Версія для друку

Educational & Research Complex "Aquarium"


Address: 12, Monastyrskyi Island, Academic Building No. 20, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49000

Phone: +38 (056) 766-49-69 (ticket office).

Working hours:
Wednesday – Sunday: 12:00–17:00
Closed: Monday, Tuesday

Type of ticket:
Adult – 100 UAH
Child – 50 UAH

For privileged categories (internally displaced persons, pensioners, and people with disabilities – with valid proof of status): ticket price: Adult – 50 UAH, Child (ages 4 to 12) – 25 UAH

For the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and Territorial Defense representatives, entry is free upon presentation of valid identification documents.

Our social media pages:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aquarium.dp.ua/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aquarium.dp.ua/


Structure of the Complex

Yerukh Mykola – Director of the Educational and Research Complex "Aquarium".

Borovyk Ivan – Head of the Educational Laboratory for Cultivation and Harvesting of Feed at the Educational and Research Complex "Aquarium"

Gushchak Sergiy – Head of the Educational Laboratory of Aquaculture at the Educational and Research Complex "Aquarium".

Didovets Tetiana – Head of the Exhibition Hatchery at the Educational and Research Complex "Aquarium"


The Educational and Research Complex "Aquarium" (hereinafter – ERC "Aquarium") is a specialized structural unit of the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, which ensures the implementation of its specific statutory tasks in the areas of education, science, environmental protection, and educational activities.

In its operations, ERC "Aquarium" is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, Decrees of the President of Ukraine, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, regulatory acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, other central executive authorities of Ukraine, the Statute of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, the Rules of Internal Regulations of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, orders and directives of the university rector, and the Regulations on the Educational and Research Complex "Aquarium" of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.

The main tasks of ERC "Aquarium" are the study, conservation and reproduction of rare, endangered, and particularly valuable species of freshwater flora and fauna, conducting scientific research in the fields of ichthyology, aquaculture, radiobiology, hydrobiology, and aquatic ecology, educational activities on environmental protection issues, and promoting the development of physical culture and sports at the university and in the region.

Main functions:

  • Providing the necessary biological and technical conditions for maintaining exhibition aquariums and technological equipment;
  • Preserving and replenishing the collections of the gene pool of rare, endangered, and particularly valuable species of aquatic animals and plants;
  • Studying the methods of reproduction and conditions for growing species of aquatic flora and fauna, implementing the latest technologies in ornamental aquaculture and aquarium plant cultivation;
  • Conducting fundamental scientific research and applied developments in the priority scientific areas of the university;
  • Carrying out educational work among the population (lectures, seminars, media appearances, etc.) on issues related to ecology, conservation of aquatic flora and fauna species, and the rational use of water resources;
  • Preparing educational and popular science literature, brochures, catalogs, etc., for publication;
  • Providing consultancy services to individuals and legal entities on issues of ichthyology, aquaculture, hydrobiology, and aquatic ecology, as well as aquarium plant cultivation and decorative design of aquariums, terrariums, paludariums, etc., under contractual agreements;
  • Guided tours service;
  • Participation in state and international environmental programs, projects, exhibitions, campaigns, expeditions, etc.;
  • Ensuring favorable conditions for conducting physical education classes, developing water sports, and improving the sports and training facilities.

Relevant regulatory documents for the complex’s activities:

Наказ №145 від 18.05.2022 р. про затвердження тарифів навчально-наукового комплексу «Акваріум»

Наказ №58-г від 05.10.2023 р. про подовження роботи каси навчально-наукового комплексу «Акваріум»

Наказ №423 від 26.12.2024 про затвердження тарифів ННК Акваріум

Наказ №72-г від 26.12.2024 про зміну часу роботи експозиційної зали ННК «Акваріум»