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Study Visit to Tampere University within DigiFLEd Project

From 18 to 23 August 2024, a team of lecturers from the Department of English for Non-Philological Specialities of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University took part in the third study visit within the DigiFLEd project to Tampere University, Finland. Professor Olena Hurko, Assistant Professors Nataliia Styrnik, Yulia Honcharova and lecturer Svitlana Riabovol exchanged experience with colleagues from partner-universities from Finland, Ireland, Greece, and Ukraine.

The visit began with ambitious plans and exciting expectations. Every day our participants took part in various educational activities. The main purpose of the study visit was to immerse ourselves in the world of modern technologies and training methods, including machine translation and TRADOS. Attending training sessions is a great opportunity to familiarise yourself with the latest technologies that can be implemented in the educational process to improve the quality of translation and facilitate work with students. In addition, during the visit, our teachers had the opportunity to explore the nuances of academic writing and analyse assessment methods.


One of the highlights of the visit was the involvement in the world of gamification of foreign language teaching. DNU representatives learnt how to use game elements to make learning more captivating and effective and to engage students in active language learning. Considerable attention was paid to the latest applications for surveying and testing students’ knowledge.

All these days were full not only of learning but also of pleasant moments of communication with colleagues. The beauty of Tampere’s magical lakes, the hospitality of the Finns and the support of colleagues fostered an atmosphere of creative inspiration and harmony. After each unique day, the teachers enjoyed the beauty of nature, relaxed and shared the acquired knowledge.

At the end of the visit, DigiFLEd participants shared their impressions and outlined further plans for the project. All participants returned home with new ideas and inspiration to implement the knowledge gained in their work. This visit was a further step towards modernising educational programmes and improving the quality of education at our university. The team of project participants from DNU is sincerely and immensely grateful to our Finnish colleagues!

Інформаційно-аналітичне агентство
Дніпровського національного університету

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