Faculty of History
Gagarin Avenue, 72Phone number of dean’s office: + 38 (056) 374-98-60
E-mail: dekanat-hist@ukr.net
Web: http://www.dnu-history.com.ua/

Historical Information
The elements of higher historical education in our area are connected to historical-philological faculty formation at Katerynoslavs’kyi University in 1918. First generation of historians represented famous scientists: M.K. Liubavs’kyi, D.I. Yavornyts’kyi, M.F. Zlotnykov, V.O. Parkhomenko, M.V. Brechkevych and others. There were many historians at the base of scientific and scientific-research work combination that time.
In 1970 – first half of 1980 an educational-pedagogical process and scientific schools formation and development happened with such famous professors and doctors of science participation, such as V.Ya. Borschevs’kyi, A.S. Zavialov, M.P. Koval’s’kyi, D.P. Poida, A.M. Chernenko and others.
In the second half of 1980 – first half of 1990 a new pleiad of famous professors, doctors of historical science became bigger: A.H. Bolebruch, V.H. Horodianenko, S.I. Zhuk, V.V. Ivanenko, V.M. Kalashnykov, I.F. Koval’ova, I.I. Kolesnyk, K.A. Markov, Yu.A. Mytsyk, V.V. Pidhaiets’kyi, S.M. Plokhii, H.K. Shvyd’ko, V.K. Yakunin and others. At the end of the XX century – at the beginning of the XXI century A.I. Holub, O.A. Udod, S.I Svitlenko, O.I. Zhurba, O.B. Shliakhov, Ye.I. Borodin defended their dissertations. They represent a new generation of higher qualification personnel.
Over 270 students and externs study at licensed “History”, “Science of archives” specialties study at the historical faculty.
An educational process is provided by 10 professors, doctors of historical science, 20 docents, candidates of science.
The Department has a well-developed framework for educational and scientific work of students: 2 laboratories, 3 research laboratories, archaeological and ethnographic classrooms, computer room. Since 1971 the faculty organizes archaeological expedition which conducts systematic excavations in the region. Within the faculty there are Ukrainian-German Center for Research, Ukrainian-Polish Scientific and Cultural Center and others. Students historians have opportunities for research in the state budget within two topics and student scientific society, student scientific circles.
The faculty prepares Bachelors in "History" with the possibility of continuing education for Specialist's Degree or Master of the relevant specialty.
The faculty prepares Bachelors in "History" with the possibility of continuing education for Specialist's Degree or Master of the relevant specialty.
Structure of the Faculty Leaders
Dean of the faculty is Svitlenko Serhii Ivanovych, doctor of historical science and a professor.
A dean’s assistant of educational work is Bezugly Vitaliy Viktorovych, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the geography chair.
A dean’s assistant of scientific work is Voronov Viktor Ivanovych, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the historiography, source studies and archival studies chair.
A dean’s assistant of international cooperation is Repan Oleh Anatoliyovych, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the history of Ukraine chair.
Structural Subsections of the Faculty
- Department of World History
- Department of History of Ukraine
- Department of Historiography, Knowledge of Sources and Knowledge of Archives
- Department of East European History
- Department of Geography
Educational Activities
The faculty trains the specialists of educational-qualified level A bachelor at the specialties “History of Ukraine”, “History of foreign countries”, “Knowledge of archives”, “Archeology” within the limits of “History” direction. Licensed specialties of educational-qualified level a specialist are “History”, “Knowledge of archives”, “Archeology”. Masters training is made at the “History” specialty.
Students of historical faculty have a practical training during archeological-ethnographical practice on the base of archeological expedition at the historical faculty of DNU; regional ethnography and archive-museum practice on the base of Dnipropetrovs’k historical museum named after D.I. Yavornyts’kyi, history museum of DNU, State archive of Dnipropetrovs’k region; industrial (pedagogical) practice on the base of schools and lyceums of Dnipropetrovs’k and region. Graduates of the faculty have the opportunity to work in schools, lyceums, colleges, state, departmental and branch archives, archive departments of power structures, organizations, establishments, firms, museums etc.
Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities
Scientific schools were formed at the historical faculty at the “Historiography, knowledge of source and methods of historical researches”, “Archeology of Prydniprovia”, “Social history of Prydniprovia”, “Social-political history of Ukraine”, “History of German people in Ukraine” directions. Professor-teaching collective of the faculty makes scientific researches within the limits of four state-budget themes.
The faculty maintains close connections with scientific establishments and higher educational establishments of Ukraine and foreign countries, has agreements about cooperation with National university “Kyiv-Mohylian academy”, National university “Ostroz’ka academy”, Kharkivs’kyi national university named after V. Karasin, Tavrian national university named after B. Vernads’kyi, Institute of archeology of Lublin university named after M. Kiuri-Sklodovs’ka (Poland Republic) and other.
