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Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management

Full name Position Academic status Scientific degree Google Scholar Scopus Author ID Web of Science Researcher ID Researchgate ID ORCID ID
Tetiana Hviniashvili Head of the Department Assosiate professor Candidate of Economics Sciences Tetiana Hviniashvili 56786197300 K-6371-2017 Tetiana Hviniashvili 0000-0002-
Tetiana Grynko professor professor Doctor of Economics Sciences Tetiana Grynko 56786484800 C-8756-2016 Tetiana Grynko 0000-0002-
Ilona Semencha professor professor Doctor of Economics Sciences Ilona Semencha 57209535827  S-4143-2017  Ilona Semencha 0000-0002-8736-3992
Tetiana Yarovenko professor Assosiate professor Doctor of Economics Sciences Tetiana Yarovenko 55319991700 U-1649-2017 Tetiana Yarovenko 0000-0002-4665-6502
Tetyana Oliynik Assosiate professor Assosiate professor Candidate of Economics Sciences Tetyana Oliynik 57211217824     0000-0003-
Roman Pavlov Assosiate professor Assosiate professor Candidate of Economics Sciences Roman Pavlov 57191747161 S-2421-2017 Roman Pavlov 0000-0001-
Serhii Kucherenko Assosiate professor Assosiate professor Candidate of Economics Sciences Serhii Kucherenko  - T-6881-2017 Serhii Kucherenko 0000-0002-
Vladyslav Yakovenko professor professor Candidate of Economics Sciences Vladyslav Iakovenko  - U-7113-2017 Vladyslav Iakovenko 0000-0002-
Natalia Kuriacha Assosiate professor   Candidate of Economics Sciences Natalia Kuriacha   B-8351-2018 Natalia Kuriacha 0000-0002-7105-9232
Ulyana Petrinyak Assosiate professor Assosiate professor Candidate of Economics Sciences   57476537900      
Lyudmila Gordeeva-Gerasimova Senior lecturer      Liudmyla Hordieieva-Herasymova     T-6450-2017     Liudmyla Hordieieva-Herasymova 0000-0002-8845-2890

Address: Dnipro, 35 D. Yavornytskyi Avenue; 5 corp. DNU, room 53
Phone:+38 (056) 744-24-97
E-mail: ep@ef.dnu.edu.ua
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eup.dp.ua/

Management and scientific and pedagogical staff of the department

The head of the department is Tetiana Gviniashvili, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine.

Teaches educational disciplines: "Business strategy", "Economics and organization of innovative activity", "Innovative development of the enterprise".

Scientific interests: management of changes at the enterprise in the conditions of its innovative development.

The department employs 10 teachers, including 3 doctors of economic sciences and 6 candidates of sciences, 1 senior teacher, 1 assistant, who are highly qualified specialists in various fields of economics and management.

Tetiana Grynko - doctor of economic sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine.

Teaches educational disciplines: "Business Strategy", "Strategic Enterprise Management", "Management of Changes and Enterprise Development".

Scientific interests: innovative development mechanisms of industrial enterprises; management of the business entities' competitiveness.

Tetyana Yarovenko - doctor of economic sciences, professor.

Teaches educational disciplines: "Training of business processes", "Economics and organization of small business", "Organization of production and trade", "Project analysis".

Serhiy Kucherenko - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor.

Teaches educational disciplines: "Economics of the enterprise", "Organization of foreign economic activity of business entities", "Entrepreneurship and business culture", "Management of foreign economic activity of business entities", "Economics and finances of the enterprise".

Scientific interests: issues of providing Ukrainian enterprises with foreign investments; improvement of industrial enterprises' business structures; assessment of the enterprise management systems' effectiveness; problems of increasing the profitability of domestic industrial enterprises.

Roman Pavlov– candidate of economic sciences, associate professor.

Teaches educational disciplines: "Investment activity of the enterprise", "Organization and management of electronic commerce", "Organization and technology of stock exchange activity", "Technique of stock exchange activity" and others.

Scientific interests: stock market activity; diagnostics of bankruptcy; logistics management of business entities.

Vladyslav Yakovenko – candidate of economic sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, associate professor.

