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Exhibition of Poland at DNU

Dnipropetrovsk National University hosted the exhibition "The process of sixteen," about one of the tragic moments in Polish history. The exhibition was opened by the Vice-Consul of the Republic of Poland, doctor of humanities degree in history Jakub Koralevski. "The process of Sixteen" is poorly studied dramatic page of Polish and Ukrainian history of the twentieth century. The tragedy of 16 members of the London Polish government in exile was that they came to be invited to the Yalta Conference but were arrested in Moscow with violation of international law and human rights.
"This part of the history is little known even in Poland. This exhibition shows to the society that there is always a choice, there is an alternative, but it must be fought for, it must be aspired. The overwhelming part of the activists, presented at the exhibition, have given their lives for democratic values ​​and democratic development of Poland after World War II - said Jakub Koralevski. - The most part of these activists ended up tragically, while they could have been real elite of Poland after the Second World War."
According to Vice-Consul Mr. Koralevski, the Faculty of History at DNU was chosen not at random, as it is now one of the largest research centers in Ukraine on Ukrainian-Polish history and implements programs of scientific and academic exchanges with universities in Poland. Sergiy Svitlenko said that last year DNU organized the first Ukrainian-Polish archaeological expedition with participation of teachers and students of the University of Wroclaw. This year's second expedition will take place in Lower Silesia province with participation of a delegation of teachers and students of DNU. Also the historical faculty actively participate in the Ukrainian-Polish Committee of Experts on improving of the content of school textbooks on history and geography.
Dnipropetrovsk Polish community "Ohnysko" was presented at the meeting by the chairman Anton Yanovsky. He described the activities of the community to revive the folk traditions of Polish Language and Culture and invited young people for cooperation. The exhibition will run until 10 July 2014.

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Дніпровського національного університету

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