Scientific Achievements
Subjects of scientific researches
A spectrum of scientific researches of the DNU as a classical university is rather wide. Thematic plan of Scientific Research Work includes all priority directions of development of a science of technics of Ukraine.
- Basic researches from the most important problems of natural, social sciences and the humanities.
- Problems of a demographic policy, development of human potential and formation of a civil society.
- Preservation of environment and a sustainable development.
- The newest biotechnologies, diagnostics and methods of treatment of the most widespread diseases.
- New computer means and technologies of informatization of a society.
- The newest technologies and resource-saving technologies in power, industry and space-rocket branch.
- New substances and materials.
Subjects of scientific researches
A spectrum of scientific researches of the DNU as a classical university is rather wide. Thematic plan of Scientific Research Work includes all priority directions of development of a science of technics of Ukraine.
- Basic researches from the most important problems of natural, social sciences and the humanities.
- Problems of a demographic policy, development of human potential and formation of a civil society.
- Preservation of environment and a sustainable development.
- The newest biotechnologies, diagnostics and methods of treatment of the most widespread diseases.
- New computer means and technologies of informatization of a society.
- The newest technologies and resource-saving technologies in power, industry and space-rocket branch.
- New substances and materials.
Scientific schools of the DNU
The special place among all types of scientific activity is occupied with the fundamental scientific researches directed on search of new regularities,on principle new phenomena in the nature and a society. They define intellectual level of a society and degree of its readiness for use of achievements of a modern civilization, open new branches for applied researches, research-design workings out and innovations.
Scientific schools of the DNU with powerful potential abilities are well-known in Ukraine and behind its boundaries. Among them there are such as:
Molecular gas dynamics, aerodynamics of flying machines, vortical currents, heat massexchange in the porous environment.
The theory and methods of the solution of applied problems of elasticity, plasticity and reliability of designs.
Regularities of phase transformations, formations of structure of metal materials, coverings and thin layers. Non-fusible technologies of obtaining of deoxidants, ligatures, modifiers for manufacture of steels and alloys.
Monocrystal materials for acoustic-optoelectronics. Cultivation of ferroelectrical photoeffective crystals
Research of fundamental regularities of connection between structure and functions of nervous system at molecular, subcellular, cellular and system levels of the organisation with application of mathematical modelling and informational technology.
The researches connected with extreme problems of the theory of functions and the functional analysis.
Theoretical researches and the workings out directed on improvement of functional characteristics of production of branch.
Solutions of step forestry problem – a theoretical basis of step forestry and forest recultivation of destructed lands in Ukraine.
Research in branch of physiology and biochemistry of plants, molecular biology, ecology, introduction and acclimatisation of plants; workings out according to methods of diagnostics of a functional condition of plants in the conditions of chemical stress are carried out.
Theoretical researches in branches of microbiology, virology and biotechnology, are developed and inserted into the industry preparations on the basis of bacteria and mushrooms.
Investigation of forming the water quality and bioproductivity; consideration of the problem of preservation and increase of commercially valuable species of fish in the conditions of anthropogenic transformation of fish-water reservoirs.
The solution of the basic questions of modern zoology and ecology, directed on studying of zoocenosis as structurally functional component of biosphere.
Galvanic coverings, surface-active impurity, techniques of researches of electrocrystallization of a monolayer of copper. Theoretical bases and technologies of reception of a foil of a wide spectrum of thickness, carriers-protectors and special coverings.
Methods of synthesis and reactionary ability of epoxy composition of alicyclic number, theoretical representations about oxidation reactions of olefins and epoxidation of organic compositions, mechanisms of epoxidation reactions , biologically active substances on the basis of frame epoxy compositions.
Revealing of stratigraphical structure and correlative connections of cainozoic breeds of Southern Ukraine and adjacent territories, reconstruction of history of development of region and its organic world during the past geological times, creation of stratigraphical bases for large-scale mapping.
The anthropological aspect of historical-philosophical doctrines is investigated, methodological aspects of a historical-philosophical science, and also a problem of national philosophy, influence of national philosophy on historical-philosophical process are developed.
Methods of substantiation and working out means of computer diagnostics of emotional and cognitive spheres features of the person.
Social, political and military-political history of Ukraine, archeology of Ukraine, historiography and source study of the history of Ukraine, ethnic minorities of Ukraine, Ukrainian-German connections of new and the newest times.
Presentations of scientific and technical achievements
- Perspective technologies and materials in branch of treatment radioactive wastes.
- Steam – and thermal generators.
- Electrorocket engines.
- Holographic technologies of indestructible control in the aerospace technics.
- New boron-containing materials for wearproof coverings.
- Theoretical bases of management of structural and shape formation for increasing of plasticity and viscosity of multicomponent alloys with minimisation of energy expenditure.
- Regularities of formation of heteropolycomplexes P (V), AS (V), SI (IV), its associatives with organic dyes in water and micellar solutions, use in the analysis and catalysis.
- Optimisation of process of the tool analysis of substance by management of the analytical signal behaviour.
- Forest recultivation of lands ,destructed by coal mining industry.
- The panoramic tourist guidebook of Dnipropetrovs'k.
- Microbic preparations.
- Ecological rehabilitation of territories of a mineral resource complex.
- Working out and introduction of a method and processing system of sintering mixture of surface-active substances.
- Theoretical bases of creation of non-fusible modifiers of a wide spectrum of action for processing liquid-metal melts.
- Tribotechnical and antifrictional powder composite materials.
- Working out theoretical bases of optimisation of wind engines taking into account wind potential of Ukrainian regions.
