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Department of Economic Modeling, Accounting, and Statistics

Name and Surname Position Academic title Academic degree Google Scholar Scopus Author ID Web of Science Researcher ID Researchgate ID ORCID ID
Nataliia Nebaba Head of the Department Professor Doctor of Economic Sciences Nataliia Nebaba 57208062219 U-8721-2017 Nataliia Nebaba 0000-0003-1264-106X
Oxana Yelisyeyeva Professor Professor Doctor of Economic Sciences Oxana Yelisyeyeva 56444426100 U-1632-2017 Oxana Yelisyeyeva 0000-0003-4907-5700
Roman Ivanov Professor Professor Doctor of Economic Sciences Roman Ivanov 57216844289 U-4284-2017 Roman Ivanov 0000-0003-2086-5004
Valentina Volkova Associate Professor Associate Professor Candidate of Economic Sciences Valentina Volkova   U-8986-2017 Valentina Volkova 0000-0002-6716-2720
Voladymyr Katan Associate Professor Associate Professor Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Voladymyr Katan 57222709561 U-9836-2017 Volodymyr Katan 0000-0001-9167-2619
Vasyl Bielozertsev Associate Professor Associate Professor Candidate of Economic Sciences Vasyl Bielozertsev 57362322500 U-9008-2017 Vasyl Bielozertsev 0000-0003-4191-9382
Igor Tarlopov Associate Professor Associate Professor Candidate of Economic Sciences Igor Tarlopov 57362013000 U-5489-2017 Igor Tarlopov 0000-0002-5715-9675
Karyna Trostianska Associate Professor   Candidate of Economic Sciences Karyna Trostianska 57209532239 U-8405-2017 Karyna Trostianska 0000-0002-7970-9367
Olha Romanova Senior Lecturer     Olha Romanova   U-3409-2017 Olha Romanova 0000-0002-9606-7263
Lilya Harakoz Senior Lecturer     Lilya Harakoz   U-2262-2017 Lilya Harakoz 0000-0001-5692-5844
Address: Dnipro, D. Yavornytsky Ave, 35; Building 5 of DNU, Room 55
Phone: +38 (056) 766-49-38
Department website: https://dnu-emo.dp.ua/
Department Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dnu.emo
Department Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dnu.emo/
The Head of the Department is Nataliia Nebaba, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.
Academic and teaching staff of the department

The Head of the Department – Nataliia Nebaba, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. She teaches the following courses: "Accounting", "Fundamentals of Economic-Mathematical Research", "Economic-Mathematical Methods and Models: Econometrics" and "Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research in Accounting, Analysis, and Audit". Research interests include the economics and organization of business, information systems and technologies in international relations and tourism, calculations and documentation support in business, international production-cooperation relations, international tourism and hotel-restaurant business, financial flows of economic entities, the world market of goods and services, international economic relations. Contacts: nebaba_n@365.dnu.edu.ua

Oxana Yelisyeyeva – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine. A member of the international public organisation "Council of Independent Accountants and Auditors". She teaches the following courses: "Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research", "Financial Analysis", "Statistical Analysis and Audit of the Green Economy", "Statistical Study of Socio-Economic Development" and "Business Management Information Systems". Research interests include statistical assessment of green economy development, statistical methods to study economic processes at macro and micro levels, research of accounting processes and formation of accounting and statistical information for managerial decision-making; and business process modelling. Contacts: yelisieieva_o@365.dnu.edu.ua

Roman Ivanov – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. He teaches the following courses: "Economic-Mathematical Methods and Models: Optimization Methods and Models", and "Decision Support Systems". Contacts: ivanov_r@365.dnu.edu.ua

Vasyl Bielozertsev – Associate Professor of the department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. A member of the international public organisation "Council of Independent Accountants and Auditors". A practising accountant with over 15 years of experience as a chief accountant. Holds certificates in "SQL Database Development", "BAS: Professional", and "BAS: Certified Training Center Instructor". He teaches the following courses: "Management Systems and Database Analysis Methods", "Database Design Technology", "Tools of Modern Economic Analysis and Data Mining", "Information Systems and Technologies in Economics", «Information Systems and Technologies for Supporting Economic Activities», "Information Systems and Technologies in Accounting and Audit", "Automation of Document Flow", "Management Information Systems in Accounting, Analysis, and Taxation", "Accounting in Applied Software Products". Research interests include Database management systems, Algorithms and Data Structures, Data Analytics, Big Data, Business Intelligence business process automation, electronic document management, end-to-end analytics in marketing, information systems and technologies in accounting and taxation and management information systems. Contacts: bielozertsev_v@365.dnu.edu.ua

Valentina Volkova – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. She teaches the following courses: "Economic Risks and Their Analysis", "Economic-Mathematical Modeling of World Economic Processes" and "Forecasting of Socio-Economic Processes". Contacts: volkova_v@365.dnu.edu.ua

Voladymyr Katan – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. He teaches the following courses: "Cybernetic Analysis: Economic-Mathematical Methods and Applications", "Information Support of Economic Activity" and "Information Support of Entrepreneurial Entities’ Activity". Contacts: katan_v@365.dnu.edu.ua

