Regional Сenters of History and the Ukrainian Language Development
Address: 1st building of DNU, Gagarin avenue, Dnipro city, 49010
Regional center of history and the Ukrainian language development as structural subsection of DNU started its work at the 1st September in 2006. Its foundation is a two-sided initiative of Dnipropetrovs’k Regional state administration (the head of it was N.M. Dieiev at that time) and a rector of DNU, a professor M.V. Poliakov.
To be a scientific leader of the Centre was appointed a dean of the Ukrainian and foreign philology and study of art faculty of DNU, professor I.S. Popova, to be a director – a docent from the Ukrainian language chair of DNU N.S. Holikova.
There work docents I.P. Mamchych, Yu.Y. Pysich, T.V. Shevchenko, a senior teacher V.V. Zaitseva, a teacher V.V. Nahel’.
The main aim of Regional center of history and the Ukrainian language development activity is the help of the basic parts of state language politics realization, which are directed to increase the social status and further development of the Ukrainian language and to create optimal conditions of its functioning in Prydniprovs’k region.
The main measures, which were prepared and made by the Centre during about 2 years, were directed to different social layers of population of Dnipropetrovs’k city and region – pupils, students, scientists, workers of educational establishments, state employees, wide range of people. This and a scientific-practical seminar made twice for teachers of the Ukrainian language, which dealt with topical questions of Ukrainian orthography, dedicated to the Day of Ukrainian literature and language (9 November 2006, 2007), “round” tables to the Day of the native language (21 February 2007, 2008), a seminar for the workers of Dnipropetrovs’k region RATsS (19 March 2008), where the problems of official registration of the personal names were discussed, holidays to the Day of Slavonic literature and culture (24 May 2007, 2008) etc. Regional center of history and the Ukrainian language development conducted a Regional scientific-practical conference “The culture of speech in the Ukrainian society” at the 16-17th April 2008.
To help the wide range of people of Prydniprovs’k region, 2 consulting stations dealing with the questions of official documents registration and the questions of city communication work at the Center.

The results of the Regional centre of history and the Ukrainian language development work are expressed in the range of publications: 3 numbers of published organ of the Centre – the magazine “Ukrainian sense”; “Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of the surnames of the people of Dnipropetrovs’k city” was published (managers are T.S. Prystaiko, I.S. Popova, I.I. Turuta, M.S. Koval’chuk), 3 issues of scientific-methodical manual “Written word in the streets of Dnipropetrovs’k” saw the world, 2 collections of “Young people are thirsty to understanding a word” are the result of scientific-research activity of students – members of scientific community “Philologist”.
Center of Humanitarian Problems of DNU
(a director is a docent N.P. Oliinyk, a chief of methodical room is V.O. Arkhireieva) was created in the structure of the university by the decree of a rector (№ 730 from 29 May 1991) with the aim to accomplish coordinative, scientific-methodical, cultural-enlightening activity, which was directed to humanization and humanitarization of educational-pedagogical process at the university.
Into the Structure of the Center are:
- Methodical room (V.O. Arkhireieva is its chief);
- Ukrainian methodical center dealing with the questions of a state language implementation in the higher educational establishments of the region. Its chief is a docent V.I. Perekhrest.
The general leadership is made by a prorector of scientific-pedagogical work in the sphere of humanitarian education and training of the young people a professor V.V. Ivanenko.

- Activity co-ordination of all humanitarian structures, teacher’s and student’s group of activists, which is directed to humanization of education, strengthening of national-patriotic training, promotion of the development of the personality, its self-actualization, supporting of the initiatives and beginnings.
- An allotment of scientific-methodical, consulting, practical help with the problems of humanization and humanitarization of educational-training process, all complex of training work of deans’ assistances, chiefs of the chairs, laboratories, curators of the academic groups, student’s group of activists;
- Acquaintance of DNU students with political, literary and artistic processes which take place, scientific, historical, cultural acquisitions of Ukraine, besides Prydniprovs’k region;
- Support and development of talented young people;
- Creation the clubs for interest;
- Conduction of different actions directed to the young people’s creative potential activization.

Forms and methods of the humanitarian-educational process management in DNU in accordance with Bolon process demands during the last years. Special attention is given to the individual method of approaching and students’ activization. Quick succession received the motions to create different students’ scientific and creative associations (theatres, studios, photo clubs, and poetical clubs). Meetings of the clubs became traditional: poetical – “Parostky”, “Kolibri”, “Obrii”; philosophical – “XXI stolittia”, historical – “Scho? De? Koly?” and others. The amount of participants of the annual contest in the Ukrainian language “Kultura profesiinoho movlennia” and photo contests greatly increased.
