Investment Projects
Automatic system of control of multilayer elements in aerospace constructions on the basis of holographic interferometry methodsAnode for chromium-plating
Biological feasibility study of the use of quarry reservoirs for commercial breeding of fine species of fish (trout, sturgeon, etc.)
Vibratory unloader of frozen materials)
Application of containers for toxic chemical waste (pesticides, herbicides) storage, as well as for low- and middle-energy radioactive waste
High-efficiency deoxidizers-modifiers for treating steel melts and alloys and their production
Plants introduction in the settlements gardening
Ion-plasma Method of Obtaining High-adhesive Layer-free Homogeneous Films Based on Noble Metals and Immiscible Component Systems
The Use of Self-contained Steam Generating Complexes as an Alternative to Distant Heating
Reforestation Of Coal And Metal Mined Lands
New Technology For Microwave Rapid Quality Diagnostic Of Liquids With Small Values And Loss Tangent ≤ 1
New pharmacologically active frame compounds. Synthesis, in vivo and in vitro activity
Determination of microelements’ balance in biological objects to analyze human health state
Galvanic production sewage treatment
Steam and heat generators for industrial and household usage
Pyrophosphate electrolyte for galvanic precipitation of multifunctional brass surfaces
Getting commercial microbial preparations for the national economy
Standing Model of Anthropogenic Natural Landsliding Risky Slope
Production of antifriction components of friction couples with multifunctional composite metals for nodes-media of spacecraft and aviation engineering
Production of waterspray aluminum alloys powders and items made of these powders production
The production of cutting tools and devices of powdered high-speed steel
The germ-origin biological products obtaining and adopting for the agriculture patterns design
Rock mining technology development and forest biogeocenosis creation in the process of the soil disturbed by mining industry revegetation
The development of the technology of nickelizing of current distributors made of aluminium and its alloys
The development of the technology of dissolution of platinum catalysts by physical methods
Development of technology of electrochemical removal of platinum group metals from processing mediums
The system of liquid fuels emulsification
The system of emulsification of reduced fuel oil
Formation of production of hard alloy materials and coatings, containing boron
The Performance capability of electrolytes developed in SRL of metal plating
Anthropogenic-and-natural geological risk of industrial urban agglomeration(on the example of Dnipropetrovsk)
The techniques of the crystalline ß –carotene extraction from the biomass of the Blakeslea trispora fungus
The technology of the diffusion welded joints obtaining of dissimilar metals and nonmetallic materials
Express analysis of soils
Physiological principles of criteria for the choice and methods of renewal in culture of new species of arboreous plants
Zinc coatings from alkaline electrolytes with the LV-4584 and LV-8490 additives
Ecological estimation of the environmental pollution of objects by heavy metals
Gas fuel saving. System of combustion intensification (SCI)
Electrolytes for galvanized coating with extra corrosion resistance
Electrolytes for copper coating of printed circuit boards