Faculty of Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems
9, Naukova Street, buildings №12, №15Phones: +38 (056) 373-12-63, +38 (056) 374-97-04
E-mail: ffeks@365.dnu.edu.ua
Web-site: www.ffeks.dp.ua

Historical Reference
Faculty of physics, electronics and computer systems was founded in 22 March 2007 by means of unifying the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Systems and Physics Faculty of Dnipro National University.
Nowadays 800 students study at the full-time Faculty, 30 students are postgraduates. Training is provided by 98 instructors, among them there are 20 professors, DScs, 65 associate professors, PhDs, 13 assistant professors and assistants.
Management of the Faculty
Dean of the Faculty – Dergachov Mykhaylo Petrovych, Ph.D. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs – Kutseva Natalia Oleksandrivna, Ph.D. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Deputy Dean for Research – Saltykov Dmytro Yuriyovych, Ph.D. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Deputy Dean for Educational Work – Bukharov Serhiy Volodymyrovych, Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Deputy Dean for International Cooperation – Saltykov Dmytro Yuriyovych, Ph.D. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Structural Divisions of the Department
- Department of Electronic Means of Telecommunications
- Department of Applied and Computer Radio Physics
- Department of Electronic Computing Machinery
- Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies
- Department of Theoretical Physics
- Department of Radio Electronics
- Department of Experimental and Metal Physics
- Department of Physics of Solid Body and Optic Electronics

Educational Activities
Faculty of physics, electronics and computer systems provides training on the followings specialities:
014.08 Secondary Education (Physics)
104 Physics and Astronomy
105 Applied Physics and Nanomaterials
153 Micro- and Nanoelectronics
122 Computer Science
123 Computer Engineering
172 Telecommunications and Radioelectronic Devices
All specialities are accredited in DNU according to the ІV level.
104 Physics and Astronomy
105 Applied Physics and Nanomaterials
153 Micro- and Nanoelectronics
122 Computer Science
123 Computer Engineering
172 Telecommunications and Radioelectronic Devices
All specialities are accredited in DNU according to the ІV level.
Spheres and enterprises of work for the graduates of the Faculty: hi-tech industries of industry, scientific establishments, enterprises specializing on electronics, microelectronics, computing engineering, networks of telecommunications, software, automation of physical and biomedical researches, processing and classification of multidimensional information, as well as such enterprises as “Ukrtelekom”, “Optima-service”, “Alkar-teleport”, “Trifle”, “Dnipropetrovs’k machine-building plant”, Institute of transport systems and technologies of NASU, factory of artificial diamonds (Poltava), research institutes, hospitals and medical establishments, lyceums, secondary schools, technical schools, higher educational establishments and colleges, commercial banks and public institutions.
System fundamental training combined with the use of computer technologies give an opportunity to graduating students of the Faculty to work not only in the sphere of science and high technologies but also in business and social and political activity.
Scientific and Technical Activities
Spheres of scientific researches of the Faculty:
• Electronic ceramics, glassy semiconductors and heterogeneous materials of functional electronics. Research of optical and electric phenomena in semiconductors, namely А2В2;
• Laser and infra-red spectroscopy of the phase states of solids. Photo-electric phenomena in complicated semiconductor structures;
• Exact solving of Einstein equalizations in the theory of gravitation. Methods of computer electrodynamics. Quantum processes in extreme environmental terms. Bound states of gluons and quarks;
• Design of biophysical mechanisms of electro-genesis and morphogenesis of complex neurons;
• Computer systems of signal and images processing on the basis of artificial intelligence and artificial neuron networks;
• Forming of metastable and amorphous structures in metals and alloys;
• Multifrequency microwave methods of measuring on the basis of holographic approach;
• Algorithmic means of recognition and analysis of video information;
• Data processing by means of medical spectroscopy, ultrasonic echoskopy, reconstructive tomography, gas-unloading diagnostics, processing of x-ray photographies etc.
Scientific-Research Divisions:
• department of dynamic metal physics (department of metal physics);
• laboratories: quantum chromic plasma, radio physical systems, biophysics and bioelectronics, functional electronics, physics of crystals of active dielectrics, amorphous and microcrystal materials.
• laboratories: quantum chromic plasma, radio physical systems, biophysics and bioelectronics, functional electronics, physics of crystals of active dielectrics, amorphous and microcrystal materials.
Faculty trains scientific and pedagogical personnel by means of postgraduate course and senior doctorate level on specialities: “Theoretical physics”, “Radiophysics”, “Optics, laser physics”, “Physics of solid”, “Physicist of semiconductors and dielectrics”, “Biophysics”, “Applied geometry, engineering graphic arts”, “Systems and management processes”, “Informational technologies”.
Faculty cooperates with higher educational establishments and scientific establishments of Ukraine and foreign countries. Traditional Ukrainian partners of the Faculty researchers: Institute of applied mechanics (Lviv), Institute of physical optics (Lviv), Institute of physics of semiconductors of NASU (Kyiv), Institute of physics of NASU (Kyiv), Major physical observatory of NASU, Kharkiv national university, National university named after T. G. Shevchenko, Institute of theoretical physics named after Bogoliubov, etc.
International Contacts
Faculty closely co-operates and provides exchange of students with scientific and educational establishments of Russia, Slovenia, England, Germany and Mexico, High school of telecommunications (Paris, France), Technical university (Grats, Austria), Oregon university of science and health (USA).
Faculty has active scientific contacts with the leading European centers of theoretical physics: Institute of physics of solid of Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernogolovka, Russia), Physical institute named after P. M Lebedev of Russian AS (Moscow), International center of theoretical physics (Mirama-re-triest, Italy), university of Gvelf (Canada), Institute of physical chemistry of the Polish academy of sciences (Warsaw), Pedagogical university of Krakiv. Grants for post graduate students and students are given by the Center of molecular medicine of Copenhagen university, Center of molecular neurobiology (Hamburg).
Student's Life
Students take an active part in the sports clubs in the Palace of Sport, and creative collectives of Palace of Students. Annually sport student teams of the Faculty participate in university competitions on track-and-field, volley-ball, basket-ball, swimming, weight lifting and win. The team “Club of cheerful and witty” leads an active life.
There is an organ of students self-government – students board. Annually, “Day of freshman”, “Day of the Faculty”, are arranged at the Faculty, students newspaper “Rubylnyk” (“Knife-switch”) is edited.