Faculty of Psychology and Special Education
Adress: Dnipro, 35, Dmytro Yavornytsky Ave, building 4, room 47Phone: +380663547937
E-mail: dec_fps@dsu.dp.ua

Historical Reference
In 1984 the Pedagogical Faculty was created, in 1989 on its basis the training of specialists in “Psycology”, “Psycology and language and literature (English)” was begun and later the Faculty was renamed into Psychological-pedagogical. From 1997 till 2005 it was named as the Faculty of Psychology and Sociology, since 2005 it is named as Psycological Faculty and since 2018 - Faculty of Psychology and Special Education.
The education of more than 500 students in “Psycology” and “Special Education” specialties is held by 54 lecturers among which there are 4 professors, 3 doctors of science, including the corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine, the academician of the Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine, 36 associate professors (candidates of science), distinguished experts in psychology and special education.
At the Faculty of Psychology and Special Education the training of scientific and scientifical-pegagogical workers through post-graduate courses of 3 specialties is conducted: 19.00.01 – “General Psychology, History of Psychology”, 19.00.07 – “Educational and Developmental Psychology”, 13.00.01 – “General Pedagogy and the History of Pedagogy”.
A professional scientific bulletin of “Psychology” series "Journal of Psychology Research" is issued, indexed in scientific database “Index Copernicus”. The editorial board includes well-known domestic and foreign scholars (responsible editor – prof. I Arshava, executive secretary – associate professor A. Bunas).
At the Faculty of Psychology and Special Education the training of scientific and scientifical-pegagogical workers through post-graduate courses of 3 specialties is conducted: 19.00.01 – “General Psychology, History of Psychology”, 19.00.07 – “Educational and Developmental Psychology”, 13.00.01 – “General Pedagogy and the History of Pedagogy”.
A professional scientific bulletin of “Psychology” series "Journal of Psychology Research" is issued, indexed in scientific database “Index Copernicus”. The editorial board includes well-known domestic and foreign scholars (responsible editor – prof. I Arshava, executive secretary – associate professor A. Bunas).
The Governing Body of the Faculty
Dean – Volkov Dmytro Serhiyovych, Ph.D. in Physico-mathematical Sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine.
Deputy Dean on educational work – Stetsenko Inessa Igorivna, senior lecturer.
Deputy Dean on scientific work and international cooperation – Salyuk Marina Anatoliyivna, Ph.D. in Psychology, associate professor.
Deputy Dean on educative work – Bondarenko Zoya Petrivna, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, “The Excellence in Education of Ukraine”.
Deputy Dean on educational work – Stetsenko Inessa Igorivna, senior lecturer.
Deputy Dean on scientific work and international cooperation – Salyuk Marina Anatoliyivna, Ph.D. in Psychology, associate professor.
Deputy Dean on educative work – Bondarenko Zoya Petrivna, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, “The Excellence in Education of Ukraine”.
Structural Subdivisions of the Faculty
- Department of Educational and Developmental Psychology
- Department of General Psychology and Pathopsychology
- Department of Social Psychology and Psychology of Management
- Department of Pedagogy and Special Education
Other structural subdivisions of the Faculty:
Scientific laboratory of educational process informational implementation, computer studies of which are connected to the Internet; Social-psychological Service of the University; Scientifical-methodological Centre of Distance Education of Pedagogical Academy of Ukraine; Social Initiative and Volunteer Centre.

Educational Activities
Department of Educational and Developmental Psychology, Department of General Psychology and Pathopsychology, Department of Social Psychology and Psychology of Management train bachelors, specialists and masters in “Psychology”. Department of Pedagogy and Special Education trains bachelors and specialists in “Special Education”, a good deal of this training is achieved with help of Department of General Psychology and Pathopsychology.
Faculty graduates work as psychologists and lecturers both at educational establishments (schools, colleges, gymnasiums, higher educational establishments) and psychological services under organizations and enterprises (advertising agencies, banks, staff management services, clinics, centres for youth).
Scientific and Scientific-Methodological Activities
The lecturers of Department of Educational and Developmental Psychology have recently published monographs devoted to the following problems: “Transformation of value orientations of the youth at the modern period of the Ukrainian society development”, “Leading personal features of talented youth”, “Cognitive structures personal formation regularities by the use of computer technologies”, “Theoretical-psychological basis of emotional stability computer diagnosing”, “Psychological features of culture and ways of their changes at the modern country development period”, “Aspects of implicit diagnosing of emotional stability”, with a signature stamp of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine an electronic textbook with a multimedia course “Age-related psychology” was published, as well as textbooks in: “Experimental psychology”, learners’ guide for distance education in “Methodological aspects for the implementation of distance course teaching material memorizing” etc.
