The International Conference “Prospects of Hydro-Ecological Research in the Context of Local and Global Consequences of Warfare”
The International Conference “Prospects of Hydro-Ecological Research in the Context of Local and Global Consequences of Warfare” will be held on 2024, September 18–20, at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine. IX Congress of the Hydroecological Society of Ukraine will be held as part of this Conference.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is partially funding the Conference

Organizing Committee contact person:
Dr. Viktoriia Kurchenko,
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
490045, 72, Nauky Avenue, Dnipro, Ukraine
E-mail: hydro.ndl@gmail.com
Tel. (mob): +380 99 3011632
Інформаційно-аналітичне агентство
Дніпровського національного університету
- Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study of Arts
- Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations
- Faculty of History
- Faculty of Psychology and Special Education
- Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies
- Law Faculty
- Faculty of Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Systems and Means of Mass Communication
- Physical and Technical Faculty
- Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Faculty of Biology and Ecology
- Faculty of Medical Technologies of Diagnostics and Rehabilitation
- Educational and Methodological Center of Distance and Evening Forms of Education
- Center of postgraduate education, advanced training, retraining and improvement
- Educational and Methodical Center of Pre-University Training
- Master Programs