Research Library
- short history
- rules of the usage
- library holdings
- reference retrieval system description

Address: 8 Kazakov street, 49010.
You can get here by trolleybuses N A, Б, 16; bus stop “Kazakov Street”
Servicing schedule
Lending library – every day 9.00 – 17.45
Bibliographical services:
Monday – Friday 9.00 – 17.45
Saturday 9.00 – 16.45
Sunday is a day-off
Cleanup day – the last workday of the month
Telephone numbers
Director (056) 374-97-43
Library monitor (pass-through) (056) 789-31-46
E-mail: librarydnu@gmail.com
Short history
The research library history is the history of the establishment and the development of a classical university, its achievements and progress, the fate of people who are devoted to Her Majesty, Book, educational process and university youth upbringing, scientific discoveries assistance and the support of the creative.
The library initiation date is autumn, 1918. It used to work as a small library holding – approximately 1000 copies. A significant replenishment of its holdings in the 1920th gave the library the right to be called fundamental.
Local institutional establishments’ libraries, those of scientific and social organisms, private collections became the main sources for the library. The most valuable was the I Library of Katerynoslav male gymnasium, one of the oldest in the Russian empire (established in 1805).
Thanks to these collections the library possesses the rare editions of XVIII – XIX centuries, while other libraries of Prydniprovya region so not have these publications.
The library was developing and enriching its holdings with new scientific, educational literature and fiction.
On the eve of the Great Patriotic war there were 261 799 publications of books and magazines in the library.
During the temporary German-fascist occupation two thirds of the holdings were either destroyed or plundered.
After the liberation of the city and the renewal of lectures at the university in 1943 the revival of the library took place. Russian universities particularly Moscow university named after M. V. Lomonosov played a significant role in this process. The regular acquisition via local bookshops, regional distributing centre for libraries, book exchange and prepayment was renewed.
Many books became library’s property thanks to teachers, scientists and town population. The obligatory paid duplication of core publications which were sent from Moscow distributing centre for libraries since 1940 assisted in the formation of unique holdings of the library. Since 1988 it acquired the status of the research library.
With university development, the appearance of new training units the type of the library acquisition was changing. The structure was changing: faculties’ and departments’ libraries were created, result sites in the dormitories were created. It made books closer to the places where the students studied and lived.
In 1989 the research library acquired a new address – a special building constructed by the project of the chief engineer O.M. Novykov which beautified other university buildings. A 2-million holding of the library was packed, transported and places on 6 floors during 3,5 months.
The holding was settled and prepared for usage during half a year. The dream of many librarians was fulfilled. Appropriate conditions for work and rest were created in the library.
Spacious cozy reading halls, interesting expositions and exhibitions, the portrait gallery of library founders, honored scientists and writers, a winter garden, computer hall with the Internet access, and what is even more important – books treasures which satisfy diverse inquiries.
The library is used by 15000 permanent readers, including 2000 of those outside the university. There are 8 lending libraries, 13 reading halls, 4 faculty libraries and 2 dormitories with library services. More than 55000 users are served annually.
There are chat rooms in the library – “Literary hall”, a student club “Shtrych”, the club of fiction devotees, a female club. Traditionally the presentations of new books, musical evenings, meetings with creative collectives, photo contests are held.
The research library is a regional methodological centre for higher educational establishments libraries of the region.
You are welcome to visit the research library!
Rules of the usage
The right of the library usage is given to students, postgraduates, professorial and academic staff, university workers who have a library card. Other citizens have this right in case they have a passport and entrance coupon.
A library card is an obvious admission. If you have it you can use all library departments and branches, you can get information and scientific, scientific popular, educational methodological literature and fiction, journals and newspapers.
A library card loss does not relieve anybody from the responsibility for the acquired books. It is prohibited to give your library card to another person.
In order to be registered in the library and to get a library card one needs to submit a passport, the personnel department reference for workers and a student or postgraduate card and 2 pictures (3 X 4 centimeters).
The academic staff, postgraduates, master students can get a library card at the department of scientific literature (room 110). Students can get a library card and books for education at the following lending libraries:
- nature-technical, medical, international economy faculties – room 219.
Students of mechanic-mathematic, geological-geographical, economic and psychological faculties get the books in the faculty libraries.
Specialized halls – social and humanities sciences (room 406), nature-technical and economic sciences (room 419) serve all readers, including the outside ones.
The educational literature is given for a term or the whole academic year according to the academic curriculum.
Scientific and scientific-popular literature is subscribed at the room 110 for the term not more than 1 month in such a quantity: academic stuff, scientific workers, postgraduates – 10-15 volumes; students and other workers – 5 volumes.
Single copies of monographs and books of keen demand are subscribed for 2-3 days on a library card.
The fiction department (room 306) 2-3 books can be subscribed for 15 days. Several volume copies can be used only in the reading hall.
Foreign literary is served in a specialized department (room 319). It is subscribed for 1 month.

