Science for Peace and Security: DNU Expert at the NATO Workshop
At the end of October, a NATO scientific workshop was held in Istanbul (Türkiye) as part of the Science for Peace and Security (SPS) program. The event was devoted to the problems of protecting civilian infrastructure from terrorist attacks.

Andrii Dreus, a professor at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Head of the Department of Aerohydromechanics and Energy and Mass Transfer, was invited to participate in the workshop as a guest speaker.
DNU expert had an online master class on mathematical modeling of the processes of propagation of shock waves, chemical, biological and radioactive pollutants arising from terrorist attacks.

The workshop participants got acquainted with the experience of DNU, where modern mathematical models of such processes were demonstrated, as well as the consequences of the actions of the russia as a terrorist-state in Ukraine during a full-scale invasion.
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