Joint Project "Digital Ukraine": Interim Results and Prospects
The next stage of the international project "Digital Ukraine" is coming to an end, in which three higher education institutions participate: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Odessa National University of Economics and our long-standing reliable partner - Mittweid University of Applied Sciences (Germany).

From July 2022 to today, within the framework of the project, 67 students of our university have been awarded a special scholarship, which was paid to them by our partner German university. This year, 18 students of the Faculty of Economics received such a scholarship.
Thus, the project participants took a course on the subject "International Management" from Ukrainian and German teachers. The students also prepared scientific articles for publication in a German collection of scientific papers, 5 of which were selected for submission to an international interuniversity student conference. The finalists were Liliya Dzhiga (gr. ED-23m-1), Andriy Kosman (gr. EP-24m-1), Alina Rybalko (gr. EP-24m-1), Sofia Salamanina (gr. ED-23m-1) and Kateryna Sokolova (gr. EP-23m-1), who presented their work at the conference on November 13, 2024 in an online format. Young scientists from DNU prepared a speech and presentation of their work.

The first place was taken by Sofia Salamanina, a student of the Department of Marketing and International Management. She received an additional cash prize as a reward. The other four finalists were awarded special valuable gifts and a cash prize.
It should be noted that the international project "Digital Ukraine" has been extended until the end of June 2025. Thank you to our partners for their fruitful work!
Інформаційно-аналітичне агентство
Дніпровського національного університету
- Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study of Arts
- Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations
- Faculty of History
- Faculty of Psychology and Special Education
- Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies
- Law Faculty
- Faculty of Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Systems and Means of Mass Communication
- Physical and Technical Faculty
- Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Faculty of Biology and Ecology
- Faculty of Medical Technologies of Diagnostics and Rehabilitation
- Educational and Methodological Center of Distance and Evening Forms of Education
- Center of postgraduate education, advanced training, retraining and improvement
- Educational and Methodical Center of Pre-University Training
- Master Programs