Department of Marketing and International Management
Address: 35 D. Yavornytskoho Ave. 5, office 46а, 50, DniproThe Department of Marketing and International Management provides market-competitive management and marketing specialists with modern economic thinking, creative skills, and relevant competencies necessary for effective innovation at enterprises of all forms of ownership and types of economic activity in a dynamic economic environment.
The Department of Marketing and International Management is a graduating department for two levels of higher education and provides training for specialists:
- speciality 073 Management:
first (bachelor's) level - educational programmes:
- International Management
- Management of organisations
second (master's) level –educational programme:
- International Management
- speciality 075 Marketing
first (bachelor's) level - educational programme: Marketing
second (master's) level - educational programme: Marketing
The department composition
Today, the Department of Marketing and International Management is a centre of managerial innovation in the educational process of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, as it combines the knowledge of experienced teachers and researchers with the energy and creativity of young teachers.
The Head of the Department is Nataliia Meshko, Doctor of Economics, Professor.
The educational process is provided by: 4 Doctors of Economics, 4 Candidates of Sciences, 3 senior lecturers, 1 assistant, 1 head of the training laboratory, 1 secretary.
The teaching staff that provides training for specialists of the speciality 073 Management:
Meshko Nataliia Petrivna - Doctor of Economics, Professor.
Contact: nmeshko2016@ukr.net
Research interests: investment and innovation management of corporations, circular economy, hydrogen economy, consultant on business design and strategic management. Coordinator of the Regional Innovation Infrastructure Development Programme, participant of the international TEMPUS project. Supervisor of theses for the first and second levels of higher education, supervisor of PhD students.
Teaches courses: ‘Diagnostics and Business Planning’, “Innovation Management”, “Corporate Governance”, “Management in Tourism”, “Fundamentals of the Digital Economy”.
Oleksiy Dzhusov - Doctor of Economics, Professor.
Contact: ukrcredit@yahoo.com
Field of research: technical analysis and investment in the US stock market, consultant on the formation and management of investment portfolio (international sector). Coordinator of double degree programmes for students with universities in France and Germany.
Supervisor of diploma theses for the first and second levels of higher education, supervisor of PhD students.
Teaches courses: ‘International Investment Activities of Corporations, Technical Analysis of Financial Markets, Innovative Activities of International Corporations, Fundamentals of Investment Management, Management of International Financial Investments.
Krupsky Alexander Petrovich - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor.
Contact: scavr@ua.fm.
Research interests: organisational and innovative culture of enterprises.
Supervisor of diploma theses at the I and II levels of higher education, supervisor of PhD students.
Teaches courses: ‘Management and Administration: Management, Fundamentals of Management, Psychology and Conflict Management, Psychology of Tourism.
Dzhur Olha Yevheniivna - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Contact: dzhur@i.ua.
Research interests: economics and management of high-tech enterprises. Strategic management.
Supervisor of diploma theses for I and II levels of higher education.
Lectures: ‘Business Strategy and Management, Administrative Management, Management and Administration: Strategic Management, Technology Systems, Fundamentals of Management.
Pryvarnikova Iryna Yuliivna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.
Contact: privarnikova.irina@gmail.com.
Research interests: innovation management, resource saving.
Supervisor of diploma theses for I and II levels of higher education.
Teaches courses: ‘International Management, Fundamentals of Foreign Economic Activity, Management of Foreign Economic Activity, Controlling, Corporate Social Responsibility.
Tatiana Smirnova is a senior lecturer.
Contact: t.smirnova@ukr.net.
Research interests: branding of regions to increase tourist attractiveness.
Teaches courses: ‘Management, Marketing and Management, Innovative Management, Strategies of Tourism Business Enterprises.
Andrii Kobchenko is a senior lecturer.
Contact: kobchenko.a@ef.dnulive.dp.ua.
Research interests: information development of tourism activities, investment and innovation development of Ukraine and the world.
Teaches courses: ‘Cross-Cultural Management’, “Introduction to the speciality and the basics of academic integrity”, “Management”, “Management and Administration: Operational Management”, “Administrative Management”.
Stasiuk Yuliia Mykhailivna is a senior lecturer.
Contact: yulstas@ukr.net.
Research interests: technology transfer, innovative development.
Teaches courses: ‘Management and Administration: Theory of Organisations’, “Self-management”, “Economics and Organisation of Biotechnology Production”, “Management and Administration: Management”, “Fundamentals of Investment Management”.
Yulia Goley - Assistant.
Contact: goley1705@ukr.net
Research interests: management of the innovative potential of industrial and social infrastructure.
Teaches courses: ‘Management, International Fiscal Management, Staff Motivation, Tourism Business Management: Tax Management, Management and Administration: Organisational Theory.
The teaching staff that provides training for specialists of the speciality 075 Marketing
Zinchenko Olga Anatoliivna, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor.
