Scientific and Research Department
The Vice-rector from scientific work of the DNU since 2000 is the doctor of technical sciences, full professor Dron' Mykola Mykhailovych. Scientific interests concern: fundamental and applied problems of creation and use of space-rocket and aviation technics, a question of protection of intellectual property, formation of normative base of scientific, scientific and technical and innovative policy in higher school system.
He is the author over 50 inventions, mainly in the space branch, protected by copyright certificates of the USSR and patents of Ukraine. He is handed over the breastplate "Creator"(“Tvorets”) for № 91 according to the order of State Department of intellectual property since 8/28/2006.
Scientific work successfully combines with the fruitful pedagogical activity connected with department of designing and designs of physico-technical institute of the DNU. He has prepared a number of reference books, including with a signature stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: “Bases of patenting","The legal protection of intellectual property of the higher institution of education","The basis of the theory of protection of the information","The basis of ballistic designing of space towboats","Terrestrial space and technical means for its development". He is awarded by a sign "Excellent worker of education of Ukraine" in 1998.
He constantly takes part in preparation and certification of scientifically pedagogical personnel. He works at two specialized academic councils from protection doctor's and master's theses, in one of which he is the vice-president of council. He is a member of editorial boards of bulletins and collections of scientific works. He is the head of scientific and technical council of the DNU. He is a member of scientifically organizational council and advisory council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, section “The aerospace technics and transport”. He is the head of Coordination council of the Vice-rectors from scientific work of the Dnipropetrovs'k region, he is a member of Coordination council of the Vice-rectors from scientific work of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
He is the academician of Academy of Sciences of the Higher school of Ukraine, Academy of Ecological Sciences of Ukraine and the International Academy of Social Technologies. He is the honoured worker of a science and technics of Ukraine (in 2003). He is the winner of the award of M.K. Yangelya of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for a cycle of works from gasdynamics and dynamics of flight of flying machines (in 2005).
In the list of scientific and educationally-methodical works over 200 works which have received domestic and international recognitions among which there are the individual monography, reference books with a signature stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, more than 30 reports at conferences, including international ones.
The Research Institute of Biology is a leading scientific institution in Central and Southeast Ukraine. It provides complex scientific research and training in different fields of modern Biology, Ecology, and Nature Conservation.
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Director of the Institute of Biology Dr. Iryna IVANKO ORCID: 0000-0001-6542-1015 E-mail: ivanko_ndi_biol_dnu@i.ua, ivankoirina45@gmail.com |
The Research Institute was initially established in 1927 as the Dnipropetrovsk State Hydrobiological Station. It should study the biological state of the Dnieper River before and after the construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station and the creation of the first large water reservoir in Europe (1927–1932). The Station was reorganized into the Research Institute of Hydrobiology in 1934. Since those times, Research Institute actually became the centre of hydrobiological research in Central and Southeast Ukraine. Then the Institute broadened its area of research activity to Ecology, Zoology, Geobotany, Soil Science, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, etc. That is why it was renamed the Research Institute of Biology in 1974.
The first Director of the Institute was Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, Prof. Dmytro Svyrenko,. Then this position was occupied by Prof. H.B. Mel'nykov, Prof. P.O. Zhuravel', Prof. I.P. Lubianov, Prof. O.M. Vynnychenko, and Assoc. Prof. A.F. Kulik.
We are proud that such outstanding scientists as Prof. P.P. Shyrshov, Academician, Prof. M.F. Yaroshenko, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Prof. A.P. Travleev, Prof. S.P. Fedii, Prof. L.H. Dolhova, Prof. A.I. Vinnikov, Prof. A.I. Dvoretskyi, Prof. V.L. Bulakhov and many others were members of our research staff at different times.
Nowadays the fields of our research include but are not limited to:
• Environmental Impact Assessment;
• Biodiversity;
• Molecular Biology;
• Soil Science;
• Steppe Forestry;
• Ecosystem services;
• Invasive alien species;
• Pisciculture;
• Biotechnology;
• Ecotoxicology;
• Biomarkers and Biomonitoring;
• Biochemistry;
• Hydrobiology.
The Research Institute of Biology holds international scientific relations with many research institutions throughout the world. Most studies are devoted to applied solutions for actual tasks of the economic development in Ukraine and abroad. The Institute cooperates with industrial and agricultural enterprises of different patterns of ownership that allows implementing research advances in the real economy.
