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Department of General Psychology and Pathopsychology

Address: Dnipro, D. Yavornytsky, 35; 4 bldg. DNU, room 52
Phone: +38 (056) 776-49-54
E-mail: 326room@i.ua, dzm.dnu@gmail.com
Web-сайт: https://dnukafzmp.wixsite.com/psychology

Management and Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of the Department

The Head of the Department is Arshava Iryna, the Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor, the Honored professor of Dnipro University, «Excellence in Education of Ukraine», «Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine», «The Knight of the Princess Olga Order (third class), the member of European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) and the World Association of Personal Psychology (WAРP), psychotherapist of the highest level of proficiency, member of Expert Council in the МES of Ukraine in «Psychology».

The education on the Department is conducted by 13 scientific and pedagogical workers, among which are: 2 doctors of science, professors, 8 PhD in Psychology, associate professors; 1 senior lecturer and 2 teachers.
Lectures on professional and practical training of the Department are conducted by the teachers who work at DNU permanently.

Volkov Dmytro – PhD in Psychology, associate professor.
Research interests: military psychology, psychology of activity in special conditions, psychophysiology, psychological and structural-functional features of the central nervous system and higher nervous activity, engineering psychology.
Responsibilities and assignments: Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Special Education, Member of the Academic Council of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Chairman of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Psychology and Special Education.

Kornienko Victoria – PhD in Psychology, associate professor.
Research interests: clinical psychology, psychodiagnostics, psychological consulting and psychocorrection in the clinic.
Responsibilities and assignments: Deputy Head of the Department for consultative and diagnostic work, chairman of the labour union of the faculty, tutor of the academic gr. DS-20m-1.

Kutovoy Кonstantin – PhD in Psychology, associate professor.
Research interests: cognitive psychology, experimental psychology, psychodiagnostics.
Responsibilities and assignments: Deputy Head of the Department for organizational issues, Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Psychology and Special Education.

Saluk Мarina – PhD in Psychology, associate professor, graduate of post-graduate studies (2005), specialty 19.00.01 – general psychology, history of psychology.
Research interests: the role of implicit theories of intelligence and personality in the formation of psychological well-being of the individual, general psychology, experimental psychology.
Responsibilities and assignments: Deputy Dean for scientific work of the Faculty of Psychology and Special Education, Deputy Head of the Department for research, Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Psychology and Special Education.

Bunas Аlina – PhD in Psychology, associate professor, graduate of post-graduate studies (2015), specialty 19.00.01 – general psychology, history of psychology.
Research interests: personality psychology, psychology of personal growth, psychology of self-consciousness and development, psychological consulting.
Responsibilities and assignments: Deputy Head of the Department for educational and methodological work, executive secretary of the scientific publication of category "B" Journal of Psychology Research, member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Psychology and Special Education and her secretary.

Kutepova-Bredun Victoria – PhD in Psychology, associate professor; graduate of post-graduate studies (2014), specialty 19.00.01 – general psychology, history of psychology.
Research interests: clinical psychology, special psychology, psychology of creativity.
Responsibilities and assignments: Deputy Head of the Department for organizational and educational work.

Baratynska Аnastasia – senior lecturer, Master of Psychology, graduate of post-graduate studies (2014), specialty 19.00.01 – general psychology, history of psychology.
Research interests: professional burnout and professional deformation of workers, psychodiagnostics, legal psychology, criminal psychology.
Responsibilities and assignments: Deputy Executive Secretary of the scientific publication of category "B" Journal of Psychology Research, responsible for career guidance and international activities of the Department, the tutor of the academic gr. DS-18-1.

Monakhovich Daria – Master of Psychology, assistant.
Research interests: personality psychology, general psychology.

Disciplines of the Department:

general psychology; clinical psychology; experimental psychology; history of psychology; pathopsychology; psychotherapy basics; legal psychology; psychology of the deviant behavior; psychophysiology; psychology of activity in special conditions; sexuality psychology; propedeutics of mental illness; sexology basics; neuropsychology; family psychotherapy; psychology of suicidal behavior; personality psychology; criminal psychology with the basics of forensic-psychiatric expertise; psychology of personal growth; psychological and structural-functional features of the the central nervous system and higher nervous activity.

