Department of Food Technology
Phone: +38 (056) 373-12-82Website: https://foodtechnologies.dp.ua/
The Head of Department of General Chemistry and Food Technologies is Tatiana Kolisnichenko, Cand. of Eng. Sc., docent.
In 2004 the Department of General Chemistry and Food Technologies was created at the Chemical Faculty, the preparation of bachelors in «Food Technology and Engineering» was licensed. At the organizational stage, Dr. of Chem. Sc., prof. V. Vargalyuk headed the department. In 2005, Cand. of Chem. Sc., Docent T. Derkach was elected as a head of the Department.
In 2009 the Department was renamed to the Department of Food Technologies, which was headed by the Dr. of Eng. Sc., prof. K. Melnikov. In 2012, the DNU began the preparation of specialists of educational level «specialist» in «Technologies of catering».
Since October 2014 the Cand. of Eng. Sc., docent Tatiana Kolisnichenko heads the department of Food Technologies. Her research interests are: theoretical foundation and development of the manufacturing technologies basis of products for the functional purpose using the iodine supplements from brown seaweed. Teaches disciplines: «Technology in Industry», «Organization in Foodstuff industry», «Equipment in Industry».
Khmelovskaya Svetlana, Cand. of Chem. Sc., docent. Disciplines that she studied: «Food Chemistry», «Ethnic Cuisine and Organizing Public Catering at Tourism Industry Enterprises».
Kondratyuk Natalia, Cand. of Eng. Sc., docent. Disciplines that she studied: «Advanced Stidies of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business», «Food Technologies».
Prymenko Vladyslav, Senior Lecture. Disciplines that he studied: «Logistic Systems in Restaurant Business», «Food Commodity», «Merchandising», «Technology of Medicinal and Disease Preventive Food».
Poltavets Veronica, Senior Lecture. Disciplines that she studied: «Fundamentals of Physiology and Hygiene of Public Catering», «Technological Bases of Food Safety», «Technologies of Restaurant Products of a Functional Purpose», «Management of Food Quality and Restaurant Business Services».
Novik Anna, Assistant Professor. Courses, practical lessons of which she holds: «Patent Studies», «Fundamentals of Culinary Art», «Technology of Confectionary Production».
The head of educational laboratory of the Department of Food Technologies is Kalina Victoria. Senior laboratory assistant of the Department is Ganzhelo Inna (since 2012).
In 2004 the Department of General Chemistry and Food Technologies was created at the Chemical Faculty, the preparation of bachelors in «Food Technology and Engineering» was licensed. At the organizational stage, Dr. of Chem. Sc., prof. V. Vargalyuk headed the department. In 2005, Cand. of Chem. Sc., Docent T. Derkach was elected as a head of the Department.
In 2009 the Department was renamed to the Department of Food Technologies, which was headed by the Dr. of Eng. Sc., prof. K. Melnikov. In 2012, the DNU began the preparation of specialists of educational level «specialist» in «Technologies of catering».
Since October 2014 the Cand. of Eng. Sc., docent Tatiana Kolisnichenko heads the department of Food Technologies. Her research interests are: theoretical foundation and development of the manufacturing technologies basis of products for the functional purpose using the iodine supplements from brown seaweed. Teaches disciplines: «Technology in Industry», «Organization in Foodstuff industry», «Equipment in Industry».
Khmelovskaya Svetlana, Cand. of Chem. Sc., docent. Disciplines that she studied: «Food Chemistry», «Ethnic Cuisine and Organizing Public Catering at Tourism Industry Enterprises».
Kondratyuk Natalia, Cand. of Eng. Sc., docent. Disciplines that she studied: «Advanced Stidies of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business», «Food Technologies».
Prymenko Vladyslav, Senior Lecture. Disciplines that he studied: «Logistic Systems in Restaurant Business», «Food Commodity», «Merchandising», «Technology of Medicinal and Disease Preventive Food».
Poltavets Veronica, Senior Lecture. Disciplines that she studied: «Fundamentals of Physiology and Hygiene of Public Catering», «Technological Bases of Food Safety», «Technologies of Restaurant Products of a Functional Purpose», «Management of Food Quality and Restaurant Business Services».
Novik Anna, Assistant Professor. Courses, practical lessons of which she holds: «Patent Studies», «Fundamentals of Culinary Art», «Technology of Confectionary Production».
The head of educational laboratory of the Department of Food Technologies is Kalina Victoria. Senior laboratory assistant of the Department is Ganzhelo Inna (since 2012).