Department of Translation and Linguistic Training of Foreigners
Gagarin ave, 72, room 1314Phone: +38 (056) 374-98-86
E-mail: kafedra_UPI@i.ua
The Head of the Department is Panchenko Elena Ivanovna, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Full Professor.
The Department staff includes 14 lecturers, among them: 3 Full Professors, 3 Doctors of Sciences, 9 Professor Assistants, PhD (Philology), 2 Teachers without scientific degree.
The Department of Translation and Linguistic Training of Foreigners is one of the youngest departments of the university, founded in 1989 for teaching Russian to foreign students. From 2009 the Department and prepares students with the speciality “Translation”.
The Department prepares philologists-translators of educational levels “Bachelor”, “Master”, prepares scientific and scientific and pedagogical staff through postgraduate study and doctoral studies.
The basic subjects in the curriculum are: Major Foreign Language (English), Introduction into Linguistics, Introduction into Special Philology, Stylistics, Grammar, Lexicology of English, History of English, Teaching Methodology of English.
At the Department intereducational center of linguistic preparation of foreign students functions that organizes linguistic competitions, olympiads and conferences for foreigners.
The Department graduates can work at translation agencies, educational institutions of all levels, mass media (newspaper, radio, television), tourist and advertising agencies, be engaged into individual translational activity.
Problems and directions of the Department scientific researches at present are connected with the theme “Anthropocentric factor in the research of modern Germanic and Slavonic languages in the aspect of translation studies”.
The collection of research papers “Linguistics. Lingvoculturology” is edited and published at the Department.
Since 2008 the Department organizes All-Ukrainian scientific conferences “Linguistic and lingvocultural problems of teaching foreigners at higher schools of Ukraine”, that are hold every 2 years.
The scientists of the Department constantly support creative contacts to scientists-Slavists in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey, Belarus, Kirgizstan and the People’s Republic of China.
Students’ scientific societies «Admirers of Ukrainian» and «Readers-reciters» function at the Department. Under the scientific supervision of the Department scientists the students annually participate in All-Ukrainian competition of students’ scientific papers on Translation and Sociolinguistics, All-Ukrainian Olympiad on Translation, deliver reports at scientific conferences, publish scientific articles in journals at DNU and other higher schools.
The students of supervised groups actively participate in the cultural life of faculty and university, holding the International Translator Day, the Day of the first-year student, students’ self-management.