Regional center of education monitoring
Address: Ukraine. Dnipropetrovs’k city, Kazakov str. 18, building № 14, auditorium 110.
Telephone: (0562) 33-58-83.
E-mail: rcmo-mmf@mail.dsu.dp.ua
Web-site: www.rcmo.dnu.dp.ua
A director is Balanenko Iryna Hryhorivna. She is a senior teacher of the differential equations chair of mechanical-mathematical faculty of Dnipropetrovs’k national university named after O. Honchar.
A Sunday school of DNU started to work in October 1996, which then became the basic part of the young people professional orientation Center, which was given the status of Regional center of education monitoring (RCEM) by the decree of Ministry of science and education of Ukraine № 226 on 29 March 2002.
Such subsections work in the structure of Regional center of education monitoring of the Center of training before entering the higher educational establishment of Dnipropetrovs’k national university named after O. Honchar:
- “A Sunday school” accomplishes education of the pupils of 6-11 classes on such subjects: mathematics, physics, information science, biology, chemistry, history of Ukraine, geography, the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian literature, the English language, and gives the possibility to attend a demonstrational lesson on economical theory, the Japanese and Chinese languages for free. The pupils are given a methodical literature, training exercises, tests. Leading specialists and the best teachers of Dnipropetrovs’k city schools give lessons.
The period of study is 7 months (from October till April inclusive), the lessons are on Sunday. - Educational bases. The university concludes a treaty with an educational establishment, which receives the status of Educational base of RCEM of the Center of training before entering the higher educational establishment of DNU named after O. Honchar. An elective class is organized under the Educational base, which works under the guidance and with methodical supply of RCEM. The lectures and seminars for the pupils of Educational bases take place on the territory of these educational establishments with the teachers from the university and teachers of medium general education establishments.
- Current monitoring of the pupils from 6-11 classes knowledge on the subjects of general education of the medium school are conducted every month on the base of RCEM in accordance with groups gathering or on the base of medium educational establishments after signing a corresponding agreement with them.
Distance monitoring for the pupils of 11th classes on Ukrainian and literature, chemistry, geography, English is made with Scientific-methodical Center of Distance education APN of Ukraine under Dnipropetrovs’k national university named after Oles’ Honchar through the Internet or e-mail. Distance monitoring on mathematics is proposed to the pupils of 6-11 classes. - Adaptation courses on mathematics, physics, chemistry and drawing for the first-year students. They are created to correct the students’ knowledge with the implementation of Bolon process in the system of higher education in 2006. The intake of the fourth-year students is conducted on the base of Adaptation courses in 2010 for the training for entrance examination on the foreign language at the education of education-qualified level of master.
- A standing seminar “Topical questions of the teaching methodology of the natural-mathematical disciples in general education schools” for teachers of Prydniprovs’k region. The lessons on subject sections are conducted in the limits of seminar: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, Ukrainian, information science, economical theory. The chiefs of the sections are the leading scientists of DNU. The basic directions of the modern science are examined at these seminars, and also the most difficult questions of the school program, methodological aspects of the disciples teaching, modern methods of organization and conducting optional lessons and hobby groups, the progressive pedagogical experience is spread.

- Further expanding of the Educational bases net in Prydniprovs’k region;
- Organization of work with talented pupils in the Olympiad groups on mathematics;
- Opening of the express-courses for entrants both on the base of DNU and in the regions of the district;
- Prolongation of the work with DOLIFMP on the questions of organization and conducting the Regional mathematical tournament “Evrika”.
Regional center of continuous education “Prydniprovia”
Director – Yudin Sergii Petrovych, PhD of physical-mathematical sciences, professor
Telephone: 760-85-14
Nowadays Regional center of continuous education “Prydniprovia” (RCCE “Prydniprovia”) contains 105 educational establishments situated in Dnipropetrovs’k, Zaporizhia, Khmelnyts’k and Kherson regions. The main aim of RCCE “Prydniprovia” is improvement of general tasks and functions concerning the continuous training of highly qualified specialists, executing of organizational and methodological work as well as providing of professional orientation of pre-university study for the students of general secondary schools and specialized educational establishments, arrangement of Olympiads, testing and current monitoring of the level of knowledge of the graduates of the educational establishments of the center.
Activity of the center “Prydniprovia” is of professionally oriented character:
- organization and analysis of the results of General Certificate exams;
- encouraging of the cooperation between DNU and the Board of education and science of Dnipropetrovs’k state administration concerning the professional orientation of rural youth;
- participation in the arrangement of “The Open Days”;
- holding of the public opinion poll among the students of educational establishments of RCCE “Prydniprovia” concerning their desire to enter DNU for improving professional orientation of the university;
- arrangement of meetings of chiefs of department boards and heads of the departments of DNU with students of 10-11th forms and their parents.