The faculty trains scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel through post-graduate study and doctoral studies at the specialties 07.00.01 – History of Ukraine, 07.00.02 – World history, 07.00.04 – Archeology, 07.00.06 – Historiography, knowledge of source and special historical disciples. A specialized academic council D 08.051.14 functions at Dnipropetrovs’k national university which deals with dissertations defend to get a scientific degree of a doctor and candidate of science at the specialties 07.00.01 – History of Ukraine, 07.00.02 – World history, 07.00.06 – Historiography, knowledge of source and special historical disciples.
The faculty publishes a scientific magazine “Visnyc of Dnipropetrovs’k university. History and archeology” founded in 1993, which was recognized by VAK of Ukraine as special scientific collection in the sphere of history on 9 June 1999. Chairs of historical faculty publish scientific collections “Questions of German history” (09.06.99), “Knowledge of source and historiographical problems of Ukrainian history” (09.06.99), “Naddniprians’kyi Ukraine: historical processes, events, figures” (08.06.05), “Problems of Podniprovia archeology” (09.06.99), and also a magazine “Borders” (10.11.99).
Scientists and teachers of the faculty are authors of the textbooks which got classification of Ministry of science and education of Ukraine, - Kolesnyk I.I. “Ukrainian historiography (XVIII-the beginning of XX century)” (K., 2000), Sviatets’ Yu.A. “Kliometrics. Formal-quantitative and mathematical-statistical methods” (D., 2003), Bobylieva S.Y. “History of Germany from old times till 1945” (D., 2003). During last five years many scientific and education collections on topical themes in the spheres of history were published. Among them we should name monographs by S.I. Svitlenko “Social movement in Katerynoslavschyna 50-80-th of XIX century” (D., 2006), “The world of modern Ukraine at the end of XVIII – the beginning of XX century (D., 2007), V.V. Ivanenko and V.K. Yakulin “OUN-UPA in the Second world war: historiography and methodology problems” (D., 2006), collective monograph edited by A.H. Bolebrukh “History of Dnipropetrovs’k city” (D., 2006), Yu.A. Sviatets’ “Ukrainian farm and new economical politics” (D., 2007), N.V. Venher “Menonits’kyi enterprise in the conditions of Southern Russia modernization: among congregation, clan and Russian society (1789-1920)” (D., 2009), V.A. Romashka “Twin-2: Scythian aristocratic tumulus in Dnipropetrovs’k right-bank Nadporizhzhia” (D., 2009), and also collective works “History of Dnipropetrovs’k national university named after Oles’ Honchar” (D., 2008), and “Professors of Dnipropetrovs’k national university named after Oles’ Honchar. 1918-2008” (D., 2008), “National book of Famine victims remembrance 1932-1933 in Ukraine. Dnipropetrovs’k region” (D., 2008). Ukrainian students’ Olympiad on history was held on the base of DNU historical faculty during 2004-2007. Among winners of this Olympiad were our best students, besides, Ye. Vradii, who is history of Ukraine chair post-graduate student now.
Scientific associations “Archeology of Prydniprovs’k region”, “Historical profiles of Ukraine”, “Historiographical studios”, “Informational technologies in historical researches”, “Association of war history fans”, “Topical problems of world history” function at the faculty. Students of historical faculty take part in contests of student scientific works, in scientific DNU conference by the results of scientific work for a year and at conferences, which are held by Ukrainian universities systematically.
International Contacts
Separate teachers and students of historical faculty are the members of International association “History and computer”, “European association of archeology”, “International association of history researchers and culture of German people”.
An Institute of Ukrainian-German historical researches works at historical faculty from 1997. It takes part several-volume history writing “German people in Russia”, together with the center “Reconciliation” (Toronto) researches a destiny of menonit colonies of civil war age, studies the history and the culture of Swedish population of Ukraine. Researchers of DNU got grants for these programs.
A grant holder of Fullbrite fund is a docent of world history chair N.V. Venher, who had probation trainings in USA and successfully works on doctoral dissertation. An American professor Linda Grey read lectures for the fourth-year students of our faculty in April-May 2007.
The faculty has agreements with the Institute of archeology of Lublin University named after Maria Kiuri-Sklodovs’ka, faculty of history and pedagogy of Vrotslav University (Poland Republic), Hattingen department of Institute of culture and history of German people of Northern-Eastern Europe, an international conference “German people of Ukraine and Russia in conflicts and compromises XIX-XX centuries” was held owing to it in September 2007. About 100 scientists of Ukraine, Canada, Germany, Russian Federation, USA, and Sweden took part at this scientific forum.
Student's Life
A student council functions at the faculty that organizes leisure and rest of students. Festive meetings of first-year students, ordaining in students, days of first-year student, student, chairs of historical faculty are held under its aegis, creative (poetical, photographical and other) contests, sport competitions are organized. Student council and Student scientific community of the faculty publish a collection of young scientists’ scientific works “Historical sketches”. Students of historical faculty take part in the Club of creative young people of the university. Students are honored with nominal grants of the President of Ukraine (O. Romashko, K. Hryschenko), Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (A. Nikitenko), academic council of DNU (O. Sichkar), Zhovtneva regional council in Dnipropetrovs’k city (O. Kostelenko) for excellent styding and active participation in public life.