Версія для друку

International Cooperation

Acting Vice-Rector for International Relations: Viktor Gasso,
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
Address: 72, Nauky Avenue, Dnipro, 49045, Ukraine,
Building 1, office 220
Phone: +38 (056) 374-98-30; E-mail: viktor.gasso@gmail.com

International Relations Office
Dmytro Melikhov, Acting Head of International Relations Office
Address: 72, Nauky Avenue, Dnipro, 49045, Ukraine,
Building 1, office 226
Phone: +38 (056) 374-98-89
Email:  melikhov@dnu.dp.ua,  iro.dnu226@gmail.com

Svitlana Filip, Expert of International Relations Office
Address: 72, Nauky Avenue, Dnipro, 49045, Ukraine,
Building 1, office 226
Phone: +38 (056) 374-98-89
Email:  iro@dnu.dp.ua,  iro.dnu226@gmail.com

Working hours:
Monday – Friday: 8:00 – 16:30
Lunch break: 12:00 – 13:00

Main Tasks and Functions of the Board

The main tasks of the Board are establishment and development of international contacts and international cooperation of the university in scientific, educational and other spheres by fulfilling the organizational arrangements on search of foreign partners, foreign sources for financing scientific educational activity of the university, creation of the basis for cooperation with foreign citizens, educational institutions, scientific establishments, international organizations, funds, organizational providence of the training of specialists for foreign countries.

  • elaboration of the conception of international activity of the university, its advertising and control over its implementation, study and generalization of the experience of international cooperation of higher educational establishments of Ukraine and countries of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), giving recommendations to the rector and Academic council on the priority directions of the development and improvement the work of the university in the sphere of international activity;
  • cooperation with Ministry of education and science (MES), participation in the arrangements of the MES, monitoring of the established and perspective projects and programs of international cooperation that are realized in Ukraine and abroad, analysis of terms of participation of the university and its structural divisions;
  • advertising of DNU, its international activity, participation in exhibitions and conferences, support of informational Multilanguage web-site;
  • expansion of the contacts with international organizations and partners, analysis of suggestions of the potential partners (or structural divisions of the university) concerning the areas of cooperation with foreign higher educational establishments, scientific institutions, organizations and provide the rector with the information concerning the terms of cooperation and its possible consequences;
  • to provide and execute the proceedings and other functions, stipulated in the regulations and normative requirements during the welcome of the delegations attending the university and preparation of official visits of the delegations of DNU abroad;
  • creation and maintenance of the informative basis of projects and programs of international cooperation and systems of informing of structural divisions of the university about the possibility of participation in the projects and programs and the procedure of its realization (foundation of the informational web-site of DNU on international cooperation, publishing of informational bulletins, creation of informational stands etc);
  • methodological and technical maintenance of the procedure of making up articles of agreement on international cooperation of the university in educational sphere, scientific and technical cooperation, as well as applications and other necessary papers for the participation in the international programs and projects, holding of the organizational arrangements dealing with execution and making up reports etc;
  • organization and holding of meetings, seminars, conferences, symposia etc. concerning the international activity of the university, execution of the international agreements, projects and programs;
  • monitoring of the process of the execution of international agreements, projects and programs in the university, quarterly informing the rector and Senate on its results;
  • methodological and technical support in the arrangement of meetings, seminars, conferences, symposia etc, stipulated in the terms of the execution of agreements of the university with foreign higher educational establishments, scientific institutions and educational organizations, scientific and technical cooperation;
  • assistance to the university staff in the preparation of the papers for the drawing up and organization of foreign missions;
  • preparation of the projects of orders and other papers provided in the normative requirements on foreign missions of the staff for the participation in conferences, symposia, etc;
  • control over the maintenance of the terms of missions abroad of the staff, record and generalization of the report materials;
  • analysis and generalization of the annual reports of structural divisions of the university concerning their execution of international agreements, monitoring of the executing of projects and programs, creation and provision of proper informational basis;
  • preparation of report and publicistic material on the activity of the university in the sphere of international cooperation;
  • maintenance of the contacts with professional associations and funds in the educational sphere;
  • guarantee of the execution of the decisions of Coordination board and control over its execution.

