Victory of Ukrainian Beauty!
During September 27-October 1, the World Beauty Contest Mrs. Millenium Universe-2023 was held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) with the support of the United Nations, the Ministry of Tourism of Malaysia, and the Ministry of Culture of Malaysia.

Anastasia Mohylova, Professor of the Department of Marketing and International Management of the Faculty of Economics of DNU, was delegated to this contest as an ambassador and public figure of the Charitable Foundation “Stefania Dnipro” and became its winner.

At the beauty contest, the Ukrainian participant told the whole world about the war and the struggle of Ukrainians for the present and future of their country. In particular, Anastasia Mohylova unfurled a Ukrainian flag with the signatures of Ukrainian soldiers and military personnel immediately upon arrival. During the five-day competition, Anastasia spoke about the national culture of her home country and folk traditions, and presented the beauty of folk costumes, such as embroidered shirts and other national symbols, made by Ukrainian designers. She began each of her speeches with the words “Good evening! We are from Ukraine!”, explaining the meaning of this expression and calling for peace.

In addition to the main title of Mrs. Millennium Universe, Anastasia received the title of “Global Ambassador for Peace” from the United Nations, as well as the title of International Face Magazine from the Ministry of Tourism of Malaysia and a photo shoot for the cover of an international beauty magazine.
We congratulate our colleague and wish her new victories!
Інформаційно-аналітичне агентство
Дніпровського національного університету
- Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study of Arts
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