Legal clinics
Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Naukova Street 13, room 310-A
Tel. 8(056)373-67-89
E-mail: Dnipropetr_nu_lc@ukr.net
General information on history of founding and development of legal clinics
Legal services are in great demand nowadays. There is a great number of juridical firms and notary's offices providing legal assistance. Nevertheless, it is necessary to admit that this aid is rather expensive and it is not affordable for everybody. According to the Law of Ukraine “On higher education”, Decree of the President of Ukraine dated 18.10.2001 №992 “On national program of legal education of the population”, order of the Ministry of education and science №592 dated 3.08.2006 in Dnipropetrovs’k national university named after Oles’ Honchar 17.01.2007 a structural subdivision – legal clinics was established. Chiefs of the legal clinics are assigned a post by the decision of the rector of Dnipropetrovs’k national university named after Oles’ Honchar, on the submission of the dean of law department.
Students selected from among other candidates are admitted to the legal clinics. Terms of the competition are regulated by the legal clinics. The main tasks of the legal clinics are:
- to provide students with a possibility to gain practical skills and upgrade level of their knowledge;
- to provide legal help for the representatives of socially unprotected groups and guarantee free legal consultations to the students;
- to form legal civic culture;
- to provide interaction between students during the study process with practice experts of judicial and law-enforcement bodies, as well as other state bodies and organs of local self-government concerning their activity.
- holding theoretical and practical classes on the results of functioning of the legal clinics;
- holding of scientific practical conferences, seminars, trainings and other arrangements concerning the urgent legal issues;
- cooperation with other legal clinics of higher educational establishments of Ukraine and abroad.
Students that work in the legal clinics take part in the students’ scientific conferences and Olympiads. In 2007 Oleksandra Karpenko and Yana Litins’ka participated in the All-round Ukraine Olympiad of legal clinics on interviewing clients. Svitlana Odukalets’ and Nataliia Shevchenko took part in All-round Ukraine school on administrative legal procedure in Zaporizhia.
Introductory educational arrangements on the functioning of legal clinics were held for the students selected to work in legal clinics. In June 2008 a treaty on cooperation between Chief department of justice in Dnipropetrovs’k region and Dnipropetrovs’k national university was signed. The main subject of the treaty is free legal consulting help of unprotected layers of population and increasing of legal civic consciousness.
On 23-27th July 2008 the director of legal clinics (Sokolenko O. L.) took part in the training in Kyiv for the instructors of Legal clinical program on the topic: “Innovations and practical social orientation: new challenges and needs of higher legal education of Ukraine” (methodology of teaching in legal clinics at Higher legal schools). The training was arranged by:
- International charity fund “Foundation of legal clinics of Ukraine” (Kyiv);
- Legal initiative of Institute of open society (Budapest/ New York/ Abuja);
- International fund “Vozrozhdeniie” (Revival) (Kyiv);
Classes were held by professor Mizanur Rachman – Dhaka Legal university (Bangladesh). After the held classes participants of the training obtained certificates.
Structure and mechanism of functioning and operation of legal clinics:
Structure and number of staff of the legal clinic are regulated by the Rector of Dnipropetrovs’k national university named after Oles’ Honchar. Consulters of the legal clinics are the students of upper division course of law department. They provide legal assistance under the guidance of tutors.
- director of the legal clinics – 1 position, 0.5 rate of pay Sokolenko Ol’ga Leonidivna;
- methodologists of the legal clinics - 1 position, 0.5 rate of pay per each: Golovachova Khrystyna Grygoriievna, Popovs’kyi Dmytro Petrovych;
- department secretary of the legal clinics - 1 position Iziums’ka Yuliia Ivanivna
Procedure and hours of work of the legal clinic: Monday – Friday from 9.00 till 16.30
Services provided: legal clinics provides assistance to low-income and socially unprotected layers of society in the form of consultations, arranging of legal papers, and procedural documents.
Procedure of providing services: during the working week people that need legal aid on civil, administrative, labor issues address to the reception where they get information from students and instructors that are the members of the Clinics. Appeals can be either oral (told by a citizen and written by a member of the Clinics at the personal appointment) or written, sent to the Clinics by post or via the Internet or by phone.
External affairs of the legal clinics
Legal clinics closely cooperates with other similar organizations on the territory of Dnipropetrovs’k region and other regions of our country mainly to exchange experience and further improvement in the operation of this sphere.
Instructors of the legal department of Dnipropetrovs’k national university named after Oles’ Honchar provide large-scale aid to the members of the Clinics. They give theoretical and practical information, act both as instructors of law department and barristers, judges, legal advisers. Members of the Legal clinics address to them for advice during solving some certain legal cases.