Educational Activity of the Department

The Department of the General Psychology and Pathopsychology is graduating 2 levels of higher education:
the first (bachelor's) level – 3 years 10 months of training in the specialty 053 "Psychology" (educational programs: "Psychology", "Practical Psychology") full-time, part-time and evening forms of education;

the second (master's) level – 1 year 5 months of study (based on a bachelor's degree) in the specialty 053 "Psychology" (educational program "Psychology", full-time and part-time forms of study.

In addition, the staff of the department take part in the training of students in the specialty "Special Education" (first bachelor's level and second master's level)

The Department provides all the conditions for the comprehensive and thorough students` training in the field of department work. For the qualitative assimilation of educational material and for the attaching the practical skills of the lectures 7 disciplines are held in 8 clinical bases of the Department (hospitals, specialized boarding schools, preschool institutions etc.). The contracts with these institutions about the possibility for the faculty students of studying on their basis in the direction of the work of the Department of General Psychology and Pathopsychology and the scientific and methodological cooperation have been made.

Scientific Activity of the Department

During the existence of the department, 2 doctoral and 13 PhD thesis have been defended. At the Department there is a postgraduate course in the specialty "General psychology, history of psychology", 2 doctoral and 4 PhD theses are being carried out.

Scientific and pedagogical workers, together with the students of the faculty, carry out research within the framework of the scientific topics of the Department: "Psychological conditions for providing the professional and mental health of employees of organizations, prevention and overcoming of stress in the organization", "Cognitive and emotional-behavioral factors of the full functioning of the individual", "Psychological resources of the adaptive potential of the individual".

The Department is responsible for the publication of the faculty scientific issue Journal of Psychology Research, which is included into the list of professional scientific publications of category "B" in psychological sciences (executive editor is the head of the Department prof. I.Arshava, executive secretary is associate professor A. Bunas).

Over the past five years, teachers, post-graduate students, aspirants and students of the Department have taken part in more than 500 international and Ukrainian conferences, published more than 150 scientific articles, also in the journals included in the scientific databases Scopus, Web of Science.

The staff of the Department received 3 patents for inventions.


Much attention at the Department is paid to the organization of research work of students. This approach helps to increase the interest of students in educational results, the application of practical skills in research work.

Students take an active part in scientific and practical seminars, conferences, olympiads, research contests, become participants in the ZAVTRA.UA scholarship program.

In 2019 and 2020, students of groups DS-17-1(v) Zakhilnyak Nina and DS-16-2 Dashevskaya Yulia received II degree diplomas at the Ukrainian competition of student works in the direction of General and Social Psychology.

Within the research work with students at the Department there is a scientific club "Empirical Research in Psychology" (supervisors: Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor I.F. Arshava, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Salyuk M.A.) and the problem scientific club "Psychological Resources of the Personality's Adaptive Potential” (supervisor: Doctor of Psychology, Professor I.F. Arshava).

Students` Life

Our students are active participants in various university events. Future psychologists take part in sports and creative activities of the university with pleasure.


A special place in student life is occupied by volunteer activities and the work of the social committee. Psychology students are constant participants as volunteers of the festival "Mom + Me", they are happy and delighted to conduct master classes and theatrical performances for children from orphanage No. 1, "Well at home", Orphanage No. 2, etc.; as well as concerts, poetry evenings in a geriatric boarding house and a center for social and psychological rehabilitation for children.

They participate in activities for children with special needs. There are regular visitors to the "Rex" and "Kovcheg" animal shelters.

On the basis of the faculty, students also hold charity fairs "St. Nicholas Day", "Maslenitsa", "Halloween" and others.

International Work 

The Department cooperates with the famous psychologist – professor S. Schwartz (Israel), the staff of the Department under the guidance of the head of the departments took part in the implementation of the project on adaptation of S. Schwartz's psychodiagnostic inventory "Adaptation of Portrait Values Questionnaire" (PVQ-57) in Ukrainian and received the corresponding certificate.

The Department also cooperates with the Tbilisi University named after Grigol Robakidze (Georgia, Tbilisi) and carries out common research on the problem of developing the principles of diagnosing the quality of education and the problems of language anxiety (psychological aspect).

The staff of the Department continues to work as part of the working group of the international organization "Principles of Responsible Management Education" (PRME Working Group "Gender Equality"). The Working Group on Gender Equality has brought together scientists and leaders of organizations from different countries to provide support and create resources for integrating gender aspects into social life. One of the main tasks of the group is to carry out interdisciplinary research concerning the problem of gender.