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New Conference Hall at DNU – New Opportunities

On November 13, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University presented a new conference hall created with the sponsorship of international partners.

One of the auditoriums has been transformed into a stylish and modernly equipped conference room for events of any format: offline working meetings or online consultations, meetups with foreign partners, international broadcasts and online workshops, international and national scientific conferences, dissertation defenses, etc.

The room has everything you need for this: an interactive whiteboard, a webcam and speaker systems, a conference table with speakerphones for 20 seats, and chairs with conference bases for other participants.

The modernization of the university classroom and its transformation into a communication location is the result of co-financing under two international grants from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the American Simons Foundation International, Ltd.

Namely, within the framework of the Czech government's grant program “Strengthening the Capacity of Public Universities in Ukraine and Moldova”, a subsidy was provided for the implementation of the project 23-PKVV-UM-4 “Support for improving the quality of teaching, research and international activities at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (DNU)” to create this conference room. The organizational support of the project from the Czech side was provided by good friends of Alma Mater – colleagues from Charles University (Prague) under the general supervision of the Rector, Ms. Milena Kralíčková. From our side, the project was implemented by Viktor Gasso, Acting Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work in the Field of International Cooperation, and specialists from the Department of International Relations and Academic Exchanges of DNU. In particular, all the multimedia equipment was purchased and installed with the allocated funds. As a sign of gratitude to our Czech partners-grantors, the room was branded with their logos.

The furniture for the conference room was purchased with funds allocated by the Simons Foundation (USA) for the project “Support for Leading Researchers of DNU” under the program PD-Ukraine: President Directed – Ukraine Support Grants program. The realization of this opportunity for DNU was supervised by the Vice-Rector for Research Oleh Marenkov.

The practical implementation of a large-scale international idea to open a new conference hall united various structural units of the university. The finishing works and switching of technical multimedia equipment were the joint work of the employees of the administrative and economic department, specialists of the IT Resource Center and the UNI-Press information and analytical agency.

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Дніпровського національного університету

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