The competition for obtaining Fulbright scholarships has started
The Fulbright Program in Ukraine / Kyiv office of the Institute of International Education announces the start of accepting applications for participation in regular competitions for obtaining Fulbright scholarships for study, internship and research for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Fulbright Graduate Student Program – deadline 16.05.2023
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program – deadline 30.06.2023
Fulbright Research and Development Program – deadline 01.11.2023
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program – deadline 15.10.2023
International Relations Office
- Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study of Arts
- Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations
- Faculty of History
- Faculty of Psychology and Special Education
- Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies
- Law Faculty
- Faculty of Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Systems and Means of Mass Communication
- Physical and Technical Faculty
- Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Faculty of Biology and Ecology
- Faculty of Medical Technologies of Diagnostics and Rehabilitation
- Educational and Methodological Center of Distance and Evening Forms of Education
- Center of postgraduate education, advanced training, retraining and improvement
- Educational and Methodical Center of Pre-University Training
- Master Programs