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A Graduate of the DNUof Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics is One of the Developers of the Legendary Game

On November 20, an extraordinary and long-awaited event for gamers around the world took place – the release of the cult game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. Among the team of developers of this game was a graduate of Dnipro National University, a former student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Anton Ryabchuk.

Immediately after the game's release, Anton held a presentation exclusively for the students of his Alma Mater. He told the interested students about some of the technologies used in the creation of computer games, cooperation with global IT industry giants such as NVIDIA, and his work at GCS Game World, which is a leading Ukrainian game development company and a vivid example of a successful and patriotic world-class business.

The presentation was held as part of the elective course “Organization and Management of IT Projects” for students of different faculties of our university.

Інформаційно-аналітичне агентство
Дніпровського національного університету

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