Department of Mathematical Support of Calculating Machines
Location: D. Yavornytsky avenue, 35, room 3/49Phone: +38 (056) 744-76-83
E-mail: mzeom@ukr.net
The Head of the Department is professor Oleg Bajbuz.
The educational process, conducted by the Department, is provided by 1 professor, 11 associate professors, 2 senior lecturers, 2 assistants.
The Department provides training at the first (bachelor) level of higher education by educational programs:
- 121 Software Engineering
- 126 Information Systems and Technologies
The Department of Mathematical Support of Electronic Computers provides training at the second (master) level of higher education by educational program:
- 121 Software Engineering
The Department teaches disciplines: "Object-Oriented Programming", "Databases", "Internet Technologies", "Computer Graphics", "Fundamentals of Speech Recognition Theory", "Analysis Of Algorithms", "Methods Of Processing And Visualization Of Multidimensional Data", "Software Quality And Testing" and others.
The educational process, conducted by the Department, is provided by 1 professor, 11 associate professors, 2 senior lecturers, 2 assistants.
The Department provides training at the first (bachelor) level of higher education by educational programs:
- 121 Software Engineering
- 126 Information Systems and Technologies
The Department of Mathematical Support of Electronic Computers provides training at the second (master) level of higher education by educational program:
- 121 Software Engineering
The Department teaches disciplines: "Object-Oriented Programming", "Databases", "Internet Technologies", "Computer Graphics", "Fundamentals of Speech Recognition Theory", "Analysis Of Algorithms", "Methods Of Processing And Visualization Of Multidimensional Data", "Software Quality And Testing" and others.

The program is accentuated on the field of software engineering and mathematical modeling, which include the development of modern methods of design, development, testing and quality assurance of software. The mathematical apparatus of discrete mathematics, linear, nonlinear, discrete programming, combinatorial optimization and complexity theory of extreme problems is used to carry out computational experiments.
The areas of research are: information technology of statistical data processing; spline transformation in information technology of statistical data processing; neural network data mining technology; information technology of environmental monitoring systems; information technology of medical monitoring systems; the study of dynamical systems based on piecewise Markov processes; methods and algorithms of reliability estimation aerospace engineering parameters; the optimal route search using the Google Maps API service and Yandex Map API; route optimization techniques of geoinformation systems; development of algorithms for speech recognition information technology; the development of data security software.
The high level of research is provided by the powerful scientific school "Statistical analysis", which was founded in 1993 by professor A.P. Prystavka, promoting international cooperation in scientific and educational spheres and the specialized laboratories.
Employees of the Department, as well as students and post-graduate students, regularly take part in the implementation of state-funded research projects, including projects done in collaboration with the Research Institute of Geology of DNU.
The Department liaises with the University of Le Man (France) by implementing dual diploma programs and by exchanging specialists.
The Department has two local computer networks, from which unlimited wireless Internet access is provided. From the computer classes of the department the free access to scientometric data publisher Thomson Reuters databases is provided. Among them are Web of Science, Web of Science Core Collection, InCites JCR, InCites ESI.