Igor Tarlopov – Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. A member of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Ecological Association "Green World". He teaches the following courses: "Analysis in Economic Sectors", "Analytical Support for Managerial Decision Making", "Business Statistics", "Statistical Analysis of Markets" and "Statistics of Foreign Economic Activity". Research interests: are statistical analysis and modeling of mass processes. Contacts: tarlopov_i@365.dnu.edu.ua

Karyna Trostianska – Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences. A member of the Professional Organization of Auditors, Accountants, and Teachers "OKD". A member of the Educational Center "Open Knowledge". She teaches the following courses: "Accounting and Audit", "Analysis of Economic Activity", "Risk Management and Internal Control", "Tax and Levy Administration", "Analytical Support for Managerial Decisions in Taxation", "Green Economy", "Statistical Analysis of Non-Linear Economic Systems". Her research interests: modelling evaluation and management of reputation risk of economic entities, methodology of modelling a viable management system for a territorial community and accounting-analytical support for the management of an economic subject. Contacts: trostianska_k@365.dnu.edu.ua

Olha Romanova – Senior Lecturer. A member of the international public organisation "Council of Independent Accountants and Auditors". She teaches the following courses: "Accounting", "Accounting (General Theory)", "Enterprise Reporting", "Accounting for Small Business Entities". Her research interests: accounting for human capital. Contacts: romanova_o@365.dnu.edu.ua

Lilya Harakoz – Senior Lecturer. A member of the international public organisation "Council of Independent Accountants and Auditors". She teaches the following courses: "Accounting", "Financial Accounting", "Accounting by Types of Economic Activity", "Audit", "Organization and Methodology of Audit" and "Analysis of Financial Statements". Research interests: are accounting, analysis, and audit in enterprises of various industries and forms of ownership. Contacts: kharakoz_l@365.dnu.edu.ua

The department offers training at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in specialities 051 "Economics" (EP "Digital and Information Economy", "Economic Cybernetics" and "Business Analytics"), 071 "Accounting and Taxation" ("Business Consulting") and the second (master's) level of higher education in specialities 051 "Economics" (EP "Economic Cybernetics", "Business Analytics and Information Security"), and the third educational-scientific (postgraduate) level in the speciality "Economics". The educational program includes:

• Extended economic training (Economics, modern economic analysis, management, marketing, finance and credit, accounting and audit, economics of the country, industry, region, enterprise, etc.)
• In-depth mathematical profile (business analytics and Data Mining; operations research, econometrics, forecasting and diagnostics, economic modelling, etc.)
• A high level of information technologies (database design, algorithmization and programming languages, e-commerce, payment systems, etc.)

Today, the department teaches over 70 disciplines, including economic-mathematical methods and models: econometrics, accounting and audit, accounting and reporting in taxation, analytical support for managerial decision-making, business process modelling, business statistics, information-analytical support for making social and environmental decisions, information systems and technologies in accounting and audit, international financial reporting standards, database management systems, etc.

Both traditional and innovative teaching methods and technologies are applied in the educational process, using the latest multimedia equipment, including business and role-playing games, workshops, case technologies, analytical records, training, elements of research activities and exploratory work, practical classes using modern information technologies, elements of distance learning with the development of educational courses are introduced.

The department conducts scientific work on state budget topics:
• "Modeling of socio-economic processes and systems in the context of sustainable development";
• "Methodological support for the management of socio-ecological systems in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy".

The high level of economic, mathematical, and information training allows graduates of the department to integrate into the university education system in foreign countries and freely improve their knowledge in leading universities in the USA, France, Germany, Lithuania, Greece, Poland, the Czech Republic, and other countries, to be in demand in the labour market in various sectors of the economy.

Students of the department participate in programs of scientific international exchanges - individually based on competitive selection for a specific academic program or within the existing cooperation and scientific exchange agreements between universities. In particular, students of the department studied at such universities as the University of Lodz (Poland), University of Wroclaw (Poland); University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov" (Burgas, Bulgaria), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR, Rotterdam, Netherlands), Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA, master's program in agricultural economics).

The department staff maintain close ties with the scientific community, in particular, within the framework of the International Academic Exchange Program "ERASMUSMUNDUS-BMU-MID", the International Scientific and Educational Project "Formation of the Quality of Goods and Services in the Markets of Central and Eastern Europe".

Students become winners and scholarship holders in annual competitions, olympiads, and innovative projects: All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in natural, technical and humanitarian sciences in the field of science "Accounting, analysis and audit", All-Ukrainian competition of diploma works of students of higher educational institutions of education in the speciality "Accounting and taxation"; All-Ukrainian student Olympiad in the discipline "Statistics"; All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works of students "Tomorrow.UA"; International Bukovinian Festival of Science; Innovative project "Educational platform OWL"; All-Ukrainian competition "Accounting", conducted by the All-Ukrainian professional public organization "Federation of Auditors, Accountants and Financiers of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Ukraine" (FABF AICU).

The department staff pay great attention to organizational and educational work, which involves revealing the talents and abilities of young people, active cooperation with students and graduates and forming a single strong team. The department annually hosts Department Day in December, which is eagerly attended by teachers, students, and graduates, allowing everyone to feel part of our friendly family. The department's students and teachers actively spend the winter holidays, traveling around Ukraine. The International Day of Statistics, the Accountant's Day and the International Day of Cybernetics are celebrated annually together.