Financial And Economic Administration
Financial and economic administration
Address: 72 Gagarin Avenue, 4 floor, Dnipropetrovs’k, 49010. e-mail: pfo@mail.dnu.dp.ua
Financial and economic administration is a structural subdivision of Dnipropetrovsk National University which provides the organization of accounting and reporting, the realization of financial and taxation policy of the university.
The administration is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, the decrees of Verkhovna Rada, the orders and decrees of the President, the orders and decrees of the Ministry of Ukraine, the normative documents of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Science and Education, State Tax Inspectorate, Chief Department of State Treasury of Ukraine, the resolutions of local bodies of executive power, bodies of local government and other normative acts.
Main task and functions of financial and economic administration The main tasks of the administration is the insurance of the organization and the implementation of accounting and financial reporting, supplying of full and unbiased information on the financial state, the results of work and university’s cash drive in accordance with Ukrainian legislation. Namely these tasks are:
- well-timed planning and implementation of the budget estimate of the university;
- completion of the general and special funds’ budgets, separate as to quarterly subdivisions;
- well-timed implementation of financial and calculation operations of high quality;
- planning of budgets as to economic covenants in accordance with the given agreements and normative documents;
- the implementation of well-timed periodical and annual reports, their submission to the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, appropriate ministries, administrations, bodies of central executive power and local power bodies on time;
- the organization and fulfillment of the calculations of salary payment to university employees and grants to students;
- the accounting of main funds, raw materials, fuel, outgoing inventory, precious metal and other university’s valuables;
- the control of well-timed inventories of budgets, inventory holdings and calculations;
- the control of valuables preservation and their usage according to the intended purposes;
- the implementation together with other university’s subdivisions of economic analysis of the financial and economic work in order to define the inner reserves and the establishment of economical usage of the budget, reduction of expenditures, liquidation of further ineffective expenditures;
- the implementation of progressive forms and methods of accounting, analysis of the financial and economic work based on the improvement of the automated and computerized accounting organization.
The governing body of the administration
The head of the body who is appointed and dismissed by the rector of the University under the agreement with the Ministry of science and education of Ukraine governs the administration. The head of the Financial and economic administration is subordinate to the rector and bears personal responsibility for the tasks entrusted to him/her.
The work of the administration is coordinated by the university’s vice-rector on social and economic issues.
The head of the Financial and economic administration – Honored economist of Ukraine, Govorukha Nina Markivna, tel.: (056)374-98-50.
The deputy chief – Russu Svitlana Olegivna, tel.: (056)374-98-55.
The group on accounting of salaries and grants – tel.: (056)374-98-57.
The group of valuables – tel.: (056)374-98-54.