Department of Sociology
Phone: +38 (056) 374-98-65
E-mail: kafedra.sociologydnu.1.701@gmail.com; 1-704@i.ua
Website: http://dnu-sociology-pua.com/
The Head of the Department of Sociology is Vitaly Kryvoshein, Doctor of Political Science, Professor.
E-mail: kafedra.sociologydnu.1.701@gmail.com; 1-704@i.ua
Website: http://dnu-sociology-pua.com/
The Head of the Department of Sociology is Vitaly Kryvoshein, Doctor of Political Science, Professor.
Sociological education and science at Dnipro (Katerynoslav) University started from the moment of its foundation: in the first academic year (1918/19), the Faculty of Law was taught sociology. At this time, the university began its teaching and scientific activity graduate of Petrograd University George Gurvich (1894-1965) – in the future the leader of the Paris School of Sociology (France). In the wake of the revival of interest in sociology, the Department of Sociology was created by order of the Rector of Dnipro State University on April 29, 1991.
Teaching Stuff
The Department of Sociology employs: 5 Doctors of Sciences, 7 Candidates of Sciences (PhD).
Educational Activities
The Department of Sociology provides training in the specialty 054 Sociology. The Department has developed and approved educational programs "Sociology" for the first (bachelor's), second (master's) and third (scientific) levels of higher education.
Scientific Work
The Department of Sociology conducts empirical sociological research on various issues of public life, as well as research for different stakeholders, in particular: studies were commissioned by the Dnipro City Council, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. The results of empirical research are presented in the collective monographs "Students of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University in the Mirror of Sociology" (2018), "Personality and Social Institutions in an Urban Society" (2018) and others.
On the initiative and organizational support of the Department of Sociology, a number of international scientific events were held, in particular: International Scientific Conference "Sociology of the City: Scientific Problems and Social Technologies" (2001), International Scientific Conference "Student Youth in Globalization" (three events held – in 2013, 2015, 2017), International Round Table “Sociological Science in Ukraine: Current State and World Trends” (2016). Since 2016, Prydniprovsk Sociological Readings have been held annually on the eve of the Sociologist’s Day (October 1): these sociological forums are hosted by the leading sociological centers of the region – Dnipro (2016, 2019), Zaporizhzhya (2017, 2020), Kamyanske (2018).
The leading vector of scientific research of the Department of Sociology are the problems of students' adaptation to the educational process, the formation of the urban environment, characteristics of risks of sociogenic nature in modern society, gastronomic culture, phenomenology of privacy, regional identity.
Working with Students
At the Department of Sociology there are student groups: "Sociological study of student youth"; "Social (in)equality of modernity"; "Urban Studies"; "The magic of analyzing sociological data".
The Department of Sociology has a teaching laboratory in sociology, which provides methodological assistance to students, graduate students in the preparation of tasks in professional disciplines, coursework, diploma and dissertation, is the base of students' educational practice and has a unique library of sociological literature.