At this time, the Research Institute of Biology has six Research Laboratories, namely:
2. Research Laboratory of Biomonitoring
3. Research Laboratory of Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants
4. Research Laboratory of Hydrobiology, Ichthyology and Radiobiology
5. Research Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Microorganisms and Microbial Biotechnology
Heads of Research Laboratories
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Dr. Oleh MARENKOV Head of Research Laboratory Hydrobiology, Ichthyology and Radiobiology ORCID: 0000-0002-3456-2496 E-mail: gidrobions@gmail.com |
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Prof. Olexandr PAKHOMOV Head of Research Laboratory Laboratory of Biomonitoring ORCID: 0000-0002-5192-6140 E-mail: a.pakhomov@i.ua |
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Prof. Halyna USHAKOVA Head of Research Laboratory of Biochemistry ORCID: 0000-0002-5633-2739 E-mail: ushakova_g@ukr.net |
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Prof. Yuriy LYKHOLAT Head of Research Laboratory Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants ORCID: 0000-0003-3354-8251 E-mail: lykholat2006@ukr.net |
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Dr. Tetyana SKLYAR Head of Research Laboratory Molecular Biology of Microorganisms and Microbial Biotechnology ORCID: 0000-0003-0224-2460 E-mail: microviro@ukr.net |
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Dr. Borys BARANOVSKYI Head of Research Laboratory of Terrestrial Ecology, Forest Soil Science and Land Reclamation ORCID: 0000-0003-0732-7447 E-mail: boris.baranovski@ukr.net |
The Institute’s staff numbers more than 20 qualified employees including Doctors of Science and PhDs. Research and service laboratories are equipped with modern scientific tools.
The Research Institute of Biology is integrated into the educational process of the University and involves students in doing research at a modern scientific level.
Research Institute of Chemistry and GeologyDirector: Dr. Vitalii Palchykov
Email: palchikoff82@gmail.com
Tel. +38 066 300-71-57
The Research Institute of Chemistry and Geology of DNU (until 2019 Research Institute of Geology) is one of the oldest scientific geological institutions in Ukraine: it was established on the basis of the Department of Geology, founded in 1922 at the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute. In the period from 1930 to 1933 the institute was a branch of the Ukrainian Research Institute of People's Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian SSR, and in 1933 it was transferred to Dnipropetrovsk State University.
The Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Problems of Chemistry
The laboratory is currently conducting the basic and applied research in the following areas: (a) New types of ionic associates and complex compounds for the analysis of hydro facilities of mining enterprises, drugs, food; (b) A new component base for high-energy systems. Synthesis, modeling of energy-intensive compositions and processes of their transformation; (c) Design of N,O,S-containing heterocycles involving new catalytic systems. Experimental and theoretical research.
The main results of Research Institute activities are: development of methods for synthesis of a number of new heterocyclic systems and development of promising biologically active substances based on in silico, in vitro and in vivo tests, new energy-intensive composite materials and organometallic rate regulators for the military-industrial complex of Ukraine, available raw materials, new methods of analysis of drugs, food, etc. Well-known scientists in the field of chemistry are currently working at the Research Institute:
Prof., Dr. Sergiy Okovytyy (Rector of the DNU)
Prof., Dr. Andriy Vishnikin
Prof., Dr. Vitalii Palchykov and many others
Our Research Institute is always ready to cooperate with other scientists and companies to commercialize scientific developments and provide services for custom organic synthesis of compounds, development of methods of synthesis, purification, separation and analysis of natural and synthetic compounds, including pharmaceuticals, fuel components, composite materials, etc.
The laboratory of Geology, Hydrogeology and Geoinformatics
Since 2015, on the basis of the Research Institute of Chemistry and Geology, economic contractual topics have been carried out with Ukrchormetgeologiya to determine the chemical composition of groundwater and surface water in the territories of the Northern mining and processing plant, Ingulets mining and processing plant and Svistunov Beams. The content of major ions and microcomponents was determined. In the process of implementation of economic contract topics, the Customer was provided with consultations on the processing of the obtained results (maps, reports). Over the past 5 years, 9 articles have been published in international journals as the Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, included in the scientometric database of Web of Science.
Engineering Geology Research Group
The Laboratory of Stratigraphy and Paleontology
In order to promote the activities of the Ukrainian Working Group ProGEO (European Association for the Preservation of Geological Heritage) created a Facebook page: "Ukrainian group of Progeo" Ukrainian group is part of Central Europe (ProGEO Working Group No. 2 - Central Europe), which is constantly updated. The updated list of geological monuments of nature of Ukraine "The Ukrainian List of Representative Geosites Ukraine for Europe-wide geosites list" within the framework of participation in the International project "Geosites" is presented for the first time. (https://www.facebook.com/ukraine.group.progeo) As part of the project, a list of geological heritage sites in the Dnipropetrovsk region has been created and updated, supplemented by photographs (more than 600) and videos. Within the framework of the same project, for the first time in the history of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, a student internship was conducted in the Polish Carpathians (https://www.facebook.com/volodymyr.manyuk/videos/1331942053505853).