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Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations

72, Gagarin Avenue
Phone of dean’s office: +38 (056) 374-98-66
E-mail: dekanatfsnmv@gmail.com

Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations, building №1

Historical Information

A Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations was created on 5 December in 2005 on the base of the separation of specialties of juridical (“Philosophy”), historical (“Politology”) faculties and the sociology and psychology faculty (“Sociology”, “Social work”). More than 800 students of a day-time education study here.

The education process is provided by
75 scientific and pedagogical staff, including 11 doctors, professors, 56 candidates of sciences, associate professors, of which 1 corresponding member of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 1 academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Political Sciences, 1 Academician and 2 Corresponding Members ofthe International Academy of social Technologies and Local Government, 1 honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, two deserved teachers of Ukraine.

Structure of the Faculty Leaders

Dean of the faculty is Kryvoshein Vitaly Volodymyrovych, doctor of political sciences, professor.
Dean’s assistant of educational work is Shulika Andriy Andriyovych, candidate of political sciences, docent.
Dean’s assistant of scientific work is Vershina Victoria Anatolievna, candidate of philosophical sciences, docent. 
Dean’s assistant of educative work is Scherbak Viktor Mykhailovych, candidate of political sciences, docent.
Dean’s assistant of international cooperation is Petrov Pavlo Hrehorovich, candidate of political sciences, docent. 

Structural Subsections of the Faculty

Other structural subsections of the faculty:

Scientific-research laboratory dealing with philosophy of science and education;
Educational laboratory dealing with sociology;
Educational laboratory “Resource center of masters training”.

Educational Process at the Faculty of Social sciences and International relations

Educational Activities

Bachelors’ training is provided at the faculty at four directions: philosophy, politology, sociology;  masters are trained at four specialties: international relations, public communications and regional studios; philosophy; politology; sociology.

Practical training of the students is provided in the organs of state authority and local self-government, local centers of political parties, public organizations, research centers, medium and higher educational establishments.

Graduates of the faculty work at the educational establishments, scientific-research establishments, organs of state authority and local self-government, political parties and public organizations, informational-analytical services and connection services with the public of commercial enterprises, banks etc.

Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities

Historic-philosophical school is created at the chair. The sociology chair works out a state-budget theme “Teaching methods modernization in the conditions of credit-module system adoption: sociological aspect”.

Politology chair works out a scientific-research theme “Methodological bases, institutional opportunities and social-cultural factors of stable political development providing”. 

Training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical is realized at the faculty through a post-graduate study at such specialties: “History of philosophy”, “Social philosophy and philosophy of history”, “Philosophy of science and technique”, “Theory and history of sociology”, “Branch sociologies”, “Theory and history of political science”, ”Political institutes and processes” and doctoral studies at the “History of philosophy” specialty.

There function two specialized academic councils dealing with the doctoral dissertations defense on philosophical and political sciences at such specialties: “History of philosophy”, “Social philosophy and philosophy of history”, “Theory and history of political science”, “Political institutes and processes”.

Collections of scientific works are published at the faculty: “Visnyc of Dnipropetrovs’k university. Series: Philosophy. Sociology. Politology”; “Visnyc of Dnipropetrovs’k university. Series: “History and philosophy of science”; “Philosophy and politology in the context of a modern culture”; “Topical problems of social work theory and practice”.

Colleagues of the faculty made such monographs, textbooks:
Hnatenko P.I. National psychology. – D., 2000;
Shevtsov S.V. Metaphysics and mythologics of poetic thinking (antiquity-modernity: event-trigger dialogue). – D., 2006;
Osetrova O.O. Suicide phenomenon in the history of Western-European philosophy. – K.: Vyscha shkola., 2007;
Okorokov V.B. Structuralism and post-structuralism: Training appliance. – D., 2007;
Panfilov V.O. Philosophy of Decart’s mathematics. –D., 2001; Panfilov V.O. Philosophy of Leibniz’s mathematics. – D., 2004;
Panfilov V.O. German classical philosophy: Training appliance. – D., 2005;
Proniakin V.I. Western-European metaphysics: background, evolutional transformations, prospects: Monograph. – D., 2006;
Okorokov V.B. Metaphysics of transcendental thinking epoch: specification, essence and development trends: Monograph. – D., 2000;
Okorokov V.B. Relativistic reconstruction of phenomenological thinking typologies of E. Husserl and M. Heidegger: Training appliance. – D., 2003;
Okorokov V.B. Ontology: Training appliance. – D., 2004;
Hnatenko P.I., Okorokov V.B., Proniakin V.I., Osetrova O.O. Bases of philosophy: Training appliance. – K.: Vyscha osvita, 2009;
Shepieliev M.A. Globalization of management as a mega tendency of a modern world development: Monograph. – K.: Geneza, 2004;
Shepieliev M.A. Theory of international relationships: Training appliance. – K.: Vyscha shkola, 2004;
Kryvoshein V.V. Politology: Training appliance. – D.: RVV DNU, 2007;
Kryvoshein V.V. Systemology of political world view: Monograph. – D., 2004;
Tupytsia O.L. Trade unions in political system of a modern society: dimension of functioning. – D.: DNU publication, 2008;
Kryvoshein V.V. Political logic of risks: epistemological status, subject sphere, analytical instruments. – D.: Innovation, 2009;
Horodianenko V.H. (editor). Sociology: Training appliance. – K.: VC “Academy”, 2006;
Horodianenko V.H., Shvydka L.I., Khodus O.V., Demycheva A.V. Social science: Person. Science, World. – K.: VC “Academy”, 2006;
Mikhnenko L.V. Pension case: Training appliance. – D.: RVV DNU, 2007;
Vasyl’iev V.V. System of employees adaptation to professional activity: Monograph. – D.: DNU, 1999;
Vasyl’iev V.V., Mokriak V.L. Sociological monitoring of working activity: Training appliance. – D.: RVV DNU, 2001;
Hlazunov S.V. Sociology of a family: Training appliance. – D.: RVV DNU, 2000;
Hlazunov S.V. Administrative communication: Training appliance. – D.: RVV DNU, 2002; and other.

Students’ scientific community is created at the faculty, which works at four sections: philosophy, politology, sociology. I-st tour of Ukrainian Olympiad among students of higher educational establishments is conducted at all specialties every year. Students from “Philosophy” specialty took part in Ukrainian contest of students’ scientific works. A Philosophical discussion club “XXI century”, Politological discussion club “Forum” were organized by active participation of students from the faculty, theoretical-practical seminar “Politological disputes of young scientists” functions. Students’ scientific conference “Topical problems of political science” is held by the politology chair every year. Both students from the “Politology” specialty and students from other specialties of the faculty and university take part in this conference. 

International Connections

The faculty maintains connections with Roman University La Sapienza (Italy), Stuttgart University (German), Warsaw University (Poland), Zheshuvskyi technical university (Poland), State Oklahoma University (USA) and other.

The faculty takes part in TEMPUS JEP 26193 2005 “Crisis analysis and decision taking in Ukraine” project fulfillment. The first admission of students at “Politology” specialty was made in 2007/08 by the masters training program “Crisis analysis and decision taking” with the probation training in Roman University La Sapienza (Italy) and getting the diploma of this educational establishment. Students and teachers of the faculty take an active part in the programs of academic exchange and probation trainings.

Student's Life

Organ of student self-government – student council functions at the faculty. A Day of the faculty is held at the beginning of December; Days of specialty are held by the chairs with the active participation of students.

Students take an active part in the work of sport sections Palace of Sport, creative associations of Palace of Students. A CFI group “Bilochka” functions. Students of “Politology” specialty won the title “Miss University” twice.