Department of Theoretical Physics
Head of the department – Skalozub Volodymyr Vasilievych, PhD of physics mathematics sciences, professor, honorary worker of science and technics.10 instructors, among whom there are 2 professors, 7 associate professors, work at the department.
Nowadays the basic directions of scientific activity of the department are theory of gravitation and quantum theory. Researches on physics of high energies dealing with the study of gluons and quarks are held. Department is well known for its achievements in the sphere of exact solving of equalizations of general theory of relativity, development of methods of their finding and high-quality analysis, as well as construction of astrophysical and cosmological configurations of general theory of relativity and multidimensional theories, in research of classic and quantum models of gravitation collapse.
At the faculty there works the lab of Quantum cromoplasma, which consists of 6 members of staff. Performed scientific topics Foundation for Basic Research of the Ministry of Education and Science, "Properties of quark-gluon matter at high energy density", "Effects of correlation of degrees of freedom in non-equilibrium processes."
At faculty Quantum hromoplazmy laboratory, which consists of 6 members of staff. Performed scientific topics Foundation for Basic Research of the Ministry of Education and Science, "Properties of quark-gluon matter at high energy density," "Effects of correlation of degrees of freedom in non-equilibrium processes."