Chair of Technology of Aircraft Manufacturing
Head - Dzhur Evgen Oleksiyovych, PhD, professor.Tel: 373-12-30
Courses are provided by 6 professors, 13 associate professors, 6 assistant professors, 2 lecturers.
The department trains specialists for the qualification of "bachelor" in the areas of "Engineering Materials" and "Engineering Mechanics" and educational specialist's degree and masters in "Applied Materials" and "Tools and systems."
Main areas of research:
- Development of new technologies in mechanical engineering;
- Developing designs and technology of welded joints;
- Automation and computerization of processes in engineering;
- Development of new materials and technologies for their preparation in engineering;
- Developing designs and technologies for PCBs;
- Development of new powder and composite materials and processes for their preparation;
- Development of radiation-protective materials and manufacturing technology for the products.
At the fundamental enterprise "Southern Machine-Building Plant " and at the Ukrainian Research Institute "Mechanical Engineering" the branch of the chair is permanently carrying out its work. The structure of the Chair includes three laboratories: industrial technology, research technology of PCB research laboratory of physics and technology of sintering powders.