Contacts: ol-zinchenko@ukr.net
Research interests: regional markets, territorial marketing, marketing analytics.
Supervisor of diploma theses at the I and II levels of higher education.
Teaches courses: ‘International Marketing, Analytical Marketing, Diagnostics of Regional Markets, Management and Marketing of Green Investments, Event Marketing Management.
Anastasia Mohylova, Doctor of Economics, Professor.
Contact: mogilova.a@ef.dnu.edu.ua.
Research interests: development of methodology for forming a marketing strategy for industrial enterprises.
Supervisor of diploma theses at the I and II levels of higher education.
Teaches courses: ‘Strategic Marketing’, “Branding”, “Consumer Behaviour”, “Marketing of Industrial Enterprise”, “Marketing of Services”.
Polina Sokol, PhD in Economics.
Contact: sokol_p_n@i.ua.
Research interests: innovative marketing mechanism.
Supervisor of diploma theses for I and II levels of higher education.
Teaches disciplines: Marketing, Marketing Research, Logistics, Marketing Pricing, Public Relations in Business.
Svitlana Gordiychuk is a senior lecturer and director of Razmakh LLC.
Contact: hordiichuk_s@365.dnu.edu.ua
Research interests: innovative marketing mechanism.
Teaches courses: Commodity Research, Marketing, Logistics.
Training laboratory of international management:
Klymovych Olena Mykolaivna - Head of the training laboratory
Dzhusova Liubov Anatoliivna – secretary of the first category
International activity
In accordance with the programme agreed with the German Ministry of Education between DNU and the University of Applied Sciences of Mittweida (Germany), the best students-economists and managers of the Faculty of Economics have the opportunity to receive a bachelor's degree of the state standard of both Ukraine and Germany.
For now, 88 students of O. Honchar Donetsk National University have already completed or are currently completing a course of study under the cooperation programmes with the University of Mittweida.
The agreement on obtaining the German Bachelor's degree in Economics for students of the Faculty of Economics of DNU
According to this agreement, students of DNU can obtain a German bachelor's degree in two of the following specialities:
- International management
- Marketing
- Controlling
- Logistics
- Finance and banking
- Human resources management
In order to participate in the programme, a student of DNU have to complete the curriculum successfully, have an appropriate level of German language and study at DNU for two years. After completing the 4th or 5th semester, the student moves to Germany, where all the basic disciplines this student studied at DNU are credited, and thanks to this, our students study in Germany only the disciplines of the German university's specialisation. This usually takes 2 semesters.
Upon successful completion of the programme, a DNU student has the opportunity to receive a bachelor's degree from DNU and a bachelor's degree from a German university at the same time, i.e. after completing the 4th year of DNU.
Agreement on obtaining the German diploma ‘Masters’ in Business Administration for students of the Faculty of Economics of DNU (Master of Art in Business Administration)
According to this agreement, a student of the Faculty of Economics of DNU, who is studying for a master's degree at DNU, has the opportunity to receive a master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Applied Sciences in Mittweid (Germany).
The project is open to students who meet the following requirements:
- A certificate of German language proficiency not lower than B2;
- Bachelor's degree in Management or another economic speciality;
- The student should have previously studied at the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences for at least one semester.
The agreement stipulates that a DNU student who has been admitted to a master's degree programme studies at DNU for the 1st semester. After that, at the end of February, the student moves to Germany to study, where this student is enrolled in the 1st semester of the German Master's programme based on the results of the first semester of the DNU Master's programme. The student studies in Germany for two semesters (2nd and 3rd semesters of the German Master's programme). In the last, 4th semester of the German Master's programme, students do their internship and work on their thesis. The agreement stipulates that DNU students can spend the 4th semester in Ukraine, where they do their internship and write their diplomas for both the German university and DNU. In case of successful completion of the programme, a DNU student receives 2 diplomas at the end of the second year of study - a DNU Master's degree and a Master of Business Administration degree from a German university.
The student exchange programme with the University of Le Mans (France) continues to operate. Students of economic specialities who have entered the master's programme get the opportunity to participate in the double degree programme between DNU and the University of Le Mans and, if they successfully complete it, receive a DNU diploma and a French master's degree. For now, 25 students of O. Honchar Dnipro National University have already completed their studies at the University of Le Mans.
Double Diploma Agreement with the University of Le Mans (Le Mans, France)
A student of DNU who has a bachelor's degree in economics, a level of French language proficiency not lower than ‘B2’ and has entered the first year of the master's degree programme in economics can participate in the agreement.
The agreement stipulates that a DNU student who has entered the first year of a master's degree programme in economics studies for 1 semester. After that, in early January, the student moves to France to study, where the student is credited with the first semester of the French Master's programme based on the results of the first semester of the DNU Master's programme.