- Scientifically- methodical providing of sociological disciplines from the positions of a new paradigm of higher education.
Scientific and educational editions
Guarding documents
Conducting of works on legal protection in Ukraine and behind its boundaries of results of scientific researches and workings out, entry into the market of intellectual property, integration of scientific workings out of university into the world economy, and also – formation of a complete scientific picture of the world and modern outlook of the youth, development of abilities and skills of independent scientific learning and ability to creative activities are the basic tasks.
In the conditions of modern innovative development objects of intellectual property right serve as the main motive power of social production. The very intellectual activity and its achievements now define strategy and tactics of social and economic development of any society.
The main source of working out objects of the industrial property, that is, inventions, is protectionally able scientific- research works the fulfilment result of which is working out of new devices, methods, technologies, strains and so on, which can be protected by patents.
Inventions stimulate scientific researches, they are the catalysts of new technologies which give the additional income in manufacture or can be commercialized under the licence. Commercial realisation of objects of intellectual property becomes the main objective of legal protection of these objects at this moment.
The most important scientific achievements and inventions
Experience of the developed industrial states of the world testifies that all-round protection and commercialization of intellectual property is a necessary condition of adjustment of manufacture of knowledge-based competitive production both on internal, and on external markets. Results of scientific activity form the big group of objects of such property which promote the increase of technical level of social production first of all, its efficiency, productivity, and so on. Protectionally able subjects at university remain stable for 5 years and constitutes average 35 – 37 % out of the total of scientific research works. The scientific potential of such themes has the world level, and they can find application in corresponding branches of science and manufacture as the goods – exactly from such position the efficiency of scientific workings out are considered today.
Annually at organizational and methodical supply of department concerning intellectual property the quantity of guarding documents of Ukraine increases in the university:
Year |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
Quantity of guarding documents |
5 |
6 |
7 |
10 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
22 |
36 |
30 |
36 |
37 |
23 |
The majority of fundamental and applied researches are accompanied by creation of concrete scientific workings out which are protected by patents of Ukraine and directed on the solution of these or those problems in different branches of manufacture.
Under the direction of the honoured worker of science and technics of Ukraine, winner of Award of Ministry of Institutes of Higher Education of the USSR, the inventor of the USSR, the doctor of technical sciences, professor O.M. Shapovalova as a result of working out of materials, raw composites, the newest technologies of processing of titanic alloys and steels on the basis of phase transformations and their anomalies theoretical bases are created on the base of which new modifiers of multipurpose action are developed. They raise properties of steels by reduction of size of primary grains, quantity and morphology of nonmetallic inclusions, contents of sulphur, phosphorus, oxygen.
In the laboratory of the doctor of technical sciences, the honoured worker of science and technics, the winner of the state award of Ukraine, professor I.M. Spyrydonova the developed way of chemical-thermal processing ,thanks to which the layer of boride which protects it from destruction is formed on a surface. In comparison with the best samples of technologies in the CIS(Commonwealth of Independent States) and abroad this technology allows to lower duration of processing, to raise plasticity of a firm layer, to cut electric power expenses, to save materials of high cost. These workings out are protected by patents of Ukraine for inventions and useful models.
In 2004 according to the results of AllUkrainian competition „Invention of year” the invention of professor I.M. Spyrydonova with co-authors “The way of aluminium borination and its alloys”, protected by patent of Ukraine № 53197А, has been recognised by one of the winners, and in the nomination of the World Organization of Intellectual property group of authors: I.M. Spyrydonova, L.I. Fedorenkova, S.B. Piliaeva has been awarded by the Gold medal and diplomas.
During the last period scientists of university have carried out the following discoveries:
„The phenomenon of excitation of intensive secondary x-ray radiation in a layer roentgenoluminator”, authors of which are– professor Ye.O. Dzhur, associate professor Yu.О. Krykun, the diploma № 140, in 2000
„Regularity of distribution of x-ray radiation in polymer with metal inclusions”, authors – professor Ye.O. Dzhur, associate professor Yu.О. Krykun, the diploma № 157, in 2001
Scientists of Research-design Office "Southern"(“Pivdenne”) and physico-technical institute have opened „The phenomenon of abnormal change of intensity of a quanta stream of impenetrating radiation mono- and multielementary environments”, authors of which are– professor Ye.O. Dzhur, associate professor Yu.О. Krykun, and also the President of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma, the diploma on discovery № 208, in 2002
The discovery is made and registered by scientists in 2003 , one of its co-authors is assistant professor S.M. Lukashov – „The self-regulation phenomenon of electrogenesis of the central transfer of the human brain ”, the diploma № 222. Two discoveries are made by professor V.I. Chorna in the co-authorship with scientists of the Dnipropetrovs'k medical academy : “Regularity of expression of neurospecifical albumen in structures of animal brain at formation of echogram memory ”, the diploma № 190, in 2002 and „ Regularity of change of cathepsin activity in structures of animal brain at formation of engram memory ”, the diploma № 337, 2007. Co-authors of these discoveries are honoured with diplomas and medals.
In 2006 State Department of intellectual property of Ukraine the decision to admit inventors who have brought the meaningful contribution to scientific and technical potential of the country was made. The best inventors of the Dnipropetrovs'k national university are : professor M.M. Dron' – the author over 50 inventions, professor O.M. Shapovalova – the author of 36 inventions, the professor F. O. Chmylenko – the author of 34 inventions and professor I.M. Spyrydonova who is the author of 29 inventions, have been awarded by the Certificates of honour and breastplates “Creator”(“Tvorets'”).