Faculty of Applied Mathematics
Address: 35, D.Yavornitsky Avenue, 3 and 4 buildings of DNUDean’s office phone number: +38 (056) 745-24-83
E-mail: fpmdekanat@gmail.com
Web: fpm.dnu.dp.ua

Historical Reference
The background of the faculty of applied mathematics dates back to physico-mathematical faculty of DNU. The department of calculus mathematics was created at this very faculty in 1959. The first head of the department was Victor Mykhailovych Chernyshenko. In 1967 associate professor Davyd Borusovych Topolianskyi and he opened the speciality of calculus mathematics in DNU. First 25 graduates of it got their diplomas and degrees in 1969. Together with calculus equipment development (the first calculator in DSU was “Ural-1”, then “Mins’k-22”, M-222”, those of series ES, SM etc.) the requirements to specialists who used them were changing too. In 1970 in the former USSR a new speciality “Applied mathematics” was implied and DSU was one of the leading universities that started to prepare specialists in the new speciality. This speciality was gaining more and more popularity, specialists of the department were of great demand all over the USSR.
The history of the faculty takes its beginning in 1984 when at the initiative of rector Volodymyr Ivanovych Mossakovs’kyi the faculty of applied mathematics was created. The first dean of the faculty was Victor Zakharovych Gryshchak. In 1986 a new department was created at the faculty – the department of mathematical modelling. In 2001 the department of computer technologies was added to the faculty (it used to be a part of the faculty of international economics). In 1990 at the department of computer mathematical support a new speciality “Software of computer-aided systems” was opened. New specialitites have been opening at the faculty for several years. In 1996 at the department of computer technologies a speciality “Informatics” (“Informatics of banking”) was opened. In 1998 a speciality “Intellectual decision-making systems” was opened at the department of calculating mathematics and mathematical cybernetics”. Today a new speciality “Systems analysis”is been worked on. There are 680 full-time and 121 part-time students at the faculty. There is a mathematical study, 8 computer studies, a canteen. There are 4 departments where 8 professors, 32 associate professors, 28 assistant professors and assistants, 10 scientific workers work.
The Governing Body of the Faculty
Dean – Kiseliova Olena Mykhailivna, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor. Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine.
Deputy dean on educational work – Kuzenkov Olexander Olexandrovych, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, associate professor.
Deputy dean on scientific work – Segeda Nadiya Yevstakhivna, assistant professor.
Deputy dean on educative work – Siryk Svitlana Fedorivna, assistant.
Structural Subdivisions of the Faculty
- Department of Calculating Mathematics and Mathematical Cybernetics
- Department of Mathematical Support of Calculating Machines
- Department of Computer Technologies
The faculty includes 1 scientific-research lab that is structural subdivision of the department of calculating mathematics and mathematical cybernetics:
Optimization of complex systems (scientific head – professor, member of National Academy of Sciences, Kiseliova Olena Mykhailivna).
The lab investigates fundamental mathematical surveys in the branch of optimization tasks of applied character with a prior direction of science and technology development – “New computer means and technolocies of informatization of society (Informatics and cybernetics)”.
Optimization of complex systems (scientific head – professor, member of National Academy of Sciences, Kiseliova Olena Mykhailivna).
The lab investigates fundamental mathematical surveys in the branch of optimization tasks of applied character with a prior direction of science and technology development – “New computer means and technolocies of informatization of society (Informatics and cybernetics)”.
Educative Functioning
At the faculty the following specialities prepare bachelors:
Software engineering (since 2007, the previous years – “Computer sciences”);
Applied mathematics;
A new speciality is been forming now – “Systems analysis”.
The following specialities prepare masters and specialists:
Software of computer-aided systems;
Applied mathematics (speciality – mathematical modelling, software of calculating machines);
Informatics (speciality – economic informatics, information support of computer systems);
Intellectual decision-making systems.
Software engineering (since 2007, the previous years – “Computer sciences”);
Applied mathematics;
A new speciality is been forming now – “Systems analysis”.
The following specialities prepare masters and specialists:
Software of computer-aided systems;
Applied mathematics (speciality – mathematical modelling, software of calculating machines);
Informatics (speciality – economic informatics, information support of computer systems);
Intellectual decision-making systems.