Teaches educational disciplines: "Formation of the business model of the enterprise", "Potentials and development of the enterprise", "Economics and organization of innovative activity", "Technologies of justification and promotion of startup projects", "Innovative entrepreneurship and management of startup projects".

Scientific interests: modeling of business processes, forecasting of socio-economic processes, creative economy, DataScience, social engineering.

Ilona Semencha - doctor of economic sciences, professor.

Teaches educational disciplines: "Management of commercial affairs", "Training course Creating your own business", "Commercialization of an business idea", "Justification of business decisions and risk assessment", "Training course "How to make money during a crisis".

Nataliya Kuryacha - candidate of economic sciences, associate.

Teaches educational educational disciplines: "Taxation of business entities", "Business communications", "Business in social networks", "Economic analysis", "Critical thinking in business", "Imagiology".

Lyudmila Hordeeva-Gerasimova - senior lecturer.

Teaches disciplines: "Cost Management", "Anti-Crisis Management of Enterprises", "Business Ethics", "Comprehensive Training Course".

Ulyana Petrynyak - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor.

Teaches educational disciplines: "Business modeling in business and trade", "Organization of production".

Scientific interests: management of business structures' competitiveness, marketing and management of enterprise activities.

Tetyana Oliynyk - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor.

Teaches disciplines: "Business modeling in entrepreneurship and trade", "Anti-crisis management of the enterprise", "Planning and control at the enterprise", "Business modeling at the enterprise".

Scientific interests of T.I. Oliynyk covers a wide range of problems in the economy, globalization, management, development, human resources, intellectualization, informatization, marketing, dynamic capabilities, migration, tourism.

Department's educational activities

The Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management is a graduate school at two levels of higher education:

- the first (bachelor) level – 3 years and 10 months of study in the specialty 076 "Entrepreneurship and trade" (educational program "Economics of the enterprise and business organization") in full-time, part-time and evening forms of study
- the first (bachelor) level – 2 years and 10 months of study (on the basis of the degree of professional junior bachelor, junior specialist) in the specialty 076 "Entrepreneurship and trade" in full-time, part-time and evening forms of study
- second (master's) level - 1 year 4 months of study (on the basis of a bachelor's degree) in the specialty 076 "Entrepreneurship and trade" (educational programs: "Economics of the enterprise and business management") in full-time, part-time and evening forms study
- the second (master's) level - 1 year 4 months of study (based on a bachelor's degree) in the specialty 073 Management (educational program: "Business Administration") in full-time and part-time forms of study
Scientific activity of the department

In recent years, 4 doctoral theses and more than 20 candidate theses have been completed and defended at the department. Currently, the department offers post-graduate and doctoral courses in the specialty "Entrepreneurship, trade and stock market activity".

Scientific and pedagogical workers carry out research within the framework of the scientific fundamental topic of the department: "Conceptual principles of adapting business models and processes of enterprises to conditions of economic instability" head, Doctor of Economics, professor T.V. Grynko.

In 2017, the teachers of the department developed the scientific project "Concept of transformation of the organizational and economic mechanism of management and logistics of business entities in the system of economic security of Ukraine", which won the competition of scientific research works and is financed from the state budget.

With the active participation of the department, the journal EconomicStabilityStudies is published, which is included in the list of specialized scientific publications in economic sciences.

Every year, the staff of the department holds an International Scientific and Practical Conference, in which representatives of scientific schools from Germany, France, Poland, Lithuania and other EU countries participate.

The most significant research results of the conference participants are published in collective monographs: " Development management of business entities: mechanisms, realities, prospects" (2018), " Development management of business entities in the context of the challenges of the XXI century" (2019), "Theory and practice of management of business entities" (2020), "Actual aspects of business entities development in the conditions of the global economy" (2021), "Economics and management 2022: Perspectives of integration and innovative development" (2022 .), "Entrepreneurship: modern challenges, trends and transformations" (2023) edited by Professor T. V. Grynko.

In 2019-2020 the teachers of the department published the manual "Management of changes and development of the enterprise" (authors: T.V. Grynko, T.Z. Gviniashvili), the collective monograph "Formationonorganizational-economicmechanismofmanagementand logisticsofbusinessentitiesinthesystemofeconomicsecurityofUkraine" (authors: V.G. Bykova, L.A. Velychko., Gviniashvili T.Z., Grynko T.V., Lemberg A.G., Pavlov R.A., Timar I.V.) and others.