The student studies in France for 3 months (January-March). Starting from April, the French Master's programme includes an internship. During this period, the student returns to Ukraine and continues his studies at DNU as part of his group. In June, the student passes the exams and thus completes the first year of both the Ukrainian and French Master's programmes.
In September, the DNU student returns to France and continues his studies there for 2 semesters. The student does his internship in France.
In case of successful completion of the programme, a student of DNU receives 2 diplomas at the end of the second year of study - a Master's degree from DNU and a Master's degree (M2 level) from a French university.
Scientific activity
Scientific research at the department is carried out on the following research projects: “Marketing Management in the Context of Economic Development of Ukraine”, “Strategy for the Development of Science and Technology Parks in Ukraine: Implementation of International Experience”.
The department is the founder of the European Journal of Management Issues. This is a scientific journal that contains the results of scientific and practical research of specialists, scientists, applicants for scientific degrees and titles on the issues of modern development and formation of theoretical and methodological provisions of management, innovative development of the world economy in the context of globalisation, development of international innovation and scientific and technological exchange.
The scientific journal is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, which may publish the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences (PhD), according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409 of 17 March 2020. The scientific journal is assigned category B.
All articles of the journal are assigned a DOI identifier, which allows to uniquely identify the author's work on the Internet.
According to Index Copernicus 2022, the journal European Journal of Management Issues received 100 points and is ranked 5th among Ukrainian scientific journals specialising in management.
According to Google Academy, the journal has been ranked among the TOP 100 Ukrainian scientific journals in terms of its impact on the development of science in 2020-2022.
Marketing students and managers from the Faculty of Economics of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University regularly participate in Ukrainian student advertising festivals, national competitions, and research competitions, where they win prizes. Participation in such festivals and competitions enables future specialists to improve their skills and competencies in solving professional problems in line with current market trends.
The Department of Marketing and International Management contributes to the economic development of the Dnipro region and trains leading specialists in marketing and management who have significant creative potential, curiosity, creative thinking and a deep understanding of the essence of market processes in Ukraine and the entire world. Graduates of the department hold senior positions at many enterprises, commodity exchanges, advertising agencies, exhibitions, fairs, and marketing agencies.
The scientific developments and research results of the department's teachers strengthen the scientific base outside Ukraine, arousing interest among foreign colleagues.
Thus, in the academic years 2022-2024, a team of teachers of the Faculty of Economics consisting of Associate Professors Vladyslav Yakovenko, Olha Pashchenko, Mira Gakova, Viktoriia Redko, Iryna Pryvarnikova under the guidance of Professor of the Department of Marketing and International Management Olha Zinchenko took part in the international competition of educational projects under the Erasmus+ Programme (Jean Monnet Programme) and received a grant for the implementation of the project entitled ‘European Green Deal as a Prospect for Sustainable Economic Development’ in the amount of 30 thousand euros.
The project is designed for three years and is a module of disciplines aimed at disseminating the principles of green policy and the priorities of green economic development of the European Union. It includes such subjects as European Green Deal and Conscious Consumption Standards, European Social Responsibility Practices, Ecostartups, Green Investment Management and Marketing, Green HR Management, and European Sustainable Tourism. The disciplines are planned to be taught as elective classes and courses of general university choice. The project also plans to organise a summer school for eco-startups at the Faculty of Economics.
In addition to educational activities, the project envisages such activities as conducting research, organising a public dialogue on current issues of adapting the European Green Deal to the realities of Ukraine, namely holding a roundtable discussion on ‘Green Solutions as a Priority for Social Responsibility of Business’ with the involvement of government and business representatives; researching topical aspects of the implementation of the European Green Deal, holding an international scientific and practical conference ‘Green Economy and Green Growth - Opportunities for Sustainable Development’.
Prospects for the development of the department:
- Implementation of elements of distance business education in the educational process;
- Development of forms of student involvement in the scientific and pedagogical activities of the department;
- Performing research work on state budget and economic contractual topics;
- Intensification of the process of training of highly qualified scientific personnel;
- Further expansion of international relations and forms of student and teaching activity;
- Participation of students in national and international competitions of scientific works;
- Continuing participation in the programme of the international research project for the purpose of cooperation between DNU and the University of Applied Sciences of Mittweida (Germany) in the field of research and exchange of students and teachers;
- Continued participation in the programme of international cooperation between DNU and the University of Le Mans ‘On Double Master's Diploma’ with the receipt of a diploma of this university certified by the Ministry of Science and Education of France;
- Implementation of the project ‘European Green Deal as a Prospect for Sustainable Economic Development’ under the Erasmus+ Programme (Jean Monnet).
In autumn 2023, the Department of Marketing and International Management together with Charles University (Prague) became a participant in the International Project ‘Supporting the Improvement of Teaching, Research and International Activities at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University’ (registration number 23-PKVV-UM-4, under the direction of Professor H. V. Nyameschuk), funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.