Presentation of the German DAAD scholarships at DNU
Dnepropetrovsk National University carried out a presentation of DAAD scholarships for Ukraine in 2015/2016 academic year.

At the meeting with the lecturer of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at Dnepropetrovsk National University, the students of different courses and majors learn about the features of higher education, training opportunities and scholarships in Germany. First of all, Mr. Olaf Mittelshtras described in details the very German Academic Exchange Service and its activities in Ukraine and presented an overview of scholarship programs that can be useful for Ukrainian Students of II-V courses, graduates, postgraduates and researchers with a good knowledge of German or English.
Particular attention Mr. Olaf Mittelshtras drew on requirements and general conditions in Germany. "Please note that the requirements that apply to students in higher education may be different in variuos parts of the country. So, before you apply to a particular German universities, applicants need to collect information concerning specific admission requirements (certified level of language proficiency, required documents etc.). Usually this information is available at the university, "- said Mr. Olaf. Incidentally, he also stressed that, unlike higher education institutions of UK and US, where the cost of education is high enough, the German universities offer study for free or at minimal cost. For example, a semester at German university can cost from 0 to 500 euro ", - he said.
The cooperation between Dnepropetrovsk National University and DAAD has been going on for years. Under this program more than 10 years the teachers of German language from Germany work at DNU, our scientists conduct research with German colleagues, teachers of the Department of Germanic Philology practice in Germany and the students are members of various scholarship and grant programs.
DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) - is the largest organization in the world in international academic exchange, their exchange programs of students and scientists (of which there are over 200) DAAD covers all disciplines and countries. As a self-governing organization of higher education institutions in Germany it unites 229 member universities and 123 student organizations and performs mediation for foreign cultural, scientific and educational policy of the country. Today DAAD has 14 overseas offices and 50 information centers (IC) and 457 lectorates worldwide and awards about 60 000 scholarships a year.
Find out more about scholarship programs for Ukraine to 2015/2016 school year and see the list of required documents for submission at Kyiv office of DAAD: http://www.daad.org.ua.
Інформаційно-аналітичне агентство
Дніпровського національного університету
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