International Students Office

Address: 72, Nauky Avenue, Dnipro, 49045, Ukraine,
Building 1, floor 1, office 117
Phone: +38 (056) 374-98-16
E-mail: int.education.dnu@gmail.com

Working hours:
Monday – Friday: 8:00 – 16:30
Lunch break: 12:00 – 13:00

Structure of the department:
  • Voronov Viktor – Head of the Office;
  • Lashko Viktoriia – Senior Inspector;
  • Kysilyova Evgeniia – Inspector;
  • Zapryvoda Olena – Inspector.

The International Students Office is a structural unit of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (DNU). The Office is directly subordinated to the University`s Rector and Vice-Rector for International Relations.

The Office follows the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine «On Education», «On Higher Education», «On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons», decrees of the President of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Statute of DNU, as well as other regulatory legal acts and the Regulations on the International Students Office.

DNU: Prospects for development under wartime and postwar period

Training of international students started at DNU in 1989.

In August 1989, the Dean's Office on the Work with International Students started functioning. First foreign citizens from Mali, Zimbabwe, Peru, the Czech Republic and Laos arrived to study at DNU on the 1st of September, 1989. Nowadays, the unit of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University functions as the International Students Office. It was founded on the basis of the Dean's Office on the Work with International Students in 2007. 

Admission of foreigners for study at DNU grounds on the international treaties of Ukraine with other countries, the treaties of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with ministries of education of other countries, and contracts between DNU and international organizations and firms.

Foreigners arriving at DNU start their studies at the Preparatory Department, founded in 1991. During the preliminary training at the Preparatory Department, the main goal is forming knowledge and skills to secure further successful studying of international students in Ukraine's HEIs as well as the creation of all necessary conditions for fast adaptation to the new social and cultural environment.

The Preparatory Department provides preliminary training in engineering, technical, economic, health safety and biology, and humanitarian spheres of study. Subjects studied at the Preparatory Department are the Ukrainian Language, History of Ukraine, Biology, Fundamentals of Ukrainian and Foreign Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Techniques, Drawing, Fundamentals of Economics, and Economic and Social Geography, etc.

Main tasks:
  • recruitment of international students to study at DNU;
  • ensuring organizational and legal support for the process of training specialists for foreign countries;
  • carrying out analytical and forecasting activities to encourage foreigners to study at DNU;
  • conducting an advertising campaign to attract foreigners to study at DNU.


Main functions:

In the field of educational activities:
  • providing consultations to foreign citizens regarding admission to DNU for study;
  • providing foreigners with invitation letters to study at DNU, drawing up relevant documentation, keeping records of invitations and submitting reports on this to competent external organizations;
  • accepting, checking and storing documents provided by foreigners, completing personal files of international students, familiarizing them with the current legislation of Ukraine;
  • keeping records of applications from foreign applicants, protocols of interviews and entrance tests with applicants, as well as assisting in the preparation of documentation regarding the enrollment of PV graduates and foreign applicants as students of DNU;
  • preparing accounting documents and supporting the registration of foreigners in the State Migration Service of Ukraine, monitoring the terms of registration, validity of visas, passports and their re-issuance, preparing documents for entry and exit to Ukraine during holidays and in case of other urgent circumstances;
  • monitoring the work of the Preparatory Department for foreigners;
  • together with the Admissions Committee, conducting interviews and entrance exams with graduates of the Preparatory Department and foreign applicants for their further enrollment as students;
  • assistance in issuing diplomas and supplements for bachelor`s and master`s degrees of higher education to foreign graduates based on documents provided by the deans of the faculties, ensuring the procedure for their legalization;
  • keeping records of the movement of the international students’ contingent;
  • monitoring the implementation of the rules of stay of international students in Ukraine; providing answers to requests from foreign missions in Ukraine, and individual foreign citizens on issues of studying foreigners at DNU.

In the field of international cooperation:
  • establishing contacts with domestic and foreign legal entities and individuals, representatives of educational institutions of foreign countries to provide organizational and legal support to foreigners wishing to receive higher education at DNU;
  • disseminating information about specialities and educational programs, conditions for admission to DNU abroad;
  • studying the demand for DNU educational services among citizens of foreign countries, participating in the distribution of advertising and information materials about DNU created by faculties and departments;
  • participating in programs and events in DNU`s international cooperation.

In the areas of housing and communal services, healthcare and others:
  • monitoring the living conditions of international students in DNU dormitories;
  • protecting the rights and interests of international students;
  • supporting cultural events that contribute to mutual understanding and friendly relations among DNU students.

Current regulatory documents by the profile of the unit’s activities:
Regulations on the International Students Office of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University