Educational And Methodological Administration
Address: 72 Gagarin Avenue, 3 floor, Dnipropetrovs’k, 49010.
e-mail: overba@mail.dnu.dp.ua
Educational and methodological administration (hereinafter referred to as EMA) is a structural subdivision of Dnipropetrovsk National University. It provides the implementation of the university’s concept of educational and methodological work.
EMA is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine “On education” and “On higher education”, normative documents of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine, university’s normative documents and orders, other statutory acts in the sphere of education.
EMA includes: the educational department, the department of connection to production and the scientific and methodological department.
The scientific and methodological council performs the role of a deliberative body and consists of: the head of EMA, the representatives of the scientific and methodological councils and methodological committees of the educational subdivisions of the university, the representatives of the teaching staff of institutes of higher education of I-II levels of accreditation that are included into the university’s structure. The personal staff of the scientific and methodological council is confirmed by the rector’s order with vice-rector’s presentation.
The main tasks and functions of Educational and methodological administration
The main tasks of Educational and methodological administration is to provide the implementation of the university’s concept of educational work through the improvement of its academic process, its scientific and methodological ensuring, the implementation of modern pedagogical achievements, educational technologies and educational management.
EMA implements its task through the following functions:
- normative documents on institutes of higher education work implementation and verification of their observance organization;
- the development of suggestions for the rector and the Academic senate as to improvement of the normative basis of the educational process;
- the identification of the prospects and first-priority ways of development of the educational, scientific and methodological university’s work;
- planning organization, data calculation, academic process control as to all educational and qualification levels and forms of education according to which the training of a personnel at the university’s structural subdivisions is done;
- coordination, methodological, organizational and information support of the university’s academic process;
- generalization and implementation of the up-to-date experience of the organization of educational, scientific and methodological work of the leading higher educational institutions and structural subdivisions of the university.
- to receive the information about the university’s work from its subdivisions and officials in accordance with the established procedure;
- to draw university employees to the discussion of its main issues;
- to create coordinating committees, expert and working groups for the implementation of certain tasks;
- to take part in meetings and conferences that are competent to its work;
- to organize and run meetings, conferences, seminars devoted to educational work of the university in accordance with the established procedure;
- to submit the suggestions as to educational, scientific and methodological university work improvement for rector’s and Academic senate consideration.
The governing body of Educational and methodological administration
The head of educational and methodological administration of the university:- provides the general management of EMA, coordinates its subdivisions work as to the implementation of the appropriate tasks;
- submits the suggestions as to EMA’s stuffing level to the rector and determines the professional duties of its employees;
- implements the optimization of EMA’s structure in accordance with the established procedure;
- controls the state of working discipline of EMA’s employees.
The head of EMA gives official duties that are obligatory for all university subdivisions’ heads and controls their fulfillment.
The head of administration, the vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work – Chernetskiy Serhiy Oleksandrovych, tel.: (056)374-98-04.
The head of educational department – Verba Olga Vitaliivna, tel.: (056)374-98-33.
The educational department – room 301, tel.: (056)374-98-32.
The educational department – room 305, tel.: (056)374-98-17.
The head of the department of connection to production – Lysychenko Olena Victorivna.
The department of connection to production tel.: (056)374-98-40.
Scientific and methodological department – room 319, tel.: (056)374-98-38.
Scientific and methodological department – room 326, tel.: (056)374-98-90.