Ukrainian-Polish Scientific and Cultural Center
Ukrainian-Polish Scientific and Cultural Center (UPSCC) was established according to the order by Dnipropetrovsk National University N. 254 of 14.7. 2009 UPSCC located in the 1st Educational Facility in room 615 (72, Gagarin Ave).Co-founders of UPSCC – Dean of the Ukrainian Foreign Languages and Art Faculty, PhD, professor Popova I.S. and Dean of the Faculty of History, Doctor of History, Professor Svitlenko S.I.
UPSCC coordinates cooperation of Faculty of History, Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Art, History Departments of the Jagiellonian (Krakow), Wroclaw, Lublin University, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, art centers in the cities of Katowice and Rzeszow Polyanchyk that promotes the study of historical and cultural ties between the two nations.
2009 – For the History Department students and faculty of Ukrainian and foreign philology and art UPSCC created permanent lecture: "Ukraine and Poland: historical and cultural relations";
2010-2012 – at the History Department the University carries out presentations of the monographs on Ukrainian-Polish historical ties, developed local historical excursion "Poles in pre-revolutionary Katerynoslav", "History of Poland";
2013, July, 2 – involving DNU rector, prof. Polyakov M.V., Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council Udod E.G., Consul General of Poland in Kharkiv Jan Granat, participants of the International Ukrainian-Polish archaeological expedition in the room. 313 Bldg. 1, the University opened an International Ukrainian-Polish archaeological expedition, and in the room 615 – exhibition of Ukrainian-Polish scientific and cultural center, which was presented by the coordinator of the Center, dean, prof. Svitlenko S.I.;
I International Ukrainian-Polish archaeological expedition (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine)
2013, September, 7 – Coordinator of the Centre, dean, prof. Svitlenko S.I. and Senior Science Specialist Shalobudov V.M. carried out a tour around the Starokodacki castle, organized an exhibition of artifacts for the Polish delegation consisting of Dr. of philosophy L. Balcerowicz, Consul General of Poland in Kharkiv Jan Granat and other officials;
2014, June, 20 – at the Historical Faculty of DNU there was officially opened the exhibition "The process of sixteen" about the fate of the founder of Kamensky (Dneprodzerzhinsk) Steel Plant Yasyukovych I.I. and his son Yasyukovych S.I., a member of the Polish government in London during the Second World War. The opening ceremony was attended by Vice-Consil of the Republic of Poland, Doctor of Humanities Yaqub Koralyevsky, Chairman of the Union of Poles "Ohnisko" Anton Yanovsky, dean, prof. Svitlenko S.I., scientific director of the Center Assoc. Vinogradov G.M. The exhibition was visited by representatives of the Polish community of Dnipropetrovsk, teachers and students of the DNU humanities departments, representatives of television and the press, up to 30 people;
2014, July, 7-13 – The Second International Ukrainian-Polish archaeological expedition in the territory of the province of Lower Silesia in cooperation with scientists and students of the University of Wroclaw (expedition leader representing DNU - Assoc. prof. Feschenko E.L.);

II International Ukrainian-Polish archaeological expedition (Lower Silesia, Poland)
2015, June, 15 – International Ukrainian-Polish "round table" (Dnepropetrovsk, DNU, Palace of students) for participants of which we organized a tour around Dnepropetrovsk involving the coordinator of the Center, dean, prof. Svitlenko S.I., Deputy Dean for International Cooperation, Assoc.prof. Lavrenko V.S., Assoc. prof. of Department of History of Ukraine Repan A.A.;
2015, July, 11-18 – III International Ukrainian-Polish archaeological expedition in the territory of the province of Lower Silesia in cooperation with scientists and students of the University of Wroclaw (expedition leader from DNU – Assoc. prof. Feschenko E.L.);

III International Ukrainian-Polish archaeological expedition (Lower Silesia, Poland)
2015, August – International Student plein-air in Rzeszow (Poland) involving students and teachers of DNU;
2015, September, 15 – UPSCC held a "round table", dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta and the problems of the formation of European parliamentarism, including Polish and Ukrainian history;
2015, October – joint plein-air for teachers and students of the DNU and Jagiellonian University (Krakow);
2015, October, 28 – UPSCC held a "round table", devoted to the 600th birth anniversary of one of the founders of the Polish historiography Jan Dlugosz (1415-1480);
2015, November, 10 – UPSCC held a "round table", dedicated to the 100th birth anniversary of the famous medievalist historian V.T.Syrotenko, whose life path crossed with Karol Wojtyla – the future Pope John Paul II;
2015, November, 11 – in the honor of the national holiday of rebirth of Polish statehood at the History Department DNU held "Days of Poland" by students of 4th year of history faculty who specialize in studying the history of foreign countries; there were presented 4 presentations on Polish history in XX-beginning of XXI century.