The scientists of Department of General Psychology and Pathopsychology have recently published monographs and textbooks devoted to the following issues: “Psychophysiology” (a textbook with a signature stamp of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine), “Medical-social and psychological rehabilitation of the disabled and the ill”, “Emotional stability of a person and its diagnosing”, “Aspects of emotional stability implicit diagnosing”, “Psychology of problem children”, “Pathopsychological diagnosing in clinic”, “Main initial exposures of children’s psychoemotional malfunctions”, “Juridical psychology”, “Psychology of health”, “Terminological dictionary on medical psychology” and others.
Scientists of Department of Social Psychology and Psychology of Management have recently published monographs “Psychology of anticipation”, “Psychology of vital personal anticipation”. Students of the Faculty many times have become the winners of Ukrainian contest in the discipline “The English language” and students’ competitions of scientific works in psychology. In 2009 a student of the Faculty became the winner of Ukrainian contest in psychology (2nd place). The best students get named scholarships. Students performed at international scientifical-practical conferences “Social work in the sphere of HIV/ AIDS” (Kyiv, 2005) and “Face of social country” (Kyiv, 2006) which were defined as the best and practical-oriented. Only in 2006-2007 students in co-authorship with lecturers prepared 14 scientific publications. The Faculty publishes collected scientific papers “Herald of Dnipro University. Series: Pedagogy and Psychology”.
International Contacts
In 2001-2006 the Faculty cooperated with El-Camino College (USA). International students’ video seminars on crosscultural issues were held. Students from the USA, Italy, Lebanon took part in those seminars. At the present time the programme of distance education of DNU students under the agreement on cooperation with Koblenz-Landau University (Germany) is being held. Two Fullbright scholarship holders are working at General and pedagogical psychology department: professor Nosenko E.L. (USA, Indiana University, 1981), associate professor Baisara L.I. (USA, Utah, Salt Lake City University, 2001). They implement the results of their investigations in the educational process, in their work with students and postgraduates, take active part in Fullbright Society of Ukraine work. L.I. Baisara is a regional representative of the Society. E.L. Nosenko has led the faceplates on the following issues three times: “Ethical basis in education and science” (Lviv, 2006), “Ukrainian breakthrough in XXI” (Kyiv, 2007), “Ukraine and the world – longing for changes” (2009). The increased interest of students in Fullbright programme and participation in it became the result of Fullbright scholarship holders.
The Faculty regularly invites specialists from the USA: professor Renuka Sethi (2001–2002); professor Hortense Simmons (2002–2003); professor Gray Linda (2007–2008). More than 60 graduates of the department have studied abroad. Golovina Anastasiya after she had received the specialist’s degree continued her education (MA course) in Cambridge (Pedagogy and teaching methods), used to work as a teacher of the English language in London business college and now she is learning psychological consulting (PhD). Zhukovska Veronika studied for one year in Alabama University where she is going to receive a master’s degree. DNU graduate Andreyeva Nataliya received a master’s degree in the USA. The following students studied to get a master’s degree in the USA: Sobolevska G., Bahtiyarova G., Bondar Zh., Pirozhenko V. etc. Pedagogy and Special Education, General Psychology and Pathopsychology Departments implement joint scientific investigations and projects with Koblenz-Landau University especially “Partnership in treatment psychology”.
The scientists of the Faculty present their scientific investigations at numerous international and European congresses. For example, professors Arshava I.F. and Nosenko E.L. have recently performed in Germany, Italy, Poland, they are members of European professional community on issues of psychology of health, International association of positive psychology.
The Faculty regularly invites specialists from the USA: professor Renuka Sethi (2001–2002); professor Hortense Simmons (2002–2003); professor Gray Linda (2007–2008). More than 60 graduates of the department have studied abroad. Golovina Anastasiya after she had received the specialist’s degree continued her education (MA course) in Cambridge (Pedagogy and teaching methods), used to work as a teacher of the English language in London business college and now she is learning psychological consulting (PhD). Zhukovska Veronika studied for one year in Alabama University where she is going to receive a master’s degree. DNU graduate Andreyeva Nataliya received a master’s degree in the USA. The following students studied to get a master’s degree in the USA: Sobolevska G., Bahtiyarova G., Bondar Zh., Pirozhenko V. etc. Pedagogy and Special Education, General Psychology and Pathopsychology Departments implement joint scientific investigations and projects with Koblenz-Landau University especially “Partnership in treatment psychology”.
The scientists of the Faculty present their scientific investigations at numerous international and European congresses. For example, professors Arshava I.F. and Nosenko E.L. have recently performed in Germany, Italy, Poland, they are members of European professional community on issues of psychology of health, International association of positive psychology.