Legal clinics closely cooperates with state bodies, for example with the Department of Justice in Dnipropetrovs’k region.
Thus, activity of the Legal clinics is beneficial for all, including our state represented by state bodies and organs of local self-government, and every individual citizen. For the state it provides professional lawyers, for citizens – experienced, qualified, fast and free consultation.
Educational and methodological basis of the legal clinics:
To upgrade the education level of the Clinics’ members, namely students of the law department, the Clinics holds monthly meetings at which instructors of law department of DNU provide theoretical and practical assistance to improve Clinics operation, direct students work, help to choose literature and make contacts with other legal clinics.
Members of the Clinic create own library fund, normative, legal and scientific literature for the sufficient operation of the Clinic. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the activity of “legal clinic”:
Over the period of its functioning 657 people acquired legal assistance on various categories of cases. Social categories of citizens applying to the
- pensioners;
- unemployed;
- people that work but not paid;
- students;
- people that don’t have enough money to pay to the attorneys and etc.
Citizens address to the clinics mainly in civil, administrative, labor issues. All citizens requiring legal assistance obtained necessary information. Moreover, over its period of functioning the there were no complaints concerning the Clinics operation.
Resource and financial base of the legal clinic:
It is financed by Dnipropetrovs’k national university named after Oles’ Honchar.
Prospects of improving the functioning of the legal clinic:
In future the legal clinic is seen with a wide range of students, own equipment and other resources necessary for efficient activity, and an opportunity of providing assistance to socially unprotected layers of population and law-income citizens as well as adult and young able-bodied and rather well-to-do population.
The Clinic is determined to realize the following task: to train educated, legally skilled youth that possess legal information and knows their rights and duties. To realize these goals and tasks professional instructors and lawyers of DNU, employees of state bodies mainly the Department of justice of Dnipropetrovs’k region as well as student willing to work and study are enlisted the services in the Clinics.
Legal clinic will further assist you to solve your problems. We also hope further to gain the credit of the citizens to the work of members of the Clinics.
Regional scientific-methodological center of distant learning
Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovs’k, Karl Marks avenue, 36, building№ 2.
Telephone: +38 (0562) 45-51-34.
E-mail: E-mail
Web-site: distance.dnu.edu.ua
Scientific-methodological center of distant learning of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine at Dnipropetrovs’k national university was founded according to the decree of the Presidium of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine dated 15.04.2002. The operation of the center is executed due to the regulations on Regional scientific-methodological center of distant learning. The coordinator of the scientific activity of the center is the Academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine.
Scientific advisor of the center on psychological and pedagogical issues of its functioning is the corresponding member of the Academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of psychological sciences, professor Nosenko E. L., scientific advisor on the issues of providing information is the Doctor of biological sciences, professor Chernyshenko S. V., director of the Center – PhD of chemical sciences, associate professor Derkach T. M.
Staff of the center: Gutnik Yu. Ye., Dubinko L. L., Samoshkin I. S.
On the photo from left to right: in the first row – T. M. Derkach, E. L. Nosenko, L. I. Baisara; in the second row – N. M. Liashenko, K. P. Kutovyi, S. V. Chernyshenko, L. L. Dubinko, Yu. Ye. Gutnyk, A. O. Lysutin.
Main task:
Main task of the Center is working out of psychological and methodological foundations of modern distant learning, approbation and realization of principles of this form of education by means of creating distant learning courses and providing opportunities of obtaining educational services in a distant form to the citizens of Ukraine.
Tasks and functions of the center
Center executes its tasks and functions by means of:- introducing the methods of distant learning in various variants;
- solely distant (for externs and students of correspondence department), distributive ( to improve self-taught work of students of full-time department);
- making scientific investigations to work out psychological and methodological foundations of distant learning and to improve its software;
- search and analytical processing of materials concerning the experience of using distant learning methods;
- arrangement and holding of conferences among higher educational establishments, scientific practical seminars, symposia on methodology of distant learning;
- creation of software means and surroundings for working out of educational computer and Internet courses;
- working out of sets of methodological supply on certain academic courses according to the state standards of education;
- providing chargeable educational services on the methodology of working out of educational materials for distant learning for other higher educational establishments of Ukraine;
- automation of the procedure of module control works for students of various departments;
- creation of conditions for students for studying extra courses which are provided in the format of distant learning including those of foreign educational establishments.
Over the period of its functioning Scientific-methodological center of distant learning of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine at Dnipropetrovs’k national university has repeatedly been awarded (medals) at the exhibitions “Modern Education of Ukraine”.