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DigiFLEd 2024-2026


European Union Erasmus+ Project:

The Modernisation of University Education Programmes
in Foreign Languages by Integrating Information Technologies

[№101128713 – DigiFLEd – ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE.
Part of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education]

The Project aims to improve the quality of higher education in Ukraine by strengthening the foreign language-related curricula with information and communication technology (ICT).

1. To address mismatch between labour market requirements and the HEI offer.
2. To provide ICT training for foreign language professionals.
3. To foster cooperation between partner universities.
4. To strengthen the relationship between HEIs, schools and other stakeholders.
5. To enhance the international visibility of the Ukrainian language and culture.

Expected Results
1. A reduced gap between labour market requirements and the HEI offer.
2. Innovations of 24 foreign language curricula.
3. Modernisation of e-learning equipment in 7 Ukrainian HEIs.
4. Improved quality of foreign language education.
5. Training of students and teaching staff in ICT.
6. Strengthened international links.
7. Creation of new placement opportunities.
8. Enhanced international project management skills.
9. International promotion of Ukrainian language and culture.

Duration and Budget
1 January 2024 to 31 December 2026.
€718932 – of which DNU’s part is €66434.

The DNU Project Team
  •  The University Rector, Prof. Sergiy Okovytyy – Consultant
  •  Vice Rector, Associate Prof. Victor Gasso – Administrative Support
  •  Prof. Olena Hurko (Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities) – Project Manager
  •  Associate Prof. Nataliia Styrnik (Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities) – Project Working Group Manager
  •  Associate Prof. Oleana Besarab (Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities) – Project Participant
  •  Associate Prof. Yuliia Honcharova (Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities) – Project Participant
  •  Lecturer Svitlana Riabovol (Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities) – Project Participant
  •  Chief Accountant DNU – Larysa Lysakova – Project Accounting Support
Cooperation Partners
In this project, DNU cooperates with 3 EU universities:
🏛️ Tampere University, Finland (project coordinator)
🏛️ The National University of Ireland, Maynooth
🏛️ The University of Western Macedonia, Greece

and 6 other Ukrainian universities:
🏛️ Kharkiv National University V. N. Karazin (National Coordinator)
🏛️ Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
🏛️ Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
🏛️ Mykolaiv V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University
🏛️ Donbas State Pedagogical University – Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution
🏛️ Donetsk Vasyl Stus National University




Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Kick-off Meeting at the University of Tampere

From January 30 to February 01, 2024, the University of Tampere (Finland) hosted a kick-off meeting of the participants of the Erasmus+ grant project.

Participants from DNU
Professor, Head of the Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities Olena Hurko
Associate Professor of the Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities Nataliia Styrnik

• introduced Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
• introduced the working group from DNU
• outlined the team’s responsibilities within the project

A Kaleidoscope of Events
• discussion of project management issues
• lectures by leading scholars from partner universities, seminars, and roundtable discussions
• familiarisation with the cultural heritage of Tampere

The Results
Start of project development!

Congratulations to the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study of Arts on the successful launch of the international project!

Project Implementation:
Discussion on Communication and Dissemination Strategies

28 March 2024 – an online meeting of DigiFLEd project.

1. The Agenda for the Quality Board Meeting, including Working Package 7: Communication and Dissemination, was approved.
2. The DigiFLEd Project Dissemination Plan was approved.
3. The project website was discussed and a navigation menu was agreed.
4. The most effective channels to reach the target audience were considered: developing content to support dissemination: reports, infographics, videos, podcasts, blog posts, press releases, and presentation slides. Distribution of content and the timing, frequency, and relevant events were considered.

DigiFLEd Study Visit to National University of Ireland, Maynooth

The first study visit of the DigiFLEd project was at National University of Ireland, Maynooth. Participants from partner universities spent a week studying and sharing experiences. The programme included an introduction to the Moodle platform, classes on the basics of gamification, as well as various events and meetings.

European colleagues Orla Hanratty, Kethleen Levacher, George Palomino, Jonathan Walsh, and Alison Farrell prepared a rich programme of lectures that became a real source of inspiration and new ideas.

The DigiFLEd participants:
✔️ learnt about newest digital tools for creating online courses;
✔️discussed the basics of effective online learning;
✔️familiarised with DigCompEdu Framework;
✔️looked at different types of online and blended learning;
✔️considered learning theory to create effective online courses;
✔️discussed the importance of teacher presence in the online space;
✔️found useful tips for planning online courses;
✔️learnt ways to integrate written assignments into online courses;
✔️identified the key elements of effective online learning.