Public association plays an active role in the organization of student life Oles Honchar Dnipro National University – Center for Social Sciences Initiatives and Volunteering, which was established in 2002 at the Faculty of Psychology and special education, and in 2010 acquired a university-wide status (June 14, 2010 by order of the Rector of DNU №454), and successfully works until this days. The center is special in the national educational space Ukrainian universities. University has own regulations, structure and coordination council. The head of the Center is an associate professor of the department of pedagogy and special education of the faculty Psychology and special education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Zoya Petrivna Bondarenko.
Volunteer associations consist of 37 people, representatives specialties «Psychology» and «Special Education» and others, which are engaged in many areas of volunteer activity to provide socio-pedagogical and psychological and other services (educational, informational, legal, social) to orphans, children left without parental care, children with special educational needs, children from families of temporarily displaced persons with Crimea and Donbass, servicemen undergoing medical treatment institutions of the Dnipro, etc.
Different types of services provided by students and teachers of the Faculty of Psychology and Special Education are effective for those who need it, namely: children-orphans and children left without parental care, orphanage №1 Dnipro, Center for Support of Children and Families, orphanage for children with cerebral palsy at a boarding school №1, children’s shelter «Barvinok» in Dnipro, FTCH №6 compensatory type, etc., city center of social and psychological rehabilitation for children, displaced children in coordination center «Dnipro Assistance», militaries who are on treatment in the regional military hospital, regional hospital named І.І. Mechnikova, ATC hospitals, etc.
Areas of activity of the Volunteer Center:
- provision of services orphans and children left without parental care (institutions boarding school type (orphanage №1, shelter «Barvinok», the center of social psychological rehabilitation for children, foster families, FTCH , child support center and families); developmental, correctional, rehabilitation and leisure work with children with special needs (interactive theater for children with disabilities - a library on Boulevard of Glory, orphanage for children with cerebral palsy);
- volunteer support of children preschool age during their preparation for school (school №67, Dnipro);
- inclusive support in educational institutions and institutions of the city (pre-schools, schools);
- social partnership (with government agencies and NGOs, charities organizations, foundations, societies: Centers of social services for families, children and young cities, regions, Ukrainian Charitable Foundation «Child Welfare», All-Ukrainian public center «Volunteer» (Kyiv), «Angel of Childhood», «Special Childhood» (Dnipro), «Care and Support», Charitable Foundation «For the future of Ukraine», public organizations «Who if not me», «Ray» (Dnipro), etc.;
- psychological and pedagogical assistance to the geriatric boarding house (Dnipro);
- training of volunteer groups and volunteer assets in the School of Volunteers;
- organization of charity events, cultural and leisure activities for children and youth cities, for volunteers;
- formation of skills of a healthy way of life in student body;
- military-patriotic direction: socio-pedagogical work with children from families of temporarily displaced persons, correctional and rehabilitation – work with servicemen who are receiving medical treatment institutions, etc.;
- research work of volunteers (participation in scientific and practical conferences, writing abstracts and articles on volunteering and charity);
- social pedagogical partnership with Dnipro Pedagogical College: common activities and training at a volunteer school.

The way of working of the Volunteer Center are various.
Most often, volunteers use charity events: the traditional action is «From hearts – to the heart «to St. Nicholas Day and Children's Day, and the action «Letters Angels» on the initiative of the Charitable Foundation» Disabled – for equality! «of care of 152 children with mental and physical disabilities of Kotovsk school-boarding school of Dnipropetrovsk region. Students wrote letters of support to these children, for which they received gratitude from the leaders of the school and the foundation. And also other actions: «We create good deeds, people!», «Visit the Planet of Good!», «Happiness on Wings», «Fundraising in action!», «Come to the solar circle of volunteers!», «Live real, live great!» etc.
Volunteers organize congratulations of the children of the orphanage №1 on the Day birth on October 18, December 19 to St. Nicholas Day, May 19 and June 1 (all boarding schools over which volunteering is carried out).
Cooperation of student-volunteers with these institutions has a feedback – to DNU Pupils of the orphanage №1 enter and receive higher education. Yes, over the years collaborated and graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Special Education 9 orphans, one of whom is a 2012 graduate Julia Zadorozhnya graduated with honors with a master's degree in psychology.
Our volunteer work in the 2020/2021 academic year began with holding a briefing «Take a step forward – become a volunteer» to acquaintance with the activities of the Center for Social Initiatives and Volunteering of DNU Oles Honchar is a first-year student from many faculties. Updated asset volunteers. Volunteers started communicating through the website: «Group Center for Social Initiatives and Volunteering of DNU» (https://www.facebook.com/groups/volunteerDNU).
