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Virtual Exchange of Lectures with an Indonesian University

From mid-March to early May, a virtual exchange of lectures for students and teachers of technical specialties was held between DNU and the Indonesian University of Computer Science and Technology (STEKOM) as part of a bilateral cooperation agreement. Four lecturers from both universities presented their own developments on topical scientific issues.

The lecturers of DNU offered the following lectures to the Indonesian audience:

- Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Support of Electronic Computers Tetyana Yemelianenko – «Introduction to time series forecasting».

- Associate Professor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Cybernetics Oleksandr Trofimov – «Analysis of non-destructive testing data of transport communications structural elements». The lecture presents the results of cooperation with Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, which develops equipment for diagnosing the condition of the roadway, as well as with the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, which develops devices for monitoring railway structures: ballast prisms, embankments, etc.

- Head of the Department of Food Technologies, Associate Professor Natalia Kondratiuk – «Artificial intelligence in the system of personalized and collective nutrition».

- DNU has master's and bachelor's courses in personalized individual nutrition. In preparation for these lectures, I found a lot of information on food selection: smart watches, smart forks (which count the number of chewing movements), smart refrigerators (which track when food is running out and offer to make a purchase, and also track the shelf life of food), – Natalia said. – In addition, there is now a lot of robotics that is used in the production and serving of dishes. Personalized nutrition cards are created in special programs to create a healthy diet. I told my listeners about all this. For me, it was a very powerful experience of communicating with a foreign audience, because the lecture was attended by experts from different countries and different fields of knowledge. It's great that we all found a common language in this project. I was also very pleased that I was able to answer questions from experts in the field of artificial intelligence. They have opened new niches for the realization of their knowledge, and we will be more confident in promoting the idea of using artificial intelligence in the field of healthy eating.

- Head of the Department of Mechanotronics, Professor Sergiy Alekseenko – «The physical mechanism of aircraft icing». His author's lecture is based on the results of personal experimental research conducted during an international internship in Germany at the Technical University of Braunschweig. While on a business trip to Turkey as part of the Mevlana academic exchange program in 2019, Sergiy Viktorovych gave a series of lectures on this topic to Turkish professors and graduate students.

Indonesian experts prepared lectures for Ukrainian students:

- «Digitization of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to enter international markets». The lecturer: Wibi Ardi Alvianto, Director of Student Affairs and lecturer at the Department of Graphic Design;

- «The importance of information asset security». The lecturer: Maya Utami Dewi, lecturer at the Department of Information Systems;

- «Software quality». The lecturer: Migunani, Head of the Department of Information Systems;

- «Application of infrared digital images in information technologies». The lecturer: Setiyo Adi Nugroho, lecturer at the Department of Computer Graphics.

The moderators of the event were Dmytro Melikhov, Acting Head of the Department for Work with International Organizations and Foreign Partners of DNU, and Anggi Novita Sari, a specialist of the STEKOM International Relations Department, who provided organizational support and translation for their representatives in the «Questions and Answers» section.

All students will receive certificates of participation in the virtual exchange.

Lectures by Indonesian specialists are available for viewing on the Facebook page of the Department for Work with International Organizations and Foreign Partners of DNU:

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