Secrets of Governance and Risk Management from an American Expert
At the end of March, Dr. Mark H. Siegel, a world-renowned American expert in risk management, met with students of the Faculty of Economics at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. He gave an open lecture to the students of Dnipro on “The Importance of Governance, Compliance and Risk Management in International Trade. Risk management - its importance in international trade and business”.

Mark H. Siegel is a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (Biochemistry/Environmental) and is a consulting engineer. Dr. Siegel is currently President and CEO of M Siegel Associates LLC and the Global Security and Resilience Project Manager for the Master of National Security Studies program at San Diego State University (SDSU). He is also a faculty member of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at California State University, San Marcos (CSUSM). Currently, he is working in Ukraine and Moldova to implement integrated quality, governance, compliance and risk management systems and, as President of the American Multinational Jewish Federation, supports humanitarian aid and capacity building efforts for non-governmental and community organizations in our countries.

In his lecture, the American expert outlined current trends in organizational management, compliance and risk management. In particular, Mr. Siegel shared with the Dnipro audience the methods of continuous improvement of the organization's structure and development of a holistic and effective management system.

As an example of such a successful cooperation between universities and society and business, Dr. Siegel cited the experience of his hometown of San Diego.

From the American professor's speech, interested students learned more about the rules of successful risk management. Mr. Siegel, by the way, reviewed in detail the various definitions, standards and sources of risks, analyzed changes in views on risk management and risk assessment, and provided valuable recommendations.
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