Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Adress: Str. Naukova, 9, build. 12 of DNUPhone: +38 (056) 374-97-29
E-mail: kaf_asoi@ukr.net
The Head of the Department is Hnatushenko Volodymyr Volodymyrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor.
The Department has: Ph.D, Associate Professor Dolgov V.M., Ph.D Associate Professor Vovk S.M., Ph.D., associate Professor Volkovsky O.S., Ph.D., associate Professor Derevianko O.I., Ph.D., associate Professor Salikov V.O., Ph.D., associate Professor Safarov O.O., Ph. D., associate Professor Sprintsev V.V., Ph.D., associate Professor Prokofiev T.A., Ph. D., associate Professor Suschevsky D.V., Ph.D., senior Lecturer Yegorov A.O., associate Professor Kashtan V.U., Ph. D., Lecturer Sokolova N.O. and assistant Shedlowska Y.I.
The Department has: Ph.D, Associate Professor Dolgov V.M., Ph.D Associate Professor Vovk S.M., Ph.D., associate Professor Volkovsky O.S., Ph.D., associate Professor Derevianko O.I., Ph.D., associate Professor Salikov V.O., Ph.D., associate Professor Safarov O.O., Ph. D., associate Professor Sprintsev V.V., Ph.D., associate Professor Prokofiev T.A., Ph. D., associate Professor Suschevsky D.V., Ph.D., senior Lecturer Yegorov A.O., associate Professor Kashtan V.U., Ph. D., Lecturer Sokolova N.O. and assistant Shedlowska Y.I.

Anton Stanchits took 1st place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student's scientific works 2013/2014 academic year (Supervisor – Prof. V. Hnatushenko)
Professors of the Department teach more than 40 courses, including: "Object-oriented programming", "Algorithmic and programming", "Operating system", "System programming", "Advanced programming chapters", "Modern programmer's Toolkit", "Methods and systems of artificial intelligence", "Language of structured query", "Cross-Platform programming", "Multimedia programming", "Software of computer networks", "Information Protection in computer networks", "Digital signal processing", "Adaptive methods of signals and images processing”, "Methods of pattern recognition", "Decision theory", "Technology of creation of software products", "Modern control theory", "Technology computer-aided design”, “Computer circuitry and architecture of computer", "Designing real-time systems", "Methods of image processing and computer vision", "Theory of algorithms", "Digital signal processors", "System modeling", "Technologies of distributed systems and parallel computing", "Web technology and web design", etc.

Bogdan Chupyna took 1st place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student's scientific works 2014/2015 academic year (Supervisor – Prof. V. Hnatushenko)
Department was founded at the Radiophysics Department in 1989 and trained systems engineers specialty 2202 "Automated Systems of Information Processing and Control" (1998 – "Information Control Systems and Technologies"). The founder of the Department was Professor V.M. Dolgov, who put a lot of efforts for the formation and development of this direction in the DNU, and he works at the Department now. The first graduation of students was held in 1994. Since 1993, the training under the "Bachelor – Specialist" in the direction of "Computer information technologies" (2004 – "Computer science") and the speciality "Computerized systems of information processing and control"; since 1997 – according to the three-level system "Bachelor – Specialist – Master".
Now the Department provides a full cycle of training of specialists in 122 specialty “Computer Science and Information Technologies” from bachelor to Candidate of technical Sciences (Ph.D).
Now the Department provides a full cycle of training of specialists in 122 specialty “Computer Science and Information Technologies” from bachelor to Candidate of technical Sciences (Ph.D).

Оleg Prokopchuk took 1st place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student's scientific works 2015/2016 academic year (Supervisor – Prof. V. Hnatushenko)
The Department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor Hnatushenko Volodymyr. He is a member of the expert Council of the Department of Personnel certification of the MES, the author of many scientific articles, textbooks, the author patents and copyright certificates for inventions. Professor V.V. Hnatushenko a member of the editorial Board of a number of prominent international scientific journals, conducts a significant scientific and organizational work on preparation of highly qualified scientific personnel. Also he supervises post-graduate students and applicants of scientific degree. Under his leadership, prepared and defended 5 Ph.D theses.

Masters take part in International scientific-practical conference "Advanced Mathematical Methods of Space Information Processing and Analysis"
The Department operates post-graduate and doctoral studies in specialities 05.13.06 – "Information Technologies" and 05.01.01 – "Applied Geometry and Engineering Graphics". Prof. V.V. Hnatushenko is the Deputy Chairman of the specialized scientific Council, which operates in the DNU on the defense of theses of these specialties. The methodical team led by head of the Department constantly develops training programs, laboratory work, packages of complex control works (CCR), complex control tasks (CCT).

Prof. V. Hnatushenko (left) with foreign scientists on XXIII ISPRS Congress, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic
The Department maintains relations with the companies involved in the introduction of modern information technologies. All laboratory work is equipped with electronic manual guides. The staff of the Department performs state budget scientific research work "Methods and Information Technologies of digital processing of multichannel data" (registration number 0116U001297). Active participation of professors in research activities significantly increases not only their professional skills, but also provides a high-quality training of students. The use of scientific achievements in training specialists is essential for the formation of national staff that is able to develop, implement and operate a new high-tech technology in strategically important technical area of our country. Students from second to fifth year courses are actively involved in scientific researches of the Department. Results of their works are published in proceedings of scientific conferences, has published articles. Students are active participants and winners of numerous national competition of student’s scientific researches and Olympiads on programming.
Separately saying about the employment of graduates of the Department. The analysis in recent years suggests that the majority of graduates is employed exactly according to their qualifications and has held various positions in the IT sector: software development, 3D-design, management ICs and so on. For years of existence the Department has trained many highly qualified professionals for companies in the IT sector, which successfully operate in Ukraine and abroad, including in DNU O. Honchar, National metallurgical academy of Ukraine, CB "PrivatBank", DB "Yuznoe", joint-stock company "DTEK Dniprooblenergo", Genomic Vision, Orange–France Telecom, CentraleSupélec, Cyclopus SAS, Philips Research, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Accuray, etc.
Separately saying about the employment of graduates of the Department. The analysis in recent years suggests that the majority of graduates is employed exactly according to their qualifications and has held various positions in the IT sector: software development, 3D-design, management ICs and so on. For years of existence the Department has trained many highly qualified professionals for companies in the IT sector, which successfully operate in Ukraine and abroad, including in DNU O. Honchar, National metallurgical academy of Ukraine, CB "PrivatBank", DB "Yuznoe", joint-stock company "DTEK Dniprooblenergo", Genomic Vision, Orange–France Telecom, CentraleSupélec, Cyclopus SAS, Philips Research, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Accuray, etc.