Students receive practical skills and experience in scientific-research labs, banks, state enterprises, companies that develop software etc. Faculty graduates work at higher educational establishments, scientific-research and planning institutes, banks, enterprises and business corporations. They hold posissions of academic staff of higher educational establishments, heads, scientific workers, executives and employees of the companies that develop software and work with program-technical systems. The department graduates work at many companies of the region and outside it. These are famous computer companies ISD, LuxoftUkraine, MaxymiserUkraine, SiteCore, CupidPLC,SoftServe, DataArt, Ciklum, Ardas, ExigenServices, Noosphere etc.
Scientific and Scientific-Technical Functioning
Kiseliova Olena Mykhailivna, Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor, member of Academy of sciences of Ukraine, honored worker in the branch of optimization. The head of the department of calculating mathematics and mathematical cybernetics. She has created and heads a scietific school. Her students and she are leading the process of development of algorithms of solving of different classes of problems of optimal fracturing. 1 doctor thesis and 8 candidate theses were defended under her scientific guidance. She has been the member of coordinative council of the section “Calculating mathematics” of Scientific Academy of Ukraine since 1999, she is the member of American mathematical assosiation.
The main scientific interests of the head of the department of calculating mathematics and mathematical cybernetics Nataliya Illivna Obodan are connected with the development and investigation of nonlinear models of thin-walled systems during thermal forces outer influences as well as damaged by stratification, breaches, interstices by creating the methods of increase of persistence capability of thin-walled systems with present damages (she has 5 certificates of recognition). 15 candidate theses were defended under her scientific guidance. She has been the member of the Presidium of Assosiation “Reliability” of Scientific Academy of Ukraine since 1991, she is the member of a specialized council of the speciality “Mechanics of a deformed body”. The faculty implements the preparation of postgraduates at the following specialities: “Theoretical background of informatics and cybernetics” and “Mathematical modelling and calculating methods”.
Professor of the department of mathematical support of calculating machines Oleksandr Pylypovych Prystavka has made a valuable input in the development of theory and practice of evaluation of reability and efficiency of space and aviation technologies exponents, development of information technology systems of environment monitoring, the founder of spline transformations in the theory of statistics information processing. A scientific school has been created under his guidance. 21 of his students have became candidates of science. He is affiliated to a specialized scientific council on doctor theses defences under National Aviation University, he is a chief scientific worker of the labs where geoinformation, geology of DNU are processed. He is The Excellent Student of Education of Ukraine.
Professor of the department of mathematical support of calculating machines Oleg Mykolayovych Karpov is a scientist in the branch of applied mathematics and computer technologies, he is an inventor. The main sphere of his scientific researches is theory and computer technologies, the issue of language recognition. 4 candidate theses were defended under his scientific guidance. He is the member of a specialized scientific council on doctor theses defences devoted to “Information systems”. He is awarded an honored rank “Inventor, USSR”, he has 11 certificates of recognition, his scientific works received 9 silver and bronze medals.
The head of the department of mathematical support of calculating machines Baibuz Oleg Grygorovych is the deputy head of a specialized scientific council on doctor theses defence K 08.051.01 under Dnipropetrovsk National University, an executive secretary of a scientific publication collection “Topica problems of automation and information technologies”, he has prepared 2 candidates of science in the speciality of “Automated control system and progressive information technologies”, “The Excellent Student of Education of Ukraine”.
Associate professor of the department of computer technologies Khyzha Oleksandr Leonidovych is “The Excellent Student of Education of Ukraine”. Since 1999 he has been an expert consultant of Ukrainian pupils’ competitions in informatics. He has prepared 33 prize-holders of these competitions in informatics, among those 9 are the first-place holders, 10 – the second-place holders and 15 are the third-place holders. In 1996 he received a grant from the international fund “Vidrodzhennia” (“Renaissance”) at the project “Competitions of Dnipropetrosk region in informatics: the system of talented pupils preparation” (DP-95-SES-02-1296-3-4-4). He has prepared 2 international pupils’ informatics competitions holders: Sergiy Khenkin, a bronze medal (Capetown, 1997) and Yevgen Yatsenko, a silver medal (Beijing, 2000). He is a tutor of DNU team in programming. His scientific interests are connected with mathematical basis of informatics and programming.
