Legal Department
Address: 49045, Dnipro, Nauky Avenue, 72, 3rd Floor, Office 312.
Phone: (056) 374-98-36
E-mail: urist_dnu@ukr.net
Working Hours:
Monday–Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Lunch Break: 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
Department Structure:
Volodymyr Sagaidak – Head of the Legal Department;
Anna Zhdanova – Leading Legal Counsel.
The Legal Department of DNU is an independent structural unit of the university, directly reporting to the Rector and the Vice-Rector for Legal Affairs and Development. The interaction procedure between the Legal Department and other structural units of the university is determined by the Rector.
In its activities, the Legal Department is guided by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, decrees of the President of Ukraine, resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in accordance with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers, regulatory acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and other central executive authorities of Ukraine. It also follows the Charter of the University, the Regulations on the Legal Department of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, and other regulatory legal acts. On matters of legal work organization and implementation, the department follows the acts of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
Key Responsibilities:
- Ensures the correct application of legal and regulatory acts and other documents, submitting proposals to the Rector on legal matters concerning the university’s educational, economic, and social activities.
- Coordinates work and participates in the development of draft orders and other university acts that regulate the relationships between structural units and their property liability.
- Conducts legal expertise of draft orders and other documents prepared by the university’s structural units, approving them (vising) after obtaining the necessary endorsements from the heads of the relevant departments or their substitutes. If discrepancies with legal requirements are identified, the department provides reasoned proposals for their alignment with legislation.
- Organizes claims and litigation work, analyzes its results, and represents the university’s interests in courts and other institutions during legal proceedings and dispute resolutions.
Link to the Legal Department’s regulations on the official website of DNU: https://www.dnu.dp.ua/docs/dnu/polozhennya/Polozhennya_Jur_viddil_2021.pdf