Law Faculty
Naukova Str., 13, building №9Phone of the dean's office: +38 (056) 374–97–12
E-mail: dnu_pravo@ukr.net
Historical Reference
Law Faculty in Katerynoslav University was opened in July 1918. The first dean became a lawyer, specialist in the sphere of comparative history of law F. V.Taranovskii.
In 1920 universities were reorganized into the institutes of folk education. Having decided to establish really the system of folk education, Soviet power took into consideration the social role of former legal forms of educational establishments. Before revolution university education was considered to be an elite one. In leading universities of that time the majority of students were the representatives of the nobility, officialdom, clergy, the merchants, low middle class. Mass illiteracy of population and a great number of orphanages and homeless influenced significantly the introduction of the new system of education. At the beginning of 20-s departments (institutes) of social education and professional training were considered to be as the most proper alternative for the former educational system. The primary task of a new organizational form of higher educational establishment was solution of the problems dealing with liquidation of mass illiteracy and preparation of children without a parental supervision to a full-fledged life. However, afterwards „turning towards future” – to the classic universities – took place. Renewal of university education in USSR became inalienable component part of cultural building – „cultural revolution” in the 30-s of the ХХ century. This was indeed a large-scale and many-sided activity with a strategic goal, stage-by-stage aims, intermediate tasks and concrete results.
Renewal of training of lawyers in Dnipropetrovs’k state university took place in 1989. Over the period of its existence Law Faculty has trained thousands of specialists – masters, specialists, external students among whom there are governmental officials, public men, employees of law enforcement authorities, private enterprises and establishments, higher educational establishments, other spheres of public and state life. Graduates of the Faculty are employed at: public and local self-government, office of public prosecutor, justice, internal affairs authorities, security of Ukraine, establishment of advocacy, notarial system, legal services of state and private enterprises.
Authorities of the Faculty
Dean of the Faculty – Sokolenko Olga Leonidivna – PhD, doctor of law sciences, professor.
Assistant Dean on the scientific work and international cooperation – Kobruseva Evgenia Anatoliivna, PhD, candidate of law sciences, associate professor.
Assistant Dean on educational work – Drygol Oleksandra Oleksandrivna, lecturer.
Assistant Dean on educational work – Sachko Oleksandr Vasylyovych, candidate of law sciences.
Structural Divisions of the Faculty
- Department of Theory of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law
- Department of European and International Law
- Department of Civil, Labour and Economic Law
- Department of Administrative and Criminal Law
- Legal Clinic
Legal Clinic of DNU
Address of the clinic: 49050, Dnipro, st. Naukova str., 13, building number 9, room. 302
Phone: (056) 374-97-22
E-mail: dnipro.honchar.legalclinic@gmail.com
The Legal Clinic was established in 2007 with the aim of consolidating the students' theoretical knowledge and acquiring them practical skills and skills of the profession of lawyer, forming their respect for the principles of law, raising the level of legal culture of the population, as well as providing free legal assistance to those who need it. A separate line of activity of the clinic is to provide high-quality free legal assistance to the staff and students of the DNU.
The main tasks of the Clinic are:
• acquiring students practical skills of the profession of lawyer;
• creating places for students to study and other types of practice;
• providing citizens of the low-income groups with free legal aid;
• carrying out measures on legal education of the population.
The consultants of the Legal Clinic are senior students of the faculty, which in various forms, under the guidance of curators and teachers provide legal assistance to the population.
The Structure of the Legal Clinic
Director of Legal Clinic – Olena Valentynivna Zabrodina carries out the current management of the Legal Clinic, selection of students of the Faculty of Law for work in a Legal Clinic, and also approves candidates for consultants for participation in conferences and Olympiads.
Senior Laboratory of the Legal Clinic – Yuliya Іvanivna Izyumskaya, accepts citizens' requests, keeps a register of admission of citizens, supervises the training of undergraduate and pre-diploma practitioners.
Educational Activity of the Clinic
Legal Clinic carries out legal education, namely on the basis of the Legal Clinic of the DNU, where the following scientific-practical conferences were held:
1) All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Legal Education of Legal Clinics on the Basis of Higher Educational Institutions" - April 24, 2009;
2) II All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Law-Based Activity of Legal Clinics on the Basis of Higher Educational Institutions" - March 18, 2011;
3) III All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Legal Education of Legal Clinics on the Basis of Higher Educational Institutions" - May 17, 2013;
4) IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Educational Activities of Legal Clinics on the Basis of Higher Educational Institutions" - May 15, 2015.
5) V All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Law-education activity of legal clinics on the basis of higher educational institutions" - May 12, 2017.

Interesting reports and announcements of students, young scientists, scientific and pedagogical workers, as well as practicing lawyers and lawyers were presented at these conferences, which highlighted current legal problems of legal clinics of higher legal educational institutions of Ukraine.
Before the beginning of the conferences were published collections of abstracts:
- "Law-education activity of legal clinics on the basis of higher educational institutions": Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists. Ed. Sokolenko O.L. - Dnipropetrovsk 2009 -175;
- "Law-education activity of legal clinics on the basis of higher educational institutions": materials of II All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists / According to the. Ed. Sokolenko O.L. - Dnipropetrovsk 2011 -192;
- "Law-education activity of legal clinics on the basis of higher educational institutions": materials of III All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists / According to. Ed. Sokolenko O.L. - Dnipropetrovsk 2013.-125 .;
- "Law-education activity of legal clinics on the basis of higher educational institutions": materials of IV All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists / According to the. Ed. Small V.Yu. - Dnipropetrovsk, 2015.-32.