Professor of the department of mathematical modelling Vasyl’ Ivanovych Kuz’menko is a laureate of Yaroslav Mudryi award of Academy of Science of Ukrainian High School. His students’ and his own researches are connected with theory and methods of mathematical modelling of nonlinear phenomena in complex systems, theory of inverse problems of deformed body mechanics, research of resistance during contact interaction, structure of discrete mechanics of a deformed body, mathematical modelling in metallurgy, biology, mining.
Head of the department of mathematical modelling Lamziuk Volodymyr Dmytrovych is the member of expert commission and a working group on the development of the standart of the education of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in “Applied mathematics”. The main directions of scientific investigations are connected with mixed problem solving in the theory of elasticity for heterogeneous bodies with the investigation of special integral equations and problems of linear conjugations. The faculty prepares postgraduates in the following specialities: “Mechanics of a deformed solid body”, “Mathematical modelling and calculating methods”. Every year a great number of articles written by faculty staff is published in Ukrainian and foreign journals and collections. Lecturers and students take active part in scientific conferences of different level including those of international one. Since 2003 at the basis of the faculty an annual scientific conference “Mathematical and programm software of intellectual systems” is been held. Students also take part in scientific-research work: Ukrainian and international conferences, scientific groups, department and inter-department seminars, they implement different scientific works, they work, publish articles and theoretical propositions on their own and together with lecturers and scientists of the faculty. In 2007 5 different scientific works were sent to competitions, 3 of them got rewards. In 2007 a student of PZ-04-1 group Yatsenko O.M. became the winner of the best scientific elaboration “Intelligence, creativity, success” held by a local organization of Dnipropetrosk employers. Sumin R.V. received the scholarship of Klychko brothers. The faculty tightly cooperates with Dnipropetrovsk regional state administration. On 22.12.2006 at the initiative of the faculty of applied mathematics there was signed a contract on cooperation and common work between DNU and Main department of science and education of Dnipropetrovsk regional state administration, a Remote pupils’ and students’ competitions centre was created.
Internationsl Contacts
The cooperation between the faculty and foreign universities has increased recently.
It cooperates in the direction of common scientific and educative-methodological work (especially, with help of international funds), information exchange, common visits and exchange of lecturers, scientists, students. More than 30 graduates of the faculty of recent years work and study abroad in such countries as France, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Canada, USA. One of the forms of international cooperation is participation of DNU representatives (lecturers and students) in summer schools held in Koblanz. The summer school allows to get the knowledge which is not included to the traditional studying schedule, it gives a possibility for students and lecturers to get acquainted with West-European system of education and to open their mind. The department of calculating mathematics and mathematical cybernetics cooperated with Prinston University, the department of chemical engineering (professor K.A. Fludas), University of Florida, the department of system engineering (professor P.M. Pardalos, the head of systen engineering department, deputy head of the centre of applied optimization).
Since 2003, the facilty runs the program of two diplomas: Department of Applied Mathematics DNU - Faculty of Science and Technology University. Le Mans (France). Throughout the Program in 2010-2015 in the program was attended by eight graduate students from DNU, 7 of them successfully completed the program received two diplomas (DNU and University of Le Mans) and are employed in the IT-sector in the European Union.
Since 2003, the facilty runs the program of two diplomas: Department of Applied Mathematics DNU - Faculty of Science and Technology University. Le Mans (France). Throughout the Program in 2010-2015 in the program was attended by eight graduate students from DNU, 7 of them successfully completed the program received two diplomas (DNU and University of Le Mans) and are employed in the IT-sector in the European Union.
Student's Life
The history of students government started its history at the faculty of applied mathematics in 2000. It was then that the council of students of DNU was created and the council of students of the faculty was created as well. This organization had the following goal: to make the life of our students more versatile and interesting. In order to gain students interest activists of the council starte
d to publish a wall newspaper “Persona Grata”. It brought the information about the life of the faculty, university, collegiate life in general and it was published once in 3-5 months. Later it was changed by the first magazine of the faculty of applied mathematics “Kompromat” (“Discrediting evidence”), then one more magazine appeared, it was called “Vitrazhi” (“Stained-glass windows”).

The faculty runs competitions in applied mathematics. Winners of these competitions took part in Ukrainian competitions where they could check their solutions on big calculating machines.