Estonian Experience in Rehabilitation for Ukraine
Tallinn Medical College, together with the Estonian Center for International Development, implemented a large-scale internship project to improve the skills of Ukrainian medical workers engaged in occupational therapy. With the participation of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the selection of participants for interviews with college representatives was coordinated. Following the results of the competitive selection, the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Technologies of Diagnostics and Rehabilitation of DNU, Professor Olga Voronkova, joined the “Occupational Therapy Internship” project in Estonia.

The internship took place at the units of the North Estonian Medical Center and at the Tallinn Medical College (Tallinn, Estonia) during October-November 2024. The participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of leading rehabilitation centers in Estonia, visit an enterprise engaged in the production and maintenance of assistive devices, take master classes from leading specialists and actually undergo an internship in the rehabilitation department of one of the Estonian medical institutions selected for the project.
One day of the Ukrainian specialists’ training was devoted to a master class on manufacturing upper limb orthoses.
The participants of the internship also visited the largest Estonian enterprise for the production and maintenance of assistive devices, Invaru, where they got acquainted with various types of assistive devices and technologies and tried them on themselves. These include wheelchairs, specialized seats, communication devices, and assistive devices for performing activities in everyday life. Ukrainian specialists saw how a device is selected, the possibilities of its additional adjustment, learned about the social guarantee program and the accessibility of these technologies for people with disabilities.
At the Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre (HNRC), Ukrainian occupational therapy specialists got acquainted with the operation of modern technological equipment for the treatment of patients with cerebral palsy and spinal injuries. This center is one of the most powerful in Northern Europe and is equipped with the most modern equipment.
Particular attention is paid to the rehabilitation of children with disabilities. At the Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre (HNRC), the main profile of work is helping children with cerebral palsy. To make their lives as close as possible to their peers, an inclusive playground has even been equipped on the territory of the institution.
The rehabilitation program in Estonia lasted 21 days.
They spent 1 day a week at the psychiatric clinic. During this time, they had the opportunity to get acquainted with the features of interviewing a patient, with the method of vibration therapy, join classes in cognitive therapy, landscape therapy (walks with patients to the sea coast through a forest park area), art therapy with drawing.

During the internship, each participant was assigned a tutor who provided training. Huge gratitude to our Estonian colleagues for their willingness to share knowledge, their consistently friendly attitude, and their sincere support for Ukraine.
At the solemn ceremony dedicated to the completion of the internship, all participants received certificates of successful completion of the program.

The Ukrainian delegation is sincerely grateful to all citizens of Estonia for their unwavering support for Ukraine in these difficult times. On November 19, on the 1000th day of the war, Estonians, together with Ukrainians, came to Freedom Square and lit 1000 candles.

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Дніпровського національного університету
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