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Strategic partnerships

  Cooperation between DNU and Charles University
Cooperation between DNU and Charles University was launched in 2022. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic funded the programme “Strengthening the capacities of public higher education institutions in Ukraine and Moldova in 2023”. Thanks to the programme, a joint Project of DNU and Charles University “Support for Improving the Quality of Education, Research and International Activities at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University” was implemented. It contributed to the upgrading of educational technologies at the University and the implementing research projects funded by the Project grants.

Within the framework of the Project, with the organizational support of the coordinators from Charles University, Aleksandr Kandakov, and from Dnipro University, Viktor Gasso, more than 20 joint seminars were held for researchers, teachers, graduate students and students of the Dnipro National University. During the online meetings, challenges for Ukrainian universities and ways to overcome them were discussed, namely:
- Improving the e-learning environment;
- Methodological and technical support of e-learning and digitalization for teachers and students of DNU;
- Modern didactics and use of LMS Moodle;
- Scientific seminars for research groups and students of DNU dedicated to the promotion of Open Science and Scientific Data;
- Supporting the participation of DNU in the Erasmus+ educational programme.
As a result, Ukrainian participants got 449 certificates from the Charles University. Learn more: https://www.dnu.dp.ua/news/5429

The cooperation of the DNU Scientific Library with the Central Library of Charles University helps to preserve the written sources and cultural heritage of DNU through digitization. Read more about this cooperation: https://www.facebook.com/dnu.iro/posts/269438592653334

One of the results of the Project is the purchase of modern high-quality multimedia equipment for various online events with partner universities throughout the world.

In November 2023, a respectable delegation from DNU paid a working visit to Charles University. Read more about the visit: https://www.dnu.dp.ua/news/5387, https://www.dnu.dp.ua/news/5392

Our cooperation continues. Currently, academics of DNU and Charles University seek areas of cooperation to participate in the grant programmes of the European Union.