The computer hall for 24 months (room 113a) serves students who book a place in advance. The working time is 1 hour.
The reader must treat the books thoughtfully, return them on time, make no marks in the books, take out no cards form the filling cabinets and card indexes.
Students must return all the books and other materials to the library before summer holidays.
Readers must reregister every 6 months: students and postgraduates from September, 1; teachers and workers – from January, 1. All the literature is returned during the re-registration. In case of a need there is a possibility to take it one more time.
Readers who graduates or changed a work-place must square with the library and return the library card.
Library holdings
There are 2 million 139000 copies, 1 million 425000 of which are scientific, 489000 – educational and methodological, 165000 – fiction, more than 400000 periodicals in the library holdings. The exchange holding numbers 70000 books and journals, including approximately 10000 DNU publications.
The reading halls include encyclopedias, reference books, keen demand books, dissertations, authors’ abstracts, periodicals for all post-war years.
The teachers hall contains reference literature and periodicals on higher education issues.
The computer hall possesses materials on electronic bearers (encyclopedias, additions to journals).
The foreign literature department includes 121600 publications in English, German, French, Polish, Italian, Chinese and others. There are books and journals in 19 foreign languages.

The library prepays 300 names of periodicals.
It gets approximately 2000 books annually from charitable organizations, the biggest libraries and separate authors.
Thanks to the participation in a mega-project “Pushkin’s library” of the international fund “Vidrodzhennia” (“Renaissance”) more than 4000 valuable scientific works on philosophy, history, political and social sciences, fiction and encyclopedias were bought.
In 1999 the British council gave the publications of classical fiction (250 volumes) in English free of charge. The centre Bahai presented “Encyclopedia Britannica” (46 volumes) to the library. The association of Polish higher educational establishments publishers presented their scientific and educational editions – 1675 books.
The foreign literature department collects many dictionaries and reference books, including Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry (144 volumes), Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Pocket Oxford Russian Dictionary, Oxford Reference Dictionary, Le Petit Robert, Larousse Dictionnaire francais, Petit Laruosse illustre.
Reference retrieval system description
The information about books, their quantity and place is shown in filing cabinets. You can order a book from the book depository at the filling cabinet hall (room 108) by the filling of a special order form.
The reference retrieval system includes an alphabetical and systematized filling cabinets (room 108) and systematized bibliographic database of periodicals and collections (room 113). The alphabetical filling cabinet is made according to the authors’ and publications’ names.
The systematized database information about the literature is places according to the indexes of the Universal Decimal classification (UDC) for nature and technical sciences and Library – bibliographical classification (LBC) for social and humanities sciences.
Filing cabinets for fiction, foreign literature, rare and valuable publications, educational literature and journals are situated in appropriate departments of the research library.
Each subsection of the research library has its own filing cabinet and subsidiary fund.
Since 1992 the electronic catalogue for the new books was being created. There is also a separate electronic catalogue for dissertation fund and foreign literature fund.
Since 1996 the electronic bibliographical card index for social sciences, philology, ecology, science of law and economics was being created.
In order to get a reference about the literature for scientific and diploma papers, to get any necessary information you can address the reference retrieval department (room 113).
Professional bibliographers will help you to find the necessary information, to find the necessary data on any phenomenon, events and peculiar topic. They will also assist you in the usage of filing cabinets and databases.
You can see the new arrivals (which the library acquired during the last fortnight) at the permanent exhibition in the reading hall for teachers (room 112). You can also learn the promotional products of publishers and order the literature to supply the library holdings.
The monthly bulletin of new arrivals can be seen on the Internet site of the research library.
The “Catalogue of anciently published books” introduces the available rare literature. Its 4 publications were prepared by the head of the department, Yevgen Matviyovych Saminskyi. They were published in 2001-2007 and they include works in Russian, German and French.