- "Law-education activity of legal clinics on the basis of higher educational institutions": materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference / According to the. Ed. Zabrodina O.V. - Dnieper 2017.-125.
On the basis of the Legal Clinic of the DNU, training sessions are held on actual legal topics, interviews and counseling on different problem areas, master classes and role-playing games using interactive techniques. In addition, student counselors and clinicians provide legal advice on current legal issues in the media; lectures are held at secondary schools and orphanages on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children. Also, the clinic staff during the school year conducts seminars for students of all faculties of the university from the actual legal issues.
In March 2009, the students of the clinic joined the Coordinating Council of Young Lawyers at the Main Department of Justice in Dnipro Region.
On March 14-15, 2015, students of the Legal Clinic Marina Romanchuk and Kyrylo Fedorchuk took part in the National Olympiad of Legal Clinics Counseling clients, held at the Ostroh Academy National University, Ostroh.
On March 4, 2018, masters-students Tishlek Svetlana and Drigol Oleksandra took part in the National Olympiad of the Legal Clinics for Customer Counseling that took place in the city of Kyiv. Irpin (Kyiv region) on the basis of the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.
Тhe Legal Clinic cooperates with the Association of Legal Clinics of Ukraine; The Main Department of Justice in Dnipro Region, and the League of Students of the Ukrainian Bar Association. Today, many positive results have been achieved in the work of the Legal Clinic in the Dnipro Region.
The main thing is that law students are actively involved in providing legal assistance to the population, which in general contributes to the development of legal consciousness of citizens and society in general. It is necessary to realize the great need for the existence of a legal clinic as a law-education organization in Ukraine. After all, knowledge of their rights and obligations gives individuals the opportunity to protect their interests, properly conduct a dialogue with law enforcement officers, state bodies, local self-government bodies, etc. structures. It is on practical law classes that students are able to learn this.
The Legal Clinic of the DNU provides free legal assistance to the students and staff of the DNU, as well as low-income citizens. We have the opportunity to receive a qualitative legal advice on administrative, land, family, labor, civil and other branches of law. We will help you make a statement, petition, complaint or claim in court. Consultations are provided by senior students of the Faculty of Law, under the guidance of highly qualified specialists.
Practitioners are required to write a journal entry: Monday-Friday: tel. (056) 374-97-22, (067) 568-66-52.
Educational Activities
Faculty trains specialists on three educational qualifying levels according to educational professional programs of bachelor (I-IV courses), specialist (V course), master's degree (V course) training. Students of the fifth course, besides compulsory subjects, study optional courses in accordance with their specialization: „Constitutional law and state administration”, „Civil, labour and economic law”, „International law”, „Administrative and criminal law”. Graduates obtain proper qualification of bachelor on law, expert in the sphere of jurisprudence, public prosecutions and justice.
Basic educational disciplines: „Theory of state and law”, „History of state and law of Ukraine”, „History of state and law of foreign countries”, „Basic foundations of Roman civil law”, „Labour law” , „Land law”, „Ecological law”, „Civil law”, „Civil process”, „Family law”, „Criminal law”, „Criminal process”, „Criminalistics”, „Administrative law”, „Finance law”, „Customs law”, „Bank law”, „Currency law”, „Economic law”, „International law” etc.
Scientific Activities
In 2010 the collection of scientific works „Urgent problems of Ukrainian jurisprudence” of Law Faculty was edited.
Major directions of scientific researches of: department of theory of state and law, constitutional law and state administration - guarantee of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in Ukraine; comparative constitutional law; state administration, local self-government in foreign countries; Ukrainian legal inheritance; department of international law – present-day problems of European law; urgent questions of customs policy, international customs law; historiography and theoretical problems of history of state and law of foreign countries, history of the state and law of Ukraine, history of political and legal studies, history of diplomacy and diplomatic service; department of civil, labour and economic law - legal problems concerning the improvement and further development of present-day civil and economic law and process in terms of Ukrainian integration into the European Union; legal problems of land and agrarian reforms in Ukraine; urgent questions dealing with improvement of Ukrainian labour legislation according to the principles of European law; department of administrative and criminal law – issues dealing with prevention of offence and criminality; protection of public relations by means of administrative and criminal law.
Faculty has creative scientific relationships with Institute of state and law named after V. M. Korets’kyi of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) and Institute of economic and legal researches NASU of Ukraine, Donets’k, Kyiv, Lviv, Odessa, Kharkiv national universities, Kyiv University of Law, Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine, Brest and Grodnens’k state universities (Belarus Republic).
Results of scientific researches are represented in academic editions (in particular „Big encyclopaedic legal dictionary”, „Legal encyclopaedia”), monographs, professional collection of scientific works of Institute of state and law named after V. M. Koretskyi of NASU „State and law”, textbooks including those approved by Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. There are scientific theoretical seminars, thematic „round tables” in which instructors of higher legal educational establishments and employees practitioners participate. Great attention is paid to the preparation of DSc and PhD dissertations. Students of the Faculty, who take part in competitions and olympiads, professional youths organizations, in legal educational and legal training arrangements of national, regional, local levels, socialize with outstanding scientists and highly skilled experts practitioners are actively attracted towards the scientific work. The best students of the Faculty are members of the League of students of Association of legislators of Ukraine, other public professional institutions. The department of students scientific society of the university is established, at departments work students groups. Students scientific conferences are held, the theses of reports are published.
Student's Life
At the Law Faculty a new conception of student self-government is established. Students Board, academic groups take an active part in holding of brain – rings in different spheres of jurisprudence, annual scientific conferences, organization of professional holiday – Lawyer Day, competitions, provide financial help to the pupils of orphanage house №1, Dnipro orphanage house for children with disorders of musculoskeletal system, deal with other social issues.