2015, November, 27 – UPSCC carried out a presentation of Oleksiy Tolochko monograph "Essays of ancient primary Ruses" and open lecture of the author at the 1st course of historical faculty of DNU;
2015, December, 1 – UPSCC held a "round table" dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Vienna Congress and its role in the history of the process of revival of Polish and Ukrainian statehood;
2015, December, 8 – UPSCC held a "round table" devoted to the topic "State crisis of Russ in 1015: Polish Catholic context".
of Ukrainian-Polish Scientific and Cultural
Center of Dnipropetrovsk National University
for 2015-2016 academic year
1. Discussion of the results of the IIIth International Ukrainian-Polish archaeological expedition in the summer of 2015 at the University of Wroclaw (Poland)
September 2015
Responsibility: Svitlenko S.I., Feschenko E.L., Vinogradov G.M.
2. Regular visits to concerts in Dnipropetrovsk Conservatory where the musicians perform works by Ukrainian and Polish composers (F.Chopin, S.Manyushko, K.Shymanovsky, Lysenko, B.Lyatoshynsky, M.Skoryk etc.).
On a regular basis
Responsibility: Svitlenko S.I., Vinogradov G.M.
3. Round table on the Russo-Polish conflict in the time of state crisis in Russ: years 1015-1024.
October 2015
Responsibility: Svitlenko S.I., Vinogradov G.M.
4. Maintaining of contacts with the public organization "Union of Poles "Ohnisko" in Dnipropetrovsk region", joint scientific and cultural events
On a regular basis
Responsibility: Svitlenko S.I., Vinogradov G.M., A. Yanovsky
5. Round table on the 200th anniversary of the Congress of Vienna 1814-1815. Formation of the Krakow Republic and publication of Constitution 1815
November 2015
Responsibility: Svitlenko S.I., Vinogradov G.M.
6. Round table on the 1015th anniversary of the establishment of the Polish state and the beginning of the Christianization of Poland
December 2015
Responsible: Kakovkina O.M., Vinogradov G.M.
7. International Students plein-air in Rzeszow (Poland) with the participation of students and teachers of DNU
August 2015
Responsibility: Popova I.S., Korsunskiy V.A.
8. Joint plein-air for teachers and students of the DNU and Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland). Meeting with the rector of the Jagiellonian University.
October 2015
Responsibility: Popova I.S., Korsunskiy V.A.
9. Joint plein-air of Ukrainian and Polish artists paintings exhibition and teachers of DNU Korsunskiy V.A., Egorova G.V. and Dorohan I.V. in Polyanchyk (Poland)
October 2015
Responsibility: Popova I.S., Korsunskiy V.A.
10. Round table on the 600th anniversary of the birthday of the founder of the Polish historiography of Jan Dlugosz (1415-1480)
December 2015
Responsibility: Kakovkina O.M., Vinogradov G.M.
11. Joint plein-air of Ukrainian and Polish Artists paintings exhibition and teachers of DNU H.V.Egorova, in Katowice (Poland)
12. Round table dedicated to 420th anniversary of the Berest Church Union (1596)
February 2016
Responsibility: Svitlenko S.I., Vinogradov G.M.
13. Round table on the Polish national holiday "Day of Remembrance of Karine"
3 of April, 2016
Responsibility: Svitlenko S.I., Vinogradov G.M., Kakovkina A.M.
14. Celebration of Day of Slavic Literature (along with the Center for Slavic Languages of the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Art)
May 2016
Responsibility: Popova I.S., Svitlenko S.I., Vinogradov G.M., Shpitko I.M.
15. Round table on the national holiday of Poland "Third of May" in memory of the Constitution of May 3, 1791
May 2016
Responsibility: Svitlenko S.I., Vinogradov G.M., Kakovkina A.M.
16. Series of lectures on topical issues of Ukrainian-Polish Historical and Cultural Cooperation
On a regular basis
Responsibility: Svitlenko S.I., Vinogradov G.M.
17. Round table on the Polish "National holiday of victory and freedom"
May 2016
Responsibility: Svitlenko S.I., Vinogradov G.M., Kakovkina A.M.