The lectures became a forum for experience exchange, lively discussions and debates. The representatives of partner universities shared their thoughts, represented various teaching practices, obtained many useful insights from their Irish colleagues and discussed how best to pass on this knowledge to students.

The five-day study visit was full of not only various academic events but also cultural activities. The participants discovered the culture of Ireland, attended a campus tour, met in the social space of the business school, visited the Russell Library, viewed the historical collections of St. Patrick’s College, and enjoyed a visit to the small town of Howth including a boat trip. It was unforgettable!

The first study visit of this DigiFLEd project was a unique opportunity to communicate with European colleagues, to learn and share experience. We look forward to future cooperation with our partners to achieve the goals of the project!

With grateful thanks to Emmanuel Kypraios, Lisa O’Regan, Tetyana Borova of the National University of Ireland, Maynooth!

DigiFLEd Participants in Kastoria: Second Study Visit

At the end of June 2024, the second stage of study visits took place as part of the international DigiFLEd project. Each day of the study visit to the University of Western Macedonia in Kastoria (Greece) was packed with workshops, master classes, and interactive sessions focused on teaching methods.

This time, our university was represented by Olena Besarab, Associate Professor of the Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities, and Svitlana Riabovol, a lecturer of the Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialities. Our colleagues:
✔️studied the principles of creating multimedia content for education with Alexandros Kleftodimos;
✔️discussed the key characteristics of virtual and augmented reality with Michalis Vrigkas;
✔️received valuable information on storytelling, creation and application of this method in the learning process from Maria Matsiola;
✔️gained essential experience in creating digital games using interactive methods during a workshop with Chrysa Markou.
✔️focused on the principles of using effective audiovisual tools that are useful in video production at a workshop with Maria Matsiola.
✔️learnt how to create websites under the guidance of Georgios Lappas and gained insights into the specifics of maintaining university virtual centres.


DigiFLEd participants dived into the boundless world of gaming and multimedia content, learnt about many resources and platforms. Representatives of the partner- universities were fascinated by the magic of virtual and augmented reality during their visit to the laboratory, and were also impressed by the testing of programmes that will help create a modern multimodal learning environment in the future.


The learning activities were harmoniously combined with an introduction to Greek history and culture. The project participants enthusiastically took part in a walking tour of the historical locations of Kastoria, interactive visits to the prehistoric settlement of Limmen, and an aquarium. They saw the use of educational applications to demonstrate the effectiveness of gamification in learning; visited the Byzantine and archaeological museums; and explored the Dragon’s Cave, covered with stalactites dating back six million years.

The project team of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University is sincerely grateful to the colleagues from the University of Western Macedonia, in particular Domna Michail, Alexandros Kleftodimos and Michalis Vrigkas, and the whole well-coordinated team for their hospitality, excellent organisation of events, valuable knowledge, and experience!


We are looking forward to further meetings!

Study Visit to Tampere University within DigiFLEd Project

From 18 to 23 August 2024, a team of lecturers from the Department of English for Non-Philological Specialities of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University took part in the third study visit within the DigiFLEd project to Tampere University, Finland. Professor Olena Hurko, Assistant Professors Nataliia Styrnik, Yulia Honcharova and lecturer Svitlana Riabovol exchanged experience with colleagues from partner-universities from Finland, Ireland, Greece, and Ukraine.

The visit began with ambitious plans and exciting expectations. Every day our participants took part in various educational activities. The main purpose of the study visit was to immerse ourselves in the world of modern technologies and training methods, including machine translation and TRADOS. Attending training sessions is a great opportunity to familiarise yourself with the latest technologies that can be implemented in the educational process to improve the quality of translation and facilitate work with students. In addition, during the visit, our teachers had the opportunity to explore the nuances of academic writing and analyse assessment methods.

One of the highlights of the visit was the involvement in the world of gamification of foreign language teaching. DNU representatives learnt how to use game elements to make learning more captivating and effective and to engage students in active language learning. Considerable attention was paid to the latest applications for surveying and testing students’ knowledge.

All these days were full not only of learning but also of pleasant moments of communication with colleagues. The beauty of Tampere’s magical lakes, the hospitality of the Finns and the support of colleagues fostered an atmosphere of creative inspiration and harmony. After each unique day, the teachers enjoyed the beauty of nature, relaxed and shared the acquired knowledge.

At the end of the visit, DigiFLEd participants shared their impressions and outlined further plans for the project. All participants returned home with new ideas and inspiration to implement the knowledge gained in their work. This visit was a further step towards modernising educational programmes and improving the quality of education at our university. The team of project participants from DNU is sincerely and immensely grateful to our Finnish colleagues!