DNU Students are European Champions in Yal Rowing
Ivan Nazarenko and Danylo Yemchenko, students of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, became gold medalists of the European Team All-Around Championships in the category of yal rowing.

The international yal rowing tournament, which took place from October 18 to 20 in Greece (Agia Triada, Thessaloniki), is the first European championship of its kind. This and other competitions were attended by 15 teams (about 120 athletes) from Switzerland, Estonia, Greece, Israel, Sweden, Germany, Belgium and Ukraine.

It is worth noting that all the boats were brought from Ukraine, as the championship was supported by the All-Ukrainian Trade Union of Defenders of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Sea Multisport Federation, the Union of Ukrainians in Greece, and the Consul of Ukraine in Greece Yevhen Shkvyra.

Danylo Yemchenko, a student of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies, won the title of the European Yal Rowing Champion in the general category.
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