Over the past five years, teachers, graduate students, applicants and students of the department have participated in more than 753 international and all-Ukrainian conferences, published more than 220 scientific articles, 28 monographs, including in journals included in the Scopus, WebofScience scientometric databases.

The promising development direction of the department is integration into the world scientific community, raising the level of scientific developments in accordance with modern European and world standards.
Scientific work of students

The department pays great attention to the organization of scientific research work of students. This approach meets the modern requirements of the European educational process, promotes the increase of students' interest in the results of their studies, and the acquisition of practical research work skills.

Students take an active part in scientific and practical seminars, conferences, Olympiads and competitions of various levels, which significantly increases the quality of preparation of diploma theses at the bachelor's and master's educational and qualification levels from the point of view of their practical implementation.

According to the results of the students' research work "Current aspects of the economic processes development in Ukraine", a collection of materials of the student scientific and practical conference is published annually, which reflects the results of the students' research work.

Within the framework of scientific work with students, the department operates scientific workshops: "Current problems of enterprises' management of Ukraine" (supervisors: Doctor of Economics, Professor I.E. Semencha), "Modern problems of the development of business entities" (supervisor: c.e.s., associate professor S.K. Kucherenko) and "Modern trends in the development of entrepreneurship and trade" (supervisors: Doctor of Economics, associate professor T.S. Yarovenko).

The most active members of the workshop received recommendations for admission to a master's degree, employment, and participation in summer schools abroad.

The department pays considerable attention to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies, where full-time and part-time postgraduate students and doctoral students study.

Students take an active part in scientific research competitions, become graduates of the "Intellect-Creativity-Success" competition with a monetary grant for continuing scientific research, participants in the ZAVTRA.UA scholarship program and master classes of world-renowned leading economist scientists.
International activity

The department's international activity is carried out in the following directions: participation of the department's teachers in international conferences and symposia, cooperation with educational institutions of other countries, joint international scientific developments in the field of economics.

Based on this, the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Management has established fruitful relations with universities: University of Applied Sciences (Mittweida, Germany), Higher Linguistic School (Czestochowa, Poland), Klaipeda University (Klaiped, Lithuania) , University of Professor Dr. Asen Zlatarov (Burgas, Bulgaria), Institute of Economics named after PaataHugushvili of Ivan Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Tbilisi, Georgia).

Students have the opportunity to study in various programs at universities in Europe (Poland, Italy, Belgium, France) under the International Academic Exchange Programs ERASMUS MUNDUS-BMU-MID, FNEGE (France), which provide for a two-semester study and internship with a scholarship in one of nine partner universities of the Western Europe project: University of Algarve (Portugal), Humboldt University Berlin (Germany), University of Bologna (Italy), University of Bordeaux 1 (France), University of Deusto (Spain), PultuskAcademy of Humanities (Poland), AristotleUniversity of Thessaloniki (Greece), University of Turku (Finland) , Vilnius University (Lithuania).

The department ensures the participation of students in international academic exchange projects. In particular, cooperation is carried out with the Higher School of Occupational Health and Safety Management (WSZOP) in the city of Katowice (Poland) within the framework of the joint educational Master's Program Two Diplomas and the Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland) under the Student Academic Mobility Program.
A breakthrough in the department's international activities was the holding of the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economics and Management: Prospects for Integration and Innovative Development with the Participation of Scientists from the European Union."

Teachers of the department regularly undergo internships abroad and attend seminars conducted by experts from European countries: FoundationNationalepourL'EtseignementdelaGestiondesEnterprises (FNEGE), France; EcoleSuperieurInternationaledeCommerce (ESIDEC), France; Kozmibski University, Poland; McGill University, Canada; INWENT – InternationaleWeiterbildungundEntwicklunggGmbH Germany; CaelDuisbergCentrendemeinnutzigeGmbH (Germany), "Ukrainian initiative" - retraining program of management personnel (project financed by the European Union).

The development of international cooperation, integration into the European educational space is one of the promising areas of activity of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Management in the nearest future.