Twice a month the head of the center is Z.P. Bondarenko and the coordinator is Filipetska Daria holds a School of Volunteers, where interesting and meaningful events always take place classes, new projects are discussed, new ideas are invented, solved issues, meetings are held with the social partners, for example, as with practical psychologist, trainer of training courses – Oksana Don, psychologist – Iryna Dyryavka, a psychologist at School 67 – Kateryna Kuzmenko, a graduate faculty – teacher-defectologist Daria Onishchenko and others.
Leading specialists from the Psychological Service of DNU Lazarenko V.I., Potapova N.V., Demura A.V. are our active social partners who conduct interesting trainings for student volunteers on various topics that are relevant. It happened recently classes on the topic: «Am I a happy person?» for many different students faculties, where afterwards there were impressive and positive comments from the participants.
In the fall, DNU volunteers joined the ZAMALUY social project (founder project – social partner Georgy Volkov) to combat proliferation and drug purchases in Telegram links. Volunteers took part in projects, performing certain project tasks, were able to paint more than 40 inscriptions on the walls of the houses of the inhabitants of the Dnipro.
Volunteers with interesting ideas and professional help for children are frequent visitors to children of internally displaced families from the eastern regions of the country (pr. D.Yavornytskoho, 119a). Students creatively and motivatedly demonstrate master classes, fairy tale performances, dance and music programs, sports events, meetings with talented people so that children can take some information for themselves on future.
For the World Volunteer Day, volunteer meetings «We create good affairs!», to which both student-volunteers and scientific-pedagogical ones were invited university staff. Interesting meetings with DNU professors S.V. Shevtsov, M.M. Drone, etc., where emotionally disturbing stories about the good were heard affairs, opinions of guests about mercy in poetic and musical word were heard.
Created a charity event «Help your neighbor» in order to social psychological support for orphans and children left without a parent care, for the municipal institution of social protection «Center of social support for children №1 «Trust», located on Topol-2, and for the Help Center «Good home», located in the village Slobozhansky.

We went to the shelter «Ark» for homeless animals and provided them with material help. Developed and hung posters addressing students and teachers and all locals about helping animals in the shelter.

Participated in an online conference in the «Open Days» for applicants, where talked about volunteering. We speak, tell at various literary events of our university. For example, as the Writer's Day, Lesya Ukrainka's Birthday, in honor of memory Taras Grigorovich Shevchenko. Conducted a master class on Petrykivka painting.
They took part in a charity event to collect New Year's gifts for children from cities Krasnohorivka, Marinka, Znamyanka, Donetsk region for St. Nicholas Day.
Of course, all this is supported by videos, informative posts, articles, announcements on the online page «Center for Social Initiatives and volunteering at Oles Honchar DNU».
Next up is a trip to the geriatric boarding house for the elderly at Easter holidays (Prydniprovsk).
Our best reward is our success and the happy look of those who succeeded help. It is a great happiness when you see a smiling child, family or just a person thanks to the fruitful efforts of volunteers!
Volunteering is a special way of life, a special kind of charitable activity, which bring pleasure, new acquaintances, personal development, acquisition professional skills, and most importantly – providing assistance to those who need it. Visit our Center for Social Initiatives and Volunteering at Oles Honchar DNU – 35 D. Yavornytskoho Ave., educational building № 4, room. 46.
Student's Life
Volunteer students care about the children who have lost parental surveillance. They organize street games with the “streets children” with help of local organizations. Students take active part in different activities held by local and regional centres of social services for families, children and youth in order to popularize healthy life-style and to prevent negative phenomena among students and pupils of the town. Volunteer students provide social-psychological and social-pedagogical services for children’s home # 1 of Dnipropetrovsk (13 Topolyna street), orphanages “Nadiya”, “Rostok”, “Barvinok”, Centre of social rehabilitation for the under-aged. It includes consulting of the children who are left without parental care, social-pedagogical trainings for children, a hobby group “Rytmika” etc.
For the inmates of children’s home, orphanages and Centre of rehabilitation the actions of charity “From heart to heart”, “The Planet of good”, “Our Birthday”, “Day of childhood protection” and different educative measures (during the year) are held.
Sports and creative achievements of students are well-known far beyond the university: 4th course student Trygub T. is the winner of national and worldwide tournaments in calisthenics; a former student of the faculty Nosenko D. is a participant of many Ukrainian and intertantional competitions in athletics and now she studies in the USA as a sports scholarship holder, K.Tkachenko is a winner of ball-room dancing tournaments, M.Lysa is a vice-miss of “Ukraine-Universe”. In 2008 a student of DS-07-2 Yefimenko Yulia (Specialty “Psychology”) has won the title “Miss University”.