Activity Management
Activity management of the university is realized on the basis of the principles:
- Autonomy and self-government;
- Distribution of rights, powers and responsibility of the Ministry of education and science, management organs of higher education, leaders of the University and its structural subsections;
- Unification of collective and united-initial bases;
- Independence from political parties, social and religious organizations.
Direct activity management of the university is realized by its leader – rector, who carries o his authority according to the legislation of Ukraine, acts of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine and to the university statutes.
There are several bodies with operating powers in the university. Such as: Supervisory Council, Academic Council of the university, Academic Councils of the faculties, Scientific-Technical Council of the university, Scientific-Technical Councils of scientific-research institutes of the university.
A structure of Supervisory Council of the university is affirmed by the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. Supervisory Council works out the ways of perspective development of the university, gives help to its leaders in the country politics realization in the spheres of higher education and science.
The Academic Council of the university is its collegiate body and has in its competence the adoption of financial plan and report of the university; decision-making in the questions of the teaching and educational process organization at the university and scientific researches; other questions concerning the activity of the University.
Academic Councils at the faculties are collegiate bodies of these structural subsections. Academic Council of the faculty had power to appoint a person at the office of the assistants by secret vote, senior teachers, docents, dean of faculty; to solve the questions of the teaching and educational process organization, scientific-methodical, scientific-research, economical activity at the faculty and their material support; to make decisions of the working plan and report of the faculty.
The collegiate bodies (scientific-technical councils) are created at the university and its scientific-research institutes. The Scientific-technical council of the university (a scientific-research institute) is headed by a chief – pro-rector of a scientific work. The way of membership forming of the Scientific-technical council of the university (a scientific-research institute) and the directions of its activity are determined by the rule about Scientific-technical council of the university, which is adopted according to the legislation, normative documents of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, statutes of the university and is affirmed by rector’s decree.
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
Phone: (056) 374-98-00, (056) 374-98-01; E-mail: sokovyty@icnanotox.org, rector@dnu.dp.ua
Acting The First Vice-rector – Silich-Balhabaieva Valentyna Borysivna
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Phone: (056) 374-98-02, (056) 374-98-23; E-mail: v_silichbalgabaieva@dnu.dp.ua, v_silichbalgabaieva@ukr.net
Acting Vice-rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work – Huk Natalia Anatolyivna
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Phone: (056) 374-98-04; E-mail: prorektor_npr@dnu.dp.ua
Vice-rector for Research – Marenkov Oleh Mykolayovych
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
Phone: (056) 374-98-07; E-mail: gidrobions@gmail.com, prorektor_nr@dnu.dp.ua
Vice-rector for Administrative and Economic Work – Torop Maxym Oleksandrovych
Phone: (056) 374-98-06; E-mail: prorektor_agr@dnu.dp.ua
Vice-Rector for Legal Affairs and Development – Peter Herman Hennadiyovych
Phone: (056) 374-98-05; Email: peter_g@365.dnu.edu.ua
Acting Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work in the field of International Cooperation – Viktor Yakovych Gasso
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
Phone: (056) 374-98-30; E-mail: viktor.gasso@gmail.com Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council – Khodanen Tetyana Volodymyrivna
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Theoretical and Computer Mechanics
Phone: (056) 374-98-43; Email: vchena-rada.dnu@ua.fm
Rector's Assistant for Economic Issues – Basansky Ivan Fedorovych