair, where he remained for more than 25 years. On his initiative in 1935, the chair began the research conducted today as well, the theory of summation of series and integrals. In Dnepropetrovsk University used to come to lecture on mathematics defferent academics: S.N. Bernstein, V.I. Smirnov, Kolmogorov A.M., Alexandrov P.S., I.G. Petrovsky, prof. Sintsov D.M. At the initiative of A.N. Kolmogorov the chair has started research on approximation theory. His disciple, Academician Nikolsky S.M. had obtained his first scientific results when he was an employee of the chair of mathematical analysis. Since 1951 head of the chair of mathematical analysis was Associate Professor Alhimov M.G., from 1949 to 1961 he was also the Vice-Rector for Research . Since 1973 the chair was headed by professor Slipenchuk K.M., since 1983 - Associate Professor Grishin V.B., since 1988 - professor V.F. Babenko.

Theory of functions chair was established in 1935. The main area of research of the chair is related with extreme problems in the theory of functions and functional analysis. The general formulation of these problems belongs to Academician A.M.Kolmohorov. Lectures on functional analysis, taught in 30 years of this famous mathematician, considerably contributed to the development of scientific research in the DNU regarding the theory of functions. A.M.Kolmohorov in 1937 organized a scientific seminar in approximation theory that works in DNU todat as well. The first work on the theory of functions and functional analysis, which were performed at the chair belomgs to S.M.Nikolsky - Head of the chair from 1935 to 1940 , now - Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1940- 1950s S.M.Nikolsky received a number of important results in the theory of approximation, which was largely determined the further development and direction of research in the chair. Many of the problems that were raised by this scientist, managed to resolve DNU graduates V.K. Dzyadyk, A.F. Timan, M.P.Kornyeychuk and others. The fundamental work of academician of NAS of Ukraine M.P.Kornyeychuk (Head of Department from 1963 to 1974) plays an important role in the subject of research in recent years. M.P.Kornyeychuk's students, in particular, are currently the members of the department - Associate Professors V.L. Velykin, V.H. Doronin, V.I. Ruban.