Department of International Economics and World Finances
Dnipro, 35, D. Yavornytskiy avenue, DNU building 5, room 59, 60E-mail: int_finance@i.ua
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Department of International Economics and World Finance provides training of students Bachelor
Programme Subject Area: С1 Economics
Educational Programme: International Economics
Department of International Economics and World Finance provides training of students Master
Programme Subject Area: С1 Economics
Educational Programme: International Economics
Head of the Department is Natalya Krasnikova, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor.
The educational process is provided by: 1 doctors of economic sciences, professors, 8 candidates of economic sciences, associate professors, 1 teachers.

Krasnikova Natalya – Head of the Department of International Economics and World Finance, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
She teaches academic disciplines: “International Strategies for Economic Development”, “Microeconomics”, “Customs Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity”, “Regulation of International Trade”.
Scientific interests: international trade regulation, international economic development strategies, international tourism, sustainable development.
Contacts: krasnikova_n@365.dnu.edu.ua
Macedon Vyacheslav – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics and World Finance.
He teaches academic disciplines: “Macroeconomics”, “Regional Economy”, “Global Activities of International Companies”, “Global Marketing Activities”, “Global Logistics Systems”.
Scientific interests: digital economy, global strategies of TNCs, corporate governance, international marketing activities.
Contacts: makedon_v@365.dnu.edu.ua
Dziad Elena – Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and World Finance.
Teaches the following subjects: "International Economics“, “World Market Conditions“, “International and European Integration“, “International Market Analysis“, “European Integration of Ukraine“.
Scientific interests: international markets for goods and services, international and European economic integration, institutionalization of the international economy.
Contacts: dziad_o@365.dnu.edu.ua
Olha Myhailenko (Olga Mihaylenko) – Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and World Finance.
Teaches the following subjects: “Foreign economic activity of Ukraine”, “International Business”, “International Insurance System”, “Accounting and analytical support of international operations”.
Scientific interests: international trade, international business, international economic relations, foreign economic activity of Ukraine.
Contacts: mykhailenko_o@365.dnu.edu.ua
Ogdanskaya Olga – Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and World Finance.
Teaches academic disciplines: "Management of international competitiveness", "International Insurance System", "International economy", “International Relations and World Politics”.
Scientific interests: global economy, global investment activity, stock markets, international financial diplomacy.
Contacts: ogdanska_о@365.dnu.edu.ua
Pashchenko Olha – Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and World Finance.
Teaches academic disciplines: "International Finance", "Financial Globalization", "How to Open a Startup from Scratch".
Scientific interests: international investment, international financial markets, cryptocurrencies, regionalization of international trade, activities of international stock exchanges, startups, international tourism.
Контакти: pashchenko_o@365.dnu.edu.ua
Chaika Yulia – Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and World Finance.
Teaches the following academic disciplines: “Microeconomics and Macroeconomics”, “Fundamentals of Economic Knowledge”, “Economic Theory”, training course
“International Strategies of Sustainable Development”, “State Regulation of the Economy in the Global Environment”.
Research interests: structural features of the development of the national economy, sustainable development of the economy, investment processes.
Contacts: chaika_yu@365.dnu.edu.ua
Teaches the following subjects: "Communications of MEI subjects", "Research and innovation activities in international economic relations", "International investment activities", "Risks of international economic relations".
Research interests: monetary policy of countries in the world in the context of global destabilization; development of green innovative entrepreneurship; risks of international economic relations.
Contacts: skrypnyk_n@365.dnu.edu.ua
Don Olha - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and World Finance.
She teaches the following subjects: “Global Business Cultures”, “International Security”, “Foreign Economic Activity of Ukraine”, “International Economic Policy”, “Labor Economics, Social and Labor Relations”.
Range of scientific interests is global food security, problems and prospects of labor migration.
Contacts: don_o@365.dnu.edu.ua
Holovko Liliia - Senior Lecturer, Department of International Economics and World Finance.
Teaches the following subjects: "International Economics", "Macroeconomics", "Microeconomics", "Organization of Foreign Economic Activity of Business Entities", "Regional Economics", "European Integration of Ukraine", "Offshorization of the World Economy", "How to Open a Startup from Scratch", training course "International Strategies for Sustainable Development", training course "Development of Soft Skills".
Scientific interests: innovative strategies for sustainable development of the world economy, international economic relations, global investment processes.
Контакти: golovko_l@365.dnu.edu.ua
Since 1997, the Department has held a number of international conferences, round tables, seminars, including 18 annual international conferences: “Finances of Ukraine”;
“Finances of Ukraine: global and national development imperatives”; “Strategies for the economic development of countries in the context of globalization”; “Global determinants of world economic development”; “Modern international economic relations: drivers of success and development challenges”.
During their studies, students of Educational program «International Economics» receive many opportunities: to participate in international internship and academic mobility programs, grants, projects, as well as "double diploma" programs, to attend lectures from foreign professors and stakeholders, and to undergo internships in modern and successful companies.
During 2023-2024 students of Educational program «International Economics» took an active part in online lectures, online meetings with potential employers, heads of foreign trade departments, as well as trainings and webinars. The main purpose of such meetings is to combine students' theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Employer stakeholders outline a range of knowledge and skills both when looking for a job and when building a career in the future.
Students of 1-5 courses of Educational program took part in Zoom conferences with stakeholders: JSC AKB "Concord", Direct Advertising Exchange, PJSC "Zavod "Fregat", LLC "Malbi Foods", Credite Agricole, LLC "Menora", Softensy company, RGB Idea Group, "Solar Stalkonstruktionsiya", ATB-Market, "Ostriv Rever Club", Educational and entertainment camp "Vilni" (M. Lisovets "Development of soft skills for personal and professional growth in the field of tourism, education and entertainment", LLC "AQUANTIS" - innovative systems, etc.
Students were also introduced to the possibilities of the EuroEst U.C.M Italy project (Zoom-conference with the president of the U.C.M Italy Association Paolo Brescia) and participated in open online lectures within the cycle of professional training of bachelors "Building a personal brand through archetypes: international companies and public figures" from Co-founder YOU ARE UA M. Gordienko (assistant professor N. Skrypnyk), "Supporting exporters in international trade: infrastructure and partnership grant projects from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry", speaker: Dina Sidash, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dnipro (assistant professor, О. Dziad).
Students gain in-depth and up-to-date knowledge, as well as practical skills in various aspects of international economics, which is the driving force behind innovative ideas and processes in the global world.
Graduates of the educational program "International Economics" can work in Ukrainian and international companies, international organizations abroad and their representative offices in Ukraine, financial and credit institutions, government bodies and diplomatic missions. Specialists in international economics successfully realize themselves in the field of international finance, export-